
Kings-of Beer-officeary-FT-Blog0719.jpg
信贷:Gravitas Ventures


作为最大的全球啤酒品牌之一,Budweiser把这个概念带到心里。像许多大品牌一样,芽在世界各地的多种设施中酝酿着,使得一致 - 或者至少一致的饮酒者会期望摆脱百威的 - 甚至更棘手。Anheuser-Busch将酿酒商保持在脚趾上的方式之一是让它们相互竞争 - 现在,竞争正在获得特征电影处理。

啤酒国王被设定为在8月2日通过iTunes等服务抵达选择剧院和需求 - 这是一个82分钟的电影,由Budweiser联合生产,这些电影在景象后面看看这场比赛,其中“来自65名Breweries和23个国家的Budweiser Brewmasters”的比赛看看“谁可以在12个月的时间内酿造最好,最持续的美国储藏们[和]带回家令人垂涎的全球Brewmaster杯。”

啤酒国王是一种特殊的电影,不仅因为百威啤酒的role in America’s brewing history, but because for the first time we are able to offer audiences a seat in our tasting room for a firsthand look at our very personal and competitive process,” Pete Kraemer, Budweiser’s chief global brewmaster (who also appears in the film, said in the announcement. “We hope this film will shed light on the complexity of brewing and inspire more brewmasters to come.”

Since the flick partly produced by Budweiser, you’ll likely have moments where it skews towards advertisement territory, but at the same time, through years of talking to people at Anheuser-Busch while covering the beer industry, I’ve heard about this competition, and also been told that, yes, people within the company take it very seriously. So will啤酒国王击败狂欢观看陌生人的东西还可能不是。但它可能被证明比一串“折扣,折扣”商业更有趣。