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我在澳洲的教育是毫不含糊的十字架-cultural. Growing up in the suburbs of Sydney with Chinese parents, food was the pipeline to our heritage. My mum was a fervent cook, wowing her three hungry children with complex Cantonese flavors from her motherland. Our palates were accustomed to big flavors—stir-fried Asian greens laced with sharp fermented bean curd, steamed ‘porkcakes’ spiked with salted black beans, and hotpots that sang with salient notes of ginger and umami. With these punchy flavors as our dinnertime norm, the day my mum served steak with peas was always going to be memorable. While I still ate and appreciated meat during my early teens, it was the vibrant mound of peas that got my attention. Sure, I had eaten peas in omelettes and fried rice before, but I had never experienced peas as a side dish, so naked and unadorned. As I popped them into my mouth, each pea burst with a grassy sweetness that thrilled me. Soon, I would part ways with steak forever, but peas remain one of my ultimate comfort foods.While I enjoy peas all year round (you will always find a bag or two in my freezer for quick pantry meals), there’s sweet relief when the first peas of the season, in all their incarnations, appear. The arrival of green peas, snow peas, sugar snaps, and pea shoots signals promise and renewal, and the chance to reset our mind and our diet with a greener outlook.I usually kick off early summer by excessively gorging on peas. Sugar snaps and snow peas don’t even require cooking—snack on them raw or slice razor thin and add them to salads. And while it’s great to find pre-podded peas, there is something intensely gratifying in methodically tearing open a fresh pod and sliding out the pudgy, tender spheres. When purchasing fresh peas, choose pods that are bright green and plump, and on the smaller side—overlarge pods can house starchy peas. Make sure you don’t discard your pods – I recently discovered that the empty pea pods can be used to make veggie stock. The Venetian dish risi e bisi, a soupy rice with peas, is traditionally made with pod stock, which delivers an assertive pea flavor.This salad brings fresh flavors to the plate with confidence and swagger. Barely blanched peas mingle with pan-fried sugar snaps, snow peas, and another of my favorite spring ingredients, asparagus, which are cooked on high heat until just tender yet still crisp with the slightest hint of charring to add smokiness. I’ve chosen farro as the workhorse grain in this salad—its distinct chewy, nutty texture is substantial both to the bite and to the appetite. Salty, lemony, and herbaceous, the feta-mint dressing will likely become your summer stalwart, as it is also perfect served with grilled vegetables, folded through warm pasta, or slathered on crispy roasted potatoes.


学分:凯特琳·本塞尔(Caitlin Bensel)

Recipe Summary



Ingredient Checklist


  • 将法罗放在一个大锅中,并盖上蔬菜汤。高高地煮沸。覆盖,将热量降低至中低,然后煮至Farro柔软而仍然耐嚼,约25分钟。如果剩下任何液体,请排干。让法罗冷却。

  • 法罗煮时,将羊乳酪块放在浅碗中。顶上1/2杯橄榄油,切碎的薄荷,柠檬皮和果汁,1茶匙大蒜和1/4茶匙黑胡椒。用叉子的背面将羊乳酪捣碎成小块。搁置。

  • 将一小锅水和犹太盐煮沸。加入绿豌豆,直到豌豆变软但仍然酥脆绿色,大约1分钟30秒。立即排干,让豌豆在冷水下冷却。(快速冷却豌豆对于阻止它们过度煮熟并保持充满活力的绿色很重要。)

  • 在高处加热大煎锅。煎锅热时,将热量降低至中等,并加入1汤匙橄榄油,剩下1茶匙大蒜。煮至芳香,约10秒钟。加入糖的豌豆。第1/2茶匙海盐和1/4茶匙黑胡椒粉,烹饪,时不时地摇动锅,直到豌豆变脆,鲜艳的绿色,3至4分钟。(在豌豆上稍微烧焦一点很棒。)立即取出,并单层散布以使其冷却至室温。(如果一堆留下,它们会倒变。)

  • 在同一煎锅中,剩余的1汤匙橄榄油加热,然后加入芦笋。用1/2茶匙的海盐调味,剩余1/4茶匙黑胡椒粉煮至2至3分钟的清脆味。从平底锅中取出,并单层散布以使其冷却至室温,约10分钟。

  • 将Farro,Peas,Asparagus和剩余的1/2茶匙海盐扔在一起。将羊乳酪混合物倒在法罗混合物上,然后抛弃。要食用,上面放上薄荷。
