信用:广场 - 费尔蒙托管酒店

在普通时期,住在一家近282个房间的历史悠久的酒店中,只有少数其他客人和公司的员工似乎就像是噩梦。(你看过The Shining,right?) But these are not ordinary times. After spending the last year or so studiously avoiding other people, a vacant hotel has a certain level of appeal, and thankfully,广场is no Overlook Hotel. This is why I gratefully accepted an invitation to spend 24 hours in its luxurious embrace before it formally re-opened to guests this week.

Even as a German-Australian expat, I'm well-versed in the fact that the turn-of-the-century hotel on Central Park's southeast corner is an iconic part of New York's cultural fabric. I read Kay Thompson's illustratedEloise新t系列作为一个天真的孩子o the English language, watched独自一人2as an awkward double-denim clad teen in the '90s, and peeped in the foyer as a broke, visiting tourist in the early aughts.

But in the last five years, The Plaza took on its own personal significance: as the venue of a serendipitous and martini-fueled reunion with a long-absent Aussie friend. It was an unnaturally chilly October day. The company I worked for at the time was acquired by another and I had just delivered a pitch to the top brass to keep my staff and myself gainfully employed. As I left the office at lunchtime with a ball of doom in the pit of my stomach, I noticed said friend was in town (hooray for social media!) and The Plaza was within easy walking distance of both of us. As we embraced under the glorious stained-glass, domed ceiling of the Palm Court bar surrounded by tropical greenery, perched on our cane chairs, and commiserated my impending unemployment over dry gin martinis, the world slipped away. It was only us and The Plaza. It was magic.

Mel making a cocktail

这就是为什么当酒店沉迷于我登记入住后,我的要求在那一刻摇晃马提尼酒的请求时,我感到如此彻底。该酒店提供非接触式服务,以及您房间中的免费Covid-19 PCR或快速抗原测试,可用于所有客人,但并非强制性。这是酒店致力于通过在所有由Fairmont管理的物业中推出的计划来创造安全而热情的环境的承诺的一部分(ALLSafeandWell.com)。您还将看到这在整个酒店的公共区域中的无触摸手工动力的站中表现出来,在您的房间里,在您的房间里以及人群没有人群的情况下,您的房间里的一堆口罩,消毒剂和手套。该广场最初将以20%的能力运行,然后在未来几个月内逐渐增加。

回到下午的马提尼酒。我只能说感谢上帝的下午茶和广场的新演绎。作为前英联邦的前居民,我自然地享受这种仪式,尽管真的,从您自己的三层塔楼吃小些食物是什么呢?亚搏电竞看到酒店的茶水服务以美味和甜蜜的饮食向纽约点头,例如小黄瓜三明治和一点点咸菜盐水和一点点绿色女神奶油(在纽约黑麦,也很少,也很有趣)),以及带有柑橘肉饼饼干外壳的精致的Yuzu和Mascarpone烘焙芝士蛋糕 - 向城市的同名甜点致敬。该酒店将每天为客人和公众提供茶,并预订。从阵亡将士纪念日的周末开始,从下午5点开始,棕榈法院的鸡尾酒吧将在晚上重新开放。到午夜。广场食品大厅暂时将保亚搏电竞持关闭。


The décor is elegant without being over-the-top frou frou. Think classic, vintage details like crown molding, an ornate (non-working) fireplace, magnificent statement chandelier, and intricate mosaic work and 24-carat gold-plated Sherle Wagner fixtures in the bathroom. The Carnegie is by no means the largest Legacy suite on offer—there are two-bedroom and three-bedroom suites, as well as the multi-level Grand Penthouse with its own outdoor terrace. (Yes, I snooped on all of them, they are fabulous as much for their lavishness as for their small details, including pretty wallpapers adorned with birds and florals, bespoke gold fabrics on the Louis XV-style chairs, and gilded full-length mirrors.)

For the first time, the hotel also plans to offer some of its most luxurious suites like the Penthouses and Royal Plaza Suite as venues for small celebrations, such as birthdays, family reunions, or anniversaries. This focus on local guests makes perfect sense; many folks are seeking a luxurious, transportive experience close to home, especially as international travel is still uncertain. But even if a staycation at the hotel is not on the cards, you can still experience its palpable magic—by booking a treatment at the Guerlain Spa, say, or inviting your besties to afternoon tea (with Champagne, of course), or finding that long-lost mate you haven't seen the entire pandemic and meeting them at the Palm Court for a dry martini and a hug.