学分:诺亚·菲克斯(Noah Fecks)的照片 /食物风格亚搏电竞,Drew Aichele / Prop Styleling撰写的Ethan Lunkenheimer

This holiday season, Food & Wine is going over the top with our series "Give Thanks, But Make It Extra“ - 庆祝所有奢华,闪闪发光,丰富,美味和快乐的事物。

I'm all for family traditions, but sometimes a treasured food from childhood accrues so much nostalgia and mystique that it acquires the status of myth, and becomes impossible