Whether you make our sugar cookie recipe or the one you've been baking for years, these tricks will help ensure that your sugar cookies are better than ever this holiday season.
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It'sholiday baking season, and this year I invite you to try something a little different than your usual sugar cookie recipe: our所有糖饼干. This easy sugar cookie dough really is versatile: You can use it for cut out sugar cookies, thumb print cookies, snow ball cookies, and slice-and-bake cookies. But even if you stick to the recipe you've been making for decades, there are a handful of tips to keep in mind to make sure your cookies don’t crumble. Follow these tips to make the best sugar cookies of all time, and get ready for Christmas cookie success!

1. Give the Dough Plenty of Time to Chill

Trying to roll out freshly made sugar cookie dough is nearly impossible. It’s too soft, too sticky, and totally unwieldy. It can be tempting to just stick the soft dough in the freezer to speed things up, but that won’t work either: The dough will be frozen on the outside and too soft on the inside. To get your dough to ideal rolling temp, place it tightly wrapped in the refrigerator for two hours. Colder (but not cold) dough is easier to roll out than dough at room temperature. It also makes it easier to punch out shapes with a cookie cutter. Plus, this chilling process gives the gluten in the dough time to relax which makes for a more tender cookie.

2. Take Your Time Rolling the Dough

That said, trying to roll just-out-of-the-fridge dough can be super frustrating. Even with all your weight and good intentions focused on the rolling pin, the dough can crack from the edges inward. Instead of battling the fissures, pull the dough out about 15 minutes before you’re ready to roll. Unwrap the dough, place it on a lightly floured surface, and give it a few whacks with your rolling pin to encourage the dough to soften. Then, roll on. If at any point the dough gets super soft (i.e. holds an indent when pressed with your finger) transfer it to a parchment-lined baking sheet and stick it in the fridge for a couple of minutes. Repeat as often as necessary until all your cut outs are cut out.


A长凳刮刀($10,amazon.com) or great big spatula is a dough-rollers best friend. Use it to gently get under and lift up the dough so you can keep it from sticking to the surface. This allows you to use a lot less flour on the surface (excess can make for tough cookies), and moving the dough as you roll makes an evenly rolled sheet of dough more accessible. Chances are you’re consistently putting more pressure on one area of the dough (it’s OK, we all do it). Rotating as you roll helps you compensate for any irregularity (or superstrength) in your rolling.

4. Chill Again After the Cookies Are Formed

Whether you’re making simple snow ball cookies or plan todecorate cut out shapes,在形成或打出饼干后,在冰箱中快速寒意将帮助您的饼干即使在烘烤后也可以保持明确的边缘。冷面团意味着冷黄油。较冷的黄油,它融化的较慢又融化了所有形状的饼干 - 尤其是具有更复杂的细节(看着你,鲁道夫) - 坚持他们的边缘。

5. Set a Timer While Baking (and Watch It)

从您的居民配方作家中友好提醒,所有烤箱都没有平等。既不是饼干床单,或鸡蛋,或面粉杯。所有那些的变化都可能意味着您的成品中的大差异。这些只是我们为您提供了完成的烹饪或烘焙时间范围的原因。为了获得最佳赔率,请将您的计时器设置在范围的低端,比如12分钟,为12到15分钟的饼干。看看饼干。现在看看食谱。你在找什么?金黄色?干燥和坚定的触摸? Remember, you’re baking to the indicator, not the time. If you have to add a few more minutes (even if it's longer than the recipe says), keep going. Your cookies will thank you for it.

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