魔术师 - 季节-4-Blog718.jpg
Credit: Chris McPherson for EW

Syfy’s魔术师自2016年首映以来,已经被比作许多事情了:“”Harry Potterfor adults,” “The nextBuffy。”然而,比较缺乏,因为该节目是如此特质。从表面上讲,这个杂物和狡猾的系列是关于在魔术研究生院注册的一群二十多岁小组的冒险;但是,作家利用其幻想的前提来解构幻想类型,探索心理健康问题,并讲述一个有关进入成年的强大故事。

Inseason 3,昆汀(杰森·拉尔夫(Jason Ralph)),艾略特(Hale Appleman)和Margo(Summer Bishil)进行了史诗般的追求,以使世界恢复魔法。他们取得了成功,但这是有代价的:他们信任的成年人消除了他们的记忆,并给了他们新的身份,而艾略特(Eliot)被一个古老的怪物所拥有的艾略特(Eliot)追踪了昆汀(现称为布莱恩(Brian))。

Production onseason 4最近在温哥华恢复;然而,拉尔夫(Ralph),应用程序和比希尔(Bishil)休息了一段时间,参观了洛杉矶的传奇魔术城堡,现实生活中的魔术师马特·维齐奥(Matt Vizio)用手工技巧使他们赞叹不已,因为他们沉迷于一些狂欢,这会让艾略特(Eliot)感到自豪。在下面阅读我们的对话:

第一回合:伏特加酒和佩里尔(Bishil),龙舌兰酒(Tequila),在拉尔夫(Ralph)的岩石上,杜松子酒(Gin and Tonic for Appleman),以及一个老式的EW。


Hale Appleman:我想您可以说,我们只是在角色之间建立了这个新的联盟。
杰森·拉尔夫(Jason Ralph):这是一件有趣的事情。第3季结束时,您会看到每个人的想法都被抹去了,您会成为不同的人。因此,这个季节的开始真的很像是从…开始的。

Bishil:Me too.
APPLEMAN:She’s my partner on this show. Summer and I have built something really specific together over three seasons, so it’s been really interesting shift to establish something new without her.


jason, how are you adjusting to Hale’s new character?
拉尔夫:I’m not Quentin, so I don’t know who this person is.
拉尔夫[[j好的这是给予的第一集实际上是一个小口袋epiode where you get to see Brian grading papers.
APPLEMAN:And the monster looking over his shoulder correcting him.
APPLEMAN:And if he messes up, I take a bite out of his shoulder.


jason, do you at least get to smile as Brian?
拉尔夫:Constant and utter terror. The brand of terror is a little different.
拉尔夫:I think Quentin is more of a problem solver, so inside of the terror he’s trying to figure out the way to solve it. And I think Brian remains more paralyzed. So, I guess that’s the difference. We’ll see if you see that or not.
APPLEMAN:At least to me, I didn’t see anything. No, I’m kidding.
APPLEMAN:He’s the most physically comedic performer I’ve ever met.

APPLEMAN:他有一些像Buster Keaton一样。很棒。
拉尔夫:Yeah, I was born for something else.
拉尔夫:I get that a lot.

To be fair, if there was one show where Jason could do physical comedy, it would be on魔术师,which changes what it is from week-to-week. One week the characters pull off a heist and the next you’re doing a full on musical episode. Does the show’s versatility make it exciting to work on?
APPLEMAN:The genre’s ever changing, right? I feel like it’s a great opportunity. [示意Bishil的手势]我们有责任在被召唤时变得有趣,并在某种情感真理或现实中也将那些非常喜剧的场景扎根……
Bishil:…while being aware of the camp.
APPLEMAN:The camp is an inherent part of the show.
Bishil:And protecting that as well. That is [the element] of the show that we deal with more.
APPLEMAN:确实如此。The most outrageous, whimsical circumstances were often thrown at the two of us. So our job was always about to maintain the integrity of that while also keeping it…
Bishil:…grounded. I think the one thing that has sort of kept me grounded throughout all four seasons of being thrown strange and surreal material is being completely present and engaged in what is happening, and if I’m not, finding what could take me there physically, whether it’s feeling something or connecting to somebody.

Next page: Round two

Round Two: More of the same

Season 3 received a lot of critical acclaim. Did it feel special while you were shooting it?

  • 您那个赛季最喜欢的部分是什么?
  • Bishil:My favorite scenes are when I’ve come in with a very specific choice that I feel very strongly about, and by the end of the scene I’ve taken it somewhere I would have never thought about. [There’s] a scene in particular where I basically raged to Tick Pickwick [Rizwan Manji] on the boat Muntjac about how angry I was that this fairy queen had smashed my eye, and I played it extremely angry, and it didn’t end up being that at all. So, that was my favorite just because I learned so much and I grew.
  • APPLEMAN, to RALPH: 我喜欢我们的情节[[“A Life in the Day”].
  • 拉尔夫:That’s what I was going to say.
  • APPLEMAN:I had been waiting for an opportunity for Quentin and Eliot to really bond and have a full-fledged friendship, relationship that’s sort of explored in [Lev Grossman’s] books, and this was really the first real grounding of that potential.
  • 拉尔夫:On a show that moves so fast and has so much-plot, it was such a privilege to have just a moment in time with two people and let their relationship show and grow.

拉尔夫:You know how Quentin lives here? [焦急地打手势这是给予的After living a very slow life and accumulating the kind of wisdom that comes with that, he can’t really live there anymore. I don’t think he knows why, but I think that’s something that has fallen away, and I think he’s a more grounded, whole person now after going through that. But I don’t know if he could necessarily speak to that and say why but he definitely is changed.
APPLEMAN:With Eliot, from season 1, the pretense has sort of been stripped away, little by little, and I think after that episode, he relies on it like a trick but he knows better and you can’t unknow that information.


