放下那盒商店购买的混合物 - 富丽的,粘糊糊的巧克力布朗尼的完美锅只有几步之遥。当然,用黄油腌制的焦糖酱淋湿并没有任何伤害,但是这些巧克力蛋糕内部的情况会产生一切不同。首先,我从面糊中融化的巧克力开始,这使得潮湿而粘糊糊的布朗尼。(依靠可可粉的食谱产生了更类似蛋糕的布朗尼。)我喜欢使用未加糖的巧克力,因为它可以更轻松地控制整体食谱中的糖分。糖在布朗尼蛋糕中很重要,不仅是为了甜味,而且右糖也会影响质地,使巧克力更柔软,更柔软。(即发酵粉),只是鸡蛋。这是一个提示:如果您想要一个更富有的布朗尼蛋糕,请用两个蛋黄代替其中一个鸡蛋。无论您使用多少鸡蛋,当您将其添加到蛋和糖中时,融化的巧克力都不会太热,以免鸡蛋炒鸡蛋。您希望巧克力足够温暖以溶解糖。您可以使用最好的巧克力,因为它是主要成分。我喜欢用吉拉德利(Ghirardelli)等优质酒吧挥霍并自己切碎。巧克力片通常涂有成分,以防止它们粘在一起,这会影响布朗尼蛋糕的成品质地。 The hefty amount of vanilla (a whole tablespoon!) intensifies the flavor of the chocolate.For the richest flavor, cook the caramel until it’s deep amber in color. The corn syrup in the caramel actually helps to keep the caramel from burning too quickly as it cooks. The dark caramel adds a more complex layer of sweetness, and the salt balances everything so that the caramel doesn’t overpower the brownies.Take care not to overbake these brownies; it’s OK if a few moist crumbs cling to the toothpick when you test them for doneness. In the recipe, I counsel you to let these guys cool completely before drenching them with caramel sauce, but I’m definitely guilty of cutting them while they’re still warm and covering them in caramel sauce. Trust me—they’re just as delicious, and pulling this trick out of your hat for eager guests is a move they won’t soon forget.


Credit: Jennifer Causey


1hr 30 mins




Make the brownies
  • 将烤箱预热至350°F,架子处于中心位置。使用烘焙喷雾或软黄油,轻轻润滑8英寸的方形烤盘。用羊皮纸的线锅,让末端延伸到锅的边缘。(这将使您能够轻松地将布朗尼从锅中提起。)

  • 将巧克力和黄油融化在双锅中的顶部,搅拌以结合。融化后,从火上移开,放在一旁放冷却,大约15分钟。

  • Whisk sugar and eggs in a large bowl until pale in color, about 1 minute. Add vanilla, kosher salt, and melted chocolate; whisk until combined. Add flour, whisking until just combined and no streaks of flour remain. Pour batter into prepared pan.

  • 在预热的烤箱中烘烤,直到木结块固定,并在中间插入木质挑剔(如果有几个碎屑在木制镐上,则可以),大约35分钟。从烤箱中取出,然后在电线架上冷却。

  • Stir together sugar, 1/2 cup water, and corn syrup in a small saucepan. Cook, without stirring, until mixture boils and turns amber in color, about 10 minutes. Remove caramel from heat, and immediately drizzle in cream, stirring constantly. (It will bubble and sputter, but the cream will halt the cooking process and prevent the caramel from taking on further color and burning.) Stir in butter and kosher salt, and return saucepan to heat over medium. Simmer 1 minute, allowing caramel to thicken slightly. Transfer to a bowl.

  • Once brownies are completely cool, lift them from pan, and place on a serving plate. Spoon desired amount of salted caramel on top of brownies. Cut into 16 squares. Sprinkle with sea salt, if desired. Brownies can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature up to 3 days.
