
“关于Los Angeles这使得它特别是你可以把你想要的东西放在菜单上,从你想要的那样拉扯,“米歇尔·洪都说。“因为你有熟悉这么多类型的种族美食的人,这将在这里有意义,这在国家的其他地区,甚至旧金山和纽约的其他地方不一定有意义。”



洪是菲律宾 - 中文,但在新泽西长大,以很多方式考虑自己的文化。他在旧金山的当代法国食物中煮了一切亚搏电竞La folide.闷闷不乐妈妈狮子在l.a.的koreatown。当他在贝弗利说Xo时是一家美国餐厅,他意味着他的意思是他正在从许多不同的地方带来味道并创造新的和谐。

有“鸡波 - 汤汤球汤”,一个可爱的犹太人/越南舒适食品杂交杂交杂种与香菜味的马佐球。亚搏电竞




“我想明确的ly lighten it up,” Hung says. “What I love about the Burmese salad is it’s super healthy. It’s clean fats. It’s using fermented probiotic tea leaves. It’s very vegetable-laden. There’s tons of seeds in there and nuts. You’re getting a lot of protein. It’s got everything. ... Fermented tea leaf is delicious, but in large quantities it’s pretty funky and pretty stinky.”

So Hung has created a fresh, crunchy, bright and tangy salad with heirloom tomatoes, seeds, nuts, herbs and a tea-leaf vinaigrette. The flavors and aromas are well-balanced. This is a hearty salad guests will likely want to eat again and again.


但不要误解。这个地方没有任何一种雄心勃勃的雄心勃勃,但洪仍然烹饪他在高端餐厅的方式。他是在内部发酵茶叶,一个需要四到五天的过程。他为他的辉煌和令人愉快的火热馄饨制作了自己的湖南辣椒油,塞满了鸡肉和黑色大豆。他在沙拉中放入了乏味的土地上拯救了金枪鱼戳酱油- 柑橘腌制米粉。


XO is a place with fast-casual plates and grab-and-go items, but there are also eight on-tap wines, eight on-tap beers and a dinner menu with steak frites, roast Jidori chicken and fish steamed in a banana leaf with green curry. And then there’s the burger. It’s a quarter-pounder made with a blend of chuck, short rib and brisket on a sesame-seed bun alongside housemade pickles, charred scallion compote,辣椒酱aioli and a beer-and-cheese sauce. It’s deeply beefy and savory and sweet and umami. It tastes a little Asian and also totally American.

幸福的xo,7475 Beverly Boulevard,洛杉矶,323-903-0016