Summer, were you disappointed when you found out that Margo wouldn’t actually get to spend time as King of Fillory because of the mind wipe?
Bishil:当然,如果我没有片刻的“嗯,那会很有趣”,我会撒谎。但它是魔术师,and you know, they giveth and they taketh away…
应用程序和拉尔夫[[Laughing uncontrollably]

拉尔夫:It’s just so true!
拉尔夫:That’s the whole experience!
Bishil:But you know the world can be that way. And I think it creates a more interesting dynamic for your character. It does you favors to have things taken away from you and to have a struggle.

That’s unclear?


Bishil:我爱Buffy,我确实理解了我在演出中所做的工作的引用。[[Buffy]有时会做我们做的事情,这些只是随机的一次性情节,我们只是进行了切线。有时,他们确实是在情感上投入的和细微的情节。有她妈妈去世的巴菲一集,and how that episode is handled — that she’s actually not going to come back — there’s no gimmick, there’s no trick. Just like last year in season 3 without the supernatural, we just suffer. We suffer loss, and it just dropped in in a way that the show really never dropped in before, and we do that on our show. We go in and out of genres, it feels like sometimes.
APPLEMAN:完全。有时候我觉得自己在魔术师,有些日子我觉得自己在Buffy,有些日子我在公主新娘,and some days I’m inRobin Hood: Men in Tights,and then sometimes I’m inMonty Python and the Holy Grail.Some days I’m in a horror movie and some days I’m in like a sweet independent feature about relationship.
拉尔夫:I don’t feel the pressure of that. That part’s not our job. That’s the writing. [The writers] are the ones that have to frequently go all over the place. And it’s our job to make it seem real.

Next: Round Three


Your characters on the show do like to party. Do you guys ever go as wild as they do while filming in Vancouver?

拉尔夫:Wait, that’s not true. The time before that, remember?
Bishil:They always ask you, too! It’s always you!
APPLEMAN:“I don’t know. Ask Jason.” Kale smoothie? Something to keep my energy up so I can get through a 17-hour day.

That’s funny because I was going to ask all three of you to create cocktails for each other’s characters.


jason, if you had to create an Eliot-themed cocktail, what would you put into it?
Bishil:It would have to be green.
拉尔夫:No, it’s not the kind of s— they do on the show. It’s classy.

Summer, what would you make for Quentin?
Bishil:I’d probably try whiskey. Seems like that would be a good option.


拉尔夫我认为艾略特会做一个很棒的“ [我是一个现代少将的榜样。”
Bishil大概是辛迪·劳珀(Cyndi Lauper)。
APPLEMAN:Or maybe like Paula Abdul.
Bishil:Yeah, like something ‘80s and super aerobic.
APPLEMAN:I think Quentin is more like Radiohead.
拉尔夫:Or Death Cab for Cutie.
APPLEMAN:Oh my god, no.
拉尔夫:But that’s like his guilty pleasure.
APPLEMAN:Or maybe it’s like Fiona Apple. Quentin is like a Fiona Apple break-up song.
Bishil[[给苹果员这是给予的What would you choose [for Eliot]? I wouldn’t choose or ever dare to.
拉尔夫:Something from the last Bowie album.
APPLEMAN:The last Bowie album? That’s so funny. Yeah, there’s like Bowie, Lou Reed part of me that wants Eliot to be expressed in that realm, but then there’s also like a [Elton John’s] “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” situation that’s very obvious to me when I read the lyrics to that song, I’m like, “That’s Eliot.”

我记得当我们谈论的时候Les Misérablesnumber last year,您说过,您想象的是艾略特(Eliot)登上楼梯,唱着爵士标准。
APPLEMAN:我可以看到他穿着外套,尾巴沿着城堡的楼梯或其他东西行走。奇怪的是,我有一些奇怪的球连接Les Mis在高中时,我足够了解材料,小时候我一直是音乐剧迷,所以我很熟悉。我不必学习这首歌,只需要尝试唱歌而不是f即可。


APPLEMAN:不洁净的潘多拉的盒子是尝试ing anything that Freddie Mercury ever sang. Why would you? Who am I to even try? I am the biggest Freddie Mercury fan in the world and so I was embarrassed for myself to have to attempt to cover [“Under Pressure”].

That song involved all of you…
APPLEMAN:Yes, we were so tired.
Bishil:我很累,我就像“ eeeeeeeee…” [gestures to demonstrate perkiness这是给予的
拉尔夫:The problem is when you get too tired, you listen to the directors, and they’re like, “Smile, smile! Fun, fun!” And we’re like “No, you don’t get these people!”
APPLEMAN:“They don’t smile!” I remember, hilariously, that one time we had to smile and rejoice, I got a very serious injury.
APPLEMAN:And then I walked around with a cane for most of the last season and you wouldn’t know it because I’m always just like propped up or pacing like two steps for the entire season.

APPLEMAN:Being with you guys.
Bishil:Good Mexican food cause you don’t have a lot of it in Vancouver.
APPLEMAN:And the fans who show up are so incredibly, genuinely lovely and very committed and very protective of us, as characters and as actors. There’s a very genuine pulse that I feel from them and I feel a little re-energized to go back and shoot every time we get to do a Comic-Con.

Catch the cast and EPs of魔术师at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday, July 21 at 7 p.m. in the Indigo Ballroom, Hilton Bayfront. The Syfy drama will return for season 4 in 2019.

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