


只有两年前,新闻打破了一个华夫饼房的位置成为第一次为啤酒提供服务。现在,基于格鲁吉亚的连锁店已经在葡萄酒上合作,感谢OCONEE酿造公司,位于格林斯博罗,格鲁吉亚距离华夫饼屋总部以东一小时。添加到乐趣,华夫饼屋培根和桶-6.5%的ABV红极 - 不仅仅是一种吸引力的名字。



To hammer the theme home (as if there were any doubts), the packaging displays the beer’s name in the style of the iconic Waffle House sign—alongside an additional illustration of a Waffle House restaurant to boot—all designed by a local Georgia agency, Brock Company Creative.

Oconee explained that, despite Waffle House’s size, the corporate staff at the chain is actually very tight-knit and was surprisingly receptive to working with the small-town brewery that only opened in 2017. “This story began in January with someone with Waffle House being kind enough to respond to an email that I sent proposing a collaboration,” Leslie Tillery, Oconee’s media director, told me. “That initiated communication with some of the executive team at the Atlanta corporate office. After a COVID delay, our two groups held a taste test at Oconee Brewing Company and chose a bacon-infused red ale to release as the first ever Waffle House beer!”
