Canton de Vaud, one of Switzerland's most stunning regions, has become a hub of extraordinary dining. Here's where to eat
Vevey, Switzerland
Credit: Pintai Suchachaisri/Getty Images

When one thinks of瑞士在南部与日内瓦湖接壤的山区和西部的山区地区,在其烹饪景观之前可能会想到很多事情。实际的景观是:Vaud以其远景而闻名,尤其是Placid Lake,Evian,France和Alpine Silhouette的景观。

这是一个充满奇迹的地区,Vaud。它的首都洛桑(Lausanne)是奥林匹克总部和博物馆的所在地,以及世界上唯一的7,000台,600万英尺的意大利人设计的器官,这是在哥特式巴黎圣母院de Lausanne大教堂中发现的。在夏天,成群的音乐爱好者涌入了蒙特勒(Vaudoise City)蒙特勒(Vaudoise City)的爵士音乐节(大概是摆在皇后乐队雕像前,弗雷迪·水星(Freddie Mercury)的雕像)。查理·卓别林(Charlie Chaplin)在美国被制作成角色之后,弗吉(Vevey)是一个庆祝沉默寡言的戏剧者生活和职业的博物馆所在地。

Lake Geneva
信用:Genyphyr Novak/Getty Images

冬季运动中的党派人士向东进入vaudoise阿尔卑斯山,以进行所有可以召集的滑雪行动,而在中世纪的城堡Veytaux-Chillon则启发了迪士尼在The Little Mermaid栖息在湖岸。

Make no mistake, however, the food and wine scene in Vaud should be one of your top reasons for visiting the Swiss region. After all, it is home to the餐厅de l'Hotel de Ville de Crissier,这三个米其林星级奇迹是世界上每家最好的餐厅。


3 Sifflets

如果您喜欢用字面的歌曲和舞蹈的一面来餐点,那么您可以在Vevey镇发现3个Sifflets。这家因其传统瑞士奶酪火锅而闻名的休闲餐厅,距离Vevey的标志性酒店(Vevey)的标志性酒店(Les Trois Couronnes, situated on the main thoroughfare of rue du Simplon. The entire restaurant grinds to a halt as your choice of an assortment of fondue flavors is brought to your table by a server in makeshift regimental regalia, carrying the red and white national flag on a post and announcing that your fondue is yours for the savoring over the blare of patriotic music. In a flash, the kitsch display dies down and you are back in the quietude for which the Swiss are renowned, dipping your pieces of bread into silken melted cheese.3 Sifflets

Domaine Bovy Winery

Vaud’s Lavaux countryside—a UNESCO World Heritage site—is the location of one of the most idyllic vineyard terraces one can fathom, with the seemingly-ceaseless rows of grape vines stretching to the mouth of Lac Léman. Of the several vineyards where one can try a glass or three of Chasselas, a dry white varietal with distinctive full, fruity flavor that is essentially synonymous with Swiss wine, the family-owned, boutique Bovy winery is one that is sure to please. Sit on the charming veranda overlooking the lake for a tasting of wine and tapas after a member of the family has given you a tour of their cellar in which the oak barrels have been hand-painted with renaissance scenes by Maurice Bovy, some dating back over 100 years.Domaine Bovy

Ze Fork

以巨大的叉子粘在Vevey的日内瓦湖之外的巨型叉子贴,tines木的雕塑,这是一家巨大的颂歌,到附近的Alimentarium食品博物馆,位于Promenade湖的海岸线上,Ze Fork是一家时尚餐厅亚搏电竞迷你prix-fixe菜单的汇编被味道主题分解。“Les Champs”(例如,田野)提供了三个品尝鹿的品尝部分,鹿,蓝莓,葫芦和野猪的火腿和火腿和ballotine野鸡,而”La Mer,”您猜对了,以富有想象力的海鲜菜肴品尝。亚搏电竞有多个主题可以选择,因此有多种原因返回Ze Fork

La Suisse

Cruise company CGN operates a number of gourmet cruises, serving breakfast, lunch or dinner, aboard their beautiful Belle Epoch paddle steamers that glide down Lake Geneva. Profit from envious, mobile views of Vaud’s towns and mountains while you eat like royalty. Book a lunch reservation for La Suisse, CGN’s flagship, and enjoy a classic three-course meal in a dining room that might as well be straight out of the imagination of Cecil Beaton. Be sure to let your server know when you board at which stop you must get off to ensure all your courses are served on time, as you do not want miss out on Switzerland’s most famous dessert: crispy meringues showered in fresh double cream from Gruyère, the medieval village in Vaud’s neighboring canton, Fribourg。CGN美食巡游

Breakfast at The Beau Rivage Palace

Lausannois hotel Beau Rivage Palace is perhaps Vaud’s most exclusive and historic hotel. Boasting an impressive roll-call of celebrity guests (many of whom are pictured on a wall of framed, signed, black-and-white photos on the hotel's lowest floor), Beau Rivage Palace is perhaps most known in the culinary world as home of French chef Anne-Sophie Pic’s two-Michelin-starred, eponymous Swiss outpost.

Beau-Rivage Palace Hotel
信用:Fabrice Coffrini/Getty Images

然而,同样令人印象深刻的是酒店的早餐服务。Beau Rivage Palace的早餐是由令人惊叹的自助餐展示和点菜服务组成的,是一件精致的外遇,并具有相同的柔软优雅和柔和的奇思妙想。仅选择面包的痛苦选择,羊角面包,痛苦的巧克力和其他酵母愉悦的选择,每张桌子上的银巢状篮子都层叠起来,足以表明一个人可以放纵。熏制的鲑鱼是一种特别的喜悦,必须订购新鲜的果汁。由于您已经在Beau Rivage Palace Felence中晒太阳,因此早餐后,在现场进入Cinq Mondes Spa,并通过重新焕发活力的按摩来解决您的豪华早晨。Beau Rivage Place


At the modern restaurant Eligo, in Le Flon, Lausanne’s bustling quartier, chef Guillaume Rainex reigns in a kitchen separated from diners in the sparsely-decorated restaurant only by a thin glass membrane. Foodies flock to the 15 Gault-Millau point (and one Michelin-starred) restaurant to watch the quiet and studious chef alchemize fresh, seasonal, locally-sourced produce into creations such as seared tuna with gelée and frosted yoghurt. The tuna is warm, supple, salty; the gelée is sweet; the frosted yoghurt infuses the dish with an opposing yet harmonious dash of grainy coldness: this is the sort of inventiveness that can be expected from an outing to Eligo. Save room for dessert, which is just as impressive as the rest of the menu, especially if you order the soufflé.埃利戈