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我在一个小镇上长大,甚至被较小的城镇包围,上面有布拉格和布鲁诺等名字,被称为内布拉斯加州的“波西米亚阿尔卑斯山”。小时候,我记得捷克一家人在制造kolaches,果实pastriessimilar to danishes, with an eggy dough and crumbly streusel topping called posypka. They were common for breakfast and dessert and a thing of cultural pride at social gatherings like weddings, Friday-night fish fries, and polka dances.While ubiquitous throughout the Czech Republic even today, kolaches are rarely seen in the U.S. outside of the Great Plains, where many Czech immigrants settled in the late 1800s. Since moving to Oregon, I had all but forgotten about them until a recent road trip from Austin to Dallas, when I learned that the rural region in between the two cities is also home to many Czech descendants. The town of West, Texas, in particular, is known for its numerous kolache bakeries.My travel companion and I pulled off the freeway at West to pick up a kolache for the road. The first bite led to a nostalgia-induced tasting frenzy in which we ended up stopping at four bakeries to compare the shapes, dough textures, and to try all the most common flavors—apricot, cherry, blueberry, poppy seed, and cream cheese. When I returned home, I was hell-bent on perfecting a recipe of my own, inspired by recollections of my childhood in Nebraska and the Texas versions I tasted, too.Since baking several batches, I’ve come to realize that it’s important to make sure the dough is moist to the point of almost being sticky, but not quite. Also, if like me, you love a deeply browned pastry crust, you’ll have to set aside that bias in favor of a lighter golden brown exterior here, which keeps the kolaches tender and prevents them from becoming too dry. For the filling, a quick jam of summer’s fresh甜樱桃is dolloped over lemon-scented cream cheese—my favorite combination.



Recipe Summary test

3 hrs 30 mins


Streusel Topping


Instructions Checklist
  • 制作面团:在一个大碗中搅拌1杯面粉,砂糖和酵母。加入温暖的牛奶,然后搅拌以结合。放在一边,直到小气泡开始出现在表面上,大约5分钟。

  • 将融化的黄油,蛋黄和盐一起搅拌在一起。使用橡胶铲或木勺将黄油混合物搅拌成酵母混合物。搅拌剩余的2杯面粉,一次搅拌1杯。添加第二杯后,搅拌过于搅拌,将毛茸茸的面团倒入易于面粉的台面上,然后开始手动揉捏直到光滑而弹性,3至4分钟。面团应该很俗气,有点油腻,但不要粘。如果它确实粘在表面上,则使用尽可能少的面粉粉尘。

  • 将面团转移到一个大碗中,并用保鲜膜盖住。将碗放在温暖的位置,直到大小翻倍,1小时至1小时30分钟。

  • Make the cherry filling: Combine cherries, granulated sugar, 1/4 cup water, and salt in a 2-quart saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high, stirring to dissolve sugar. Reduce heat to medium-low to maintain a steady simmer, and cook, stirring occasionally, until liquid is reduced to a thick, syrupy consistency, about 25 minutes. Remove from heat, and let cool to room temperature. Stir in lemon juice.

  • Make the cream cheese filling: Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, egg yolk, and lemon zest in a large bowl with an electric mixer until smooth, about 1 minute.

  • 使streusel浇头:将面粉,糖,黄油和盐搅拌在一起,直至易碎。放在一边让黄油固化。使用之前,再次搅拌以形成细面包屑。

  • 向下猛击升起的面团,将其分成12个相等的块(每个约2 1/3盎司)。用杯状的手将面团碎片在工作表面上滚动,以制作光滑的球。将面团球转移到羊皮纸衬里的烤盘上,并抬起,用湿毛巾覆盖,直到尺寸翻了一番,30至45分钟。

  • Make the kolaches: Preheat oven to 375°F. Use your fingertips to form 2-inch-wide wells in the center of each dough ball. Whisk egg yolk and milk in a small bowl. Brush outer edges and sides of dough with egg wash. Spread 1 tablespoon cream cheese filling in each well. Make a smaller well in the center of the cream cheese, and top each with a dollop of cherry filling. Sprinkle with streusel topping. Bake in preheated oven until edges are light golden brown, about 20 minutes.
