学分:弗雷德里克·哈迪(Frederick Hardy II)的照片 /汉娜亚搏电竞·格林伍德(Hannah Greenwood)


What the Turkey Market Looks Like in 2021

雷拉斯泰利Jr .)总裁Rastelli Foods Group一家位于亚搏电竞新泽西州瑞典堡的食品服务公司表示,今年的土耳其供应量非常有限。他说:“以前从来没有如此高的需求,供应有限。”他补充说,过去,大多数供应商(例如杂货店)都有大量的冷冻火鸡为感恩节的热潮做准备。今年,对火鸡的要求将在稍后出现:商店正在10月下达采购订单,而不是典型的春季,因为他们用尽了普通供应商,他们不幸的是没有足够的产品来满足他们的需求。

FYI, the turkey-growing process can take between 12-24 weeks, depending on the size, breed, and feed, says Dave Perozzi, operator of错误的方向农场在纽约的卡纳霍哈里(Canajoharie)和美国牧场禽生产商协会(American Pastruct)的成员。这意味着土耳其的种植者在知道2021年感恩节可能的样子之前就做出了关于数字的决定。Perozzi补充说,计划土耳其数字和规模总是一场赌博。有时,农民被未售出的火鸡陷入困境,其他几年的售罄过早。

The Turkey Supply Chain

但是,今年,供应链可能比实际供应更大。弗吉尼亚州哈里森堡的养鸡场Corwin Heatwole,他还是首席执行官Farmer Focus说,他曾希望像2020年那样今年筹集有机遗产火鸡,但由于处理器的能力有限,因此无法这样做。他补充说,由于肉类行业的重合并,他看到了整个供应链的加工方面的限制。

与许多其他行业一样,Covid确实影响了土耳其生产供应链,吉姆·查克雷斯(Jim Chakeres)表示俄亥俄州家禽协会,,,,which represents more than 1,000 turkey, egg and chicken farmers across the state. Other factors such as the current workforce shortage are also impacting the industry, Chakeres says. However, he is optimistic about turkey availability, suggesting that frozen turkey inventory is great enough that no panic buying is needed. "Consumers can rest assured there will be enough turkeys available this holiday season," he says, adding that it's still a good idea to plan ahead and提早购买,并与您的当地零售商联系,以找出何时何地可用。如果您正在寻找新鲜的火鸡,特定尺寸的火鸡或特定的切割,例如胸骨乳房,则尤其如此。(学习哪种类型的火鸡最适合您的度假桌,,,,andhow much turkey you need per person。)

Utilizing Your Freezer

In 2020, many Americans opted for small turkeys, celebrating Thanksgiving with only small groups of immediate family. A黄油球survey conducted in September found that about one-third of consumers are considering a smaller gathering again for 2021, so demand for small turkeys could run high, says Rebecca Welch, senior brand manager of seasonal business for Butterball. She adds that consumers should start seeing Butterball turkeys in grocery stores by early November. Whether you plan to buy a pre-frozen turkey and keep it in the freezer until it's go-time, or buy a fresh turkey and freeze it, be sure to keep food safety top of mind, allotting 1 day of refrigerator thaw time for every 4 pounds of turkey, says Welch. (If you have more questions about safely thawing and cooking turkey, you can always call the土耳其聊天线。)

Look Beyond the Grocery Store

It may seem a little strange, but don't overlook the option for buying turkeys online. Retailers such as奥马哈牛排sell a wide variety of turkey options that you may not be able to find in a typical grocery store, such as whole smoked turkeys and small, fully cooked turkey breasts. Brian Fowler, vice president of procurement and product development for the company, says fresh turkeys will be more difficult to find this year because they require "just-in-time" labor, which means bringing in workers for a specific time frame — harder to do with the current workforce shortage. Fowler suggests shopping at least a month before Thanksgiving to ensure a stress-free holiday.

考虑到所有这些,今年何时购买感恩节火鸡的答案是:as soon as possible。拉斯特利说:“如果您在本地商店或在线上看到火鸡,我们建议立即购买并冷冻。”他补充说,真空密封的火鸡可以安全地存放在冰箱中长达12个月,因此您不必担心感恩节前会变得很糟糕。


Besides ensuring you'll actually have a bird to cook on the big day, buying your turkey early means you may get a better deal, too. Rastelli says turkey prices may rise close to the holidays as demand increases and inventory decreases.

If worst comes to worst and you can't find a turkey this Thanksgiving, consider alternative roasts likeduck,,,,rack of lamb,,,,hamorprime rib,拉斯特利说。但是,再次,关键是要尽早准备:即使有这些肉,他补充说,您也应该预订或立即购买并冻结。

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