在N Out Burgers中
图片来源:彭博 /盖蒂图片

真的没有它 - 当摇棚began its westward expansion drive a few years back, they were eventually going to end up inIn-N-Out汉堡领土。不可避免地,这将邀请比较,并且不断提出问题:哪一个更好?总是有chat不休,主要是burgerlovers familiar with both brands, but things really seemed to kick off back in 2015, when Shake Shack first arrived in Nevada and Texas, two states that had already grown to know and appreciate the relatively humble California institution.

这种诱惑辩论是可以理解的,没有get me wrong—both brands are immensely popular, both have their share of fierce defenders, not to mention detractors. It was going to come up. If you find New Yorkers to be fiercely, proudly provincial (I can say that, I'm from there), try hanging around Californians. (I can say that, I pay taxes there.). So, Shake Shack was never going to have a smooth ride, coming on to In-N-Out's patch—anyone who expected otherwise was dreaming. Back in 2016, when Shake Shack finally arrived in Los Angeles, the chatter came fast, furious, and never seemed to end. Once again, everyone wanted to know—who was better?

赦免我的坦率,但这是一个荒谬的问题,现在问这是一个荒谬的问题。Shake Shack并不是说这阻止了任何人 - 在舒适地进入In-N-Out的本国市场之后,Shake Shack刚刚宣布了进入湾区的意图,实际上,这实际上发明了该品牌加利福尼亚人无法获得足够的能力。再次,我们正在进行对话,that对话,无论我们是否愿意。

我不是在这里落在问题的两边,因为没有答案。没有任何。Shake Shack和In-N-Out(以及Haber Burger,另一个加利福尼亚的最爱以及五个家伙,以及所有其余的连锁店现在都在覆盖田野上如此努力)并不平等,它们永远不会,它始于价格,我不确定为什么人们很难掌握。

You walk into a Shake Shack and order a burger ($5.69, no cheese), fries ($2.99, frozen, crinkle-cut) and a shake ($5.29 for the basic model), you're walking out of there having spent a minimum of about $14, maybe $15, including tax. It's good, I have no problem spending that kind of money on快餐亚搏电竞有时,尽管我不碰巧认为他们的奶昔是值得的,但我主要满足于将我的订单升级到奶酪薯条(3.99美元)并赚钱。从摇晃的棚屋里走出来,花了大约10美元,感觉就像是道德上的胜利。我不需要汉堡上的奶酪,这就是为什么它放在薯条上的原因。此外,使Shake Shack的高价和漫长的等待值得张开的是他们的肉质量。只是,太好了。我喜欢品尝它 - 一个简单的摇棚汉堡包和泡菜和洋葱实际上是一件美的事物。如果您获得双重,那就更好了。(仅一次,抵制添加调味品的冲动 - 您可能会惊讶。)

但是,请尝试所有想要的作弊,但是,Shake Shack仍然是一种奢侈品。当然,这是好的,但是以这些价格,您不认为应该给出吗?我当然会这样做。在我出现在我出现的情况下,对我和几代加利福尼亚人的奇迹是,这不仅是体面的质量,而且是高度访问的事实。In-N-Out也许是有史以来最民主的机构之一,以实现这一伟大的民主制度。

像其他任何地方一样,近年来,In-N-Out的价格一直在上升,但事实仍然是,几乎没有享受汉堡在In-n-Out上享受汉堡的障碍 - 一种完美的汉堡包,堆满了新鲜的蔬菜和泥泞明智地利用美味,仍然只有2.25美元。使用奶酪,价格为2.55美元。房子特惠,双重双人,足以为普通人提供一顿饭,为3.70美元。薯条像他们一样或不喜欢它们,整天都手工切割,大小的订单的费用为1.70美元;摇动是一个非常合理的$ 2.30。著名的是,这就是菜单的程度。

If you ordered a basic burger, fries and a shake at In-N-Out, you're looking at spending (depending on the location—those prices are from the Los Angeles area) about $6.50. There are plenty of markets where a burger, medium fries and a shake at McDonald's can cost more than that, and let's not even get started on the difference in quality. This is what, maybe a little more than a third of the cost of a conservative (and comparable) Shake Shack order? That's right—you can eat at In-N-Out roughly three times, for the cost of one trip to Shake Shack. And yet, somehow, we're still having this discussion. Maybe let's stop now?