学分:©Ethan Fixell

诚然,作为一名已婚饮料作家,经常去上班,我在维持自己的关系职责方面yabo电竞投注可能会非常糟糕。(我的妻子黛比(Debbie)可能会说,甚至是慷慨的评估。)所以当我得知Dogfish Head Brewery最近开放它自己的旅馆in Lewes, Delaware, I was hit with inspiration: What if I could turn an assignment to cover one of the greatest beer-producers in the world into a romantic escape with m'lady? Debbie may not be a huge drinker, but I happen to know that Dogfish Head is an excellent gateway brewery: the brand's culinary-themed inspirations and collaborations with other non-beer-related brands make it accessible to even tepid beer drinkers.

And so, I ventured with my wife from our home in New York City to the ale-themed hotel in an attempt to spin a stay there – and all self-indulgent visits to nearby brewery-owned attractions – into a sexy rekindling of our love for one another. Below is a play-by-play of the twenty-hour vacation. Follow my lead if you want to trick – er,your partner too.

下午6:15-The Dogfish Inn, Lewes, DE

经过四个小时的前进,我们到达了旅馆。它位于高速公路旁的角落并不是特别美丽,但刘易斯本身很迷人:黛比已经在海滨景色和古朴的小商店望而却步。刘易斯也恰好是Dogfish创始人Sam Calagione居住的小镇。虽然他没有在所有酒店的床上都睡着以保持与球迷的亲密关系(只是一个建议,山姆),但他从他在镇上的任何周六下午5点至6点,在停车场附近的公共篝火旁出现(我们想念他,星期四到达)。

由Dogfish Head和Brooklyn的造型造型Studio Tack, our room looks like a sleepaway camp bunk for a classy bachelor. We also notice a delightful woodsy scent in the air, which happens to be the Juniper RidgeSierra Granite Cabin Room Spray客人到达之前,酒店看护人在每个房间里喷了。温暖,松树的香气让人想起一座山小屋,Deb开始向夏令营的愉快闪回发音。到目前为止,辅导员Ethan正在杀死它。

The one surprising disappointment so far is that, despite its ownership, the Inn offers no beer for purchase. Apparently the property didn't come equipped with a liquor license, and Calagione decided not to apply for one out of respect to his friends and neighbors who own the nearby restaurants and bars that serve Dogfish Head beer. Each room does, however, provide guests with all the tools they'll need to bring beer to their rooms, such as an empty growler and a mounted bottle opener.

其他不错的触感包括我们床上漂亮的羊毛毯子(与Woolrich的合作), and a beer infused soap made from a reduction of Dogfish's 60 minute IPA and olive oil in partnership with local soapmakersThe Parsonage。This luxury item must be an expensive giveaway, but it seems Dogfish would rather spend money on usable accouterments than on frivolous decorations or fancy furniture. Fine with me, as Debbie is already washing her face with the stuff, moaning, "Mmm, it smells so good -- I want it all over me!"


7:00PM –Dogfish Head Brewery, Milton, DE

Brewery tours can be痛苦对于那些不特别喜欢啤酒的人来说很无聊。但是,如果您以令人难以置信的吸引食品饮食的啤酒品尝伴侣,那么您就可以在不抗议的情况下将他或她拖到轮胎工厂之旅中。亚搏电竞

我们开始品尝巧克力龙虾,一种强大的搬运工,酿造了现场龙虾和深色可可粉 - Debbie很感兴趣。当我们浏览选秀清单时,她对每种啤酒的每种创新性的相关性感到震惊,但最吸引人Festina Pêche, a tart Berliner Weisse brewed with fresh peaches.

当我们与Bar Lead Dwayne Johnson(与岩石无关)的啤酒厂一起游览时,Debbie正在努力和abhing设备,即使我觉得很无趣。为了达成这笔交易,我称赞她在啤酒厂发行的防护堵塞中看起来多么可爱,她被要求戴在脚上,她脸红了。(尽管可能只是酒精。)


8:05PM –切萨皮克和缅因州,Rehoboth Beach,de

It only makes sense that a brewery at the forefront of infusing beer with food would use beer in the dishes at its own restaurant. Such is the case at Dogfish's Chesapeake & Maine, a seafood eatery featuring dishes such as mussels steamed withNamastewheat beer, and lobster-beef burgers with "beernaise" sauce. But it's the smoke-infused oysters, raised in smoked sea salt-infused water, that really get the party going. At least, that's what I'm hoping as I feed my wife delicious aphrodisiac after aphrodisiac on the half shell.

最重要的是,牡蛎与Dogfish的搭配得很好Seaquench Ale, a thirst-quenching blend of Kolsch, Gose, and Berlinerweiss brewed with lime, Chesapeake sea salt, and coriander. It's literally the liquid embodiment of the entire restaurant.

我为妻子提供了用狗鱼制成的桶装鸡尾酒Analog VodkaorCompelling Gin,但她已经深入了三分之二Midas Touch, a beer-wine-mead hybrid that she can't stop raving about. I've never before seen Debbie trade spirits for beer – but then again, she hadn't been to Delaware yet.

晚上10:32 -Dogfish Head Brewings&Eats,Rehoboth Beach,de

经过the time Debbie is rolling me out of the restaurant and down the street to Dogfish's original brewpub, I have no idea how I can eat or drink anything else. That is, until I notice an exclusive brew on the menu called啤酒for Breakfast, a version of Dogfish's菊苣烈性黑啤酒(made with Mexican coffee, chicory, and licorice root), souped up with lactose sugar, maple syrup, wood-smoked barley, dark roast coffee, and Rapa scrapple. That's right: beer made with actual猪零件糊状



我们一起完成了其余的啤酒,同时将头摇头参加新奥尔良放克乐队的现场表演Big Sam's Funky Nation,并拿起一堆东西。

11:25PM -The Dogfish Inn, Lewes, DE

We return to our hotel room with every intention of heading to the fire pit to play a game of corn hole and enjoy our Beer For Breakfast stash, but never make it out.

上午9:15 -花蜜Café & Juice Bar, Lewes, DE

醒来后,我们直接前往酒店办公室,在那里我们签出并抓住用慕尼黑麦芽和菊苣制成的Dogfish Cookory Stout咖啡,去。

Our final stop before heading back to New York is花蜜,您在整个该死的生活中看到的最可爱的小早餐点。它不属于Dogfish Head,而是新鲜果汁,蓝莓煎饼和可爱的小容器的果酱和蜂蜜的小容器,您别无选择 - 不仅要购买 - 不仅要在家享用,而且您的伴侣将会解释,但要保留啤酒燃料过夜的纪念品,这不会很快被遗忘。