Here's the latest science on anti-inflammatory options, plus how to enjoy these picks.
信用:Lucas Zarebinski(6)

以下故事摘录时间特别版,100种最愈合的食物亚搏电竞, which is available in stores, at the梅雷迪斯商店and at亚马逊

炎症是我们身体健康的响应图hting disease. But when it gets out of hand, inflammation can become chronic and lead to a whole host of health problems, from autoimmune diseases to cancer. Foods high in sugar and saturated fat are thought to contribute to inflammation, which is why some people who have inflammatory conditions and autoimmune disorders try out low-sugar diets. On the flip side, there are also foods to pile onto your plate that may actually tamp down inflammation. Read on for the latest science on anti-inflammatory options, plus how to enjoy these picks.

Bell peppers

How to eat them: Chop up bell peppers and serve them with hummus or drizzled with a little red-wine vinegar, salt and pepper.

Why they’re good for you:甜椒 - 尤其是鲜红色的脂肪 - 在抗氧化剂中高,淀粉含量低。类似于辣椒,甜甜椒含有化学复合辣椒素,已知有助于减少炎症并可能甚至疼痛。


How to eat them: Slice up pears and add them to a salad with walnuts and a soft cheese.

Why they’re good for you:如果你担心炎症(例如,如果你有关节炎或糖尿病),则吃梨等高纤维食物是一种抗击问题的自然方式。亚搏电竞富含纤维的饮食有助于健康的微生物组,并在试图减肥时促进饱腹感。


How to eat it:这条鱼是地中海装饰。用慷慨的帮助草药,橄榄油和柠檬烘烤鲭鱼(或整个鱼类)的圆角。



How to eat it: Make a spinach salad with a high-fat food like avocado in order to take full advantage of the veggie’s nutrients.

为什么它对你有好处:Spinach应该成为一种能源食品的声誉。亚搏电竞它是维生素E的良好来源,这可能有助于保护身体免受称为细胞因子的炎症的分子。黑暗的颜色让您知道它是营养 - 密集,如其他绿叶蔬菜。


怎么喝它: Black tea tastes great on its own as well as with a bit of milk and honey, or you can add some lemon and pomegranate juice for a refreshing beverage.



How to eat it:荞麦用于制作荞麦面,您可以进入杂货店并在汤中使用。您也可以自己购买粮食并以其吃米饭。



How to eat them: Many grocery stores sell prepackaged pomegranate seeds, but if you want to start with the full fruit, cut it in half and spoon the seeds into a bowl to munch on or add to salads.

Why they’re good for you:石榴种子是抗氧化剂的良好来源,可以降低胆固醇和血压。事实上,专家认为,它们中的化合物称为瞳孔靶向大脑中的炎症,这有助于减缓与脑相关的衰退的进展。