
当我was a little girl, my father and I spent time together by。Before bed, we would readRedwallLord of the Ringsout loud to each other,but thebooksthat the two of us came back to time and time again were the纳尼亚的编年史, especially the狮子,巫婆和衣柜, 和The Voyage of the Dawn Treader。在这些亲密的时刻,他是帮助我构成对文学的持久热爱,我将与我一起进入成年期。小说令人惊讶的神奇力量充满了令人惊叹的魔法力量 - 当然,他们可以将他们的读者送给世界幻想和快乐,但在我的情况下,有些故事also illustrated the seductive world of food: How it can be magnetizing, a tool to evoke strong memories, and hard-to-resist emotions, how it can be a marker of your family’s history and status, how it, like books, can be the only effective comfort in dark and troubling moments.

TakeThe Importance of Being Ernest,其中奥斯卡王尔德兰布斯维多利亚时代的英国贵族的严格举措,利用蒂姆时代作为一种带来他愚蠢,诡计,势利,社会人物的世界的一种方式。要么爱丽丝漫游仙境,毫不费力地捕捉到吃甜点的快乐(和后果)。

Here are the books, the aforementioned included, that made me appreciate the importance of food and its far-reaching influence, and that would eventually fuel my passion for cooking.

纳尼亚的编年史: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

In the first installment of C.S. Lewis’ seven-part fantasy series, which focuses primarily on the four Pevensie children, Edmund, Lucy, Peter and Susan, the children are sent away from their home in London during World War II, as German bombs are leveling the city. They climb into an enchanted wardrobe and into Narnia, where Edmund becomes entangled with The White Witch. In her campaign to bring eternal winter to Narnia, she tempts Edmund with Turkish Delight in the hopes he’ll betray his siblings.


这段经文让我的嘴巴仍然 - 难怪女巫的计划工作。这项对待声音很好;无论它可能是多么危险,即使是最强烈的威胁人员也无法抵抗这样的要约。寒冷,独自分开,别害怕,熟悉的甜点可以让你进入恍惚状态。

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

我是一个强壮的茶饮。伯爵灰色和英式早餐是我的最爱 - 没有比一杯热的红茶,没有更好的牛奶(最好享受,在我的经验,在灰色的周末早晨)。输入亚瑟凹陷,这是一个不愿意探索宇宙的不愿意探索宇宙,尽管他真正想要的只是家yabo电竞投注,舒适,喝一杯茶。他对饮料变得如此绝望,以至于他坚持在他的航天器上教授机器,这旨在预测他的饮食需求(但每次都跌倒),如何茶。Why does Arthur so passionately love tea, even when there is literally a whole universe of beverages before him to choose from? “It makes me happy,” he explains, in a simple statement that none-the-less resonates as the true reason for tea’s enduring popularity.


Inone scenefrom Oscar Wilde’s most famous play, two friends—Algernon, at the mercy of debtors, but accustomed to his lavish lifestyle, and Jack, a wealthy orphan, head over heels in love with a woman whose mother disapproves of him—find themselves in the former’s parlor. Jack spies cucumber sandwiches and teacups set out for visitors. Gwendolyn, his paramour and Algernon’s cousin, and her mother, Lady Bracknell, are coming for tea. I latched on to this moment in the text—and food comes up again, when Algernon can’t stop eating muffins after the girl he’s trying to woo dumps him—as an intriguing moment.黄瓜三明治—even the phrase sounds like it tastes good, especially in a British accent. What a simple, yet decadent snack. Algernon eats nearly all of them before his aunt arrives for tea, though he says he ordered them especially for her. Cucumber sandwiches seemed to me from then on to be an indulgent treat, saved for special occasions, to be eaten by the handful.


This woefully underappreciated novel, set in the 1930s, tells the story of the Fairchild family, who live in the Mississippi Delta, as they prepare for a wedding. It’s told, in part, by Laura Fairchild, who is sent to stay with her relatives after her mother dies, and her Aunt Ellen, the Fairchild matriarch. Ellen runs the house, looks after her nine children, and in one scene, invites Laura to help her bake acoconut cake。Laura pounds the almonds with a mortar and pestle alongside her aunt, who “beat the egg whites, and began creaming the sugar and butter.” As the two women bake together, in the domain of women at the time, the kitchen, Ellen becomes, momentarily, a stand-in for Laura’s lost mother. Ellen, in turn, who will soon see her daughter off in marriage, drifts off in memories of other romances, reminiscing silently about love’s transformative power. In this moment, baking, mesmerizing as it can be, triggers the strongest of memories and creates unbreakable bonds between women.


I am not going to lecture you about the goofy teatime scene in爱丽丝漫游仙境that seems to enchant everyone. Instead, I remember, with pure delight, Alice’s first adventure in Wonderland, when she encounters a glass box that contains a “very small cake, on which the words ‘EAT ME’ were beautifully marked in currants.” I have a hard time thinking of a more charming, satisfying image that those tiny cakes in their glass box. Alice eats all the cake of course—to disastrous results—and I can say with near certainty that there’s no dieting metaphor here. Eating cake is wonderful, and it usually spirals out of control. Such is the nature of cake. Earlier in the passage, Alice, drinks from a glass bottle, the contents of which tastes like “cherry-tart, custard, pine-apple, roast turkey, toffee, and hot buttered toast”—an enchanting list of foods that evoke feelings of warmth and contentment. Such is the nature of food. At it’s very best, it brings joy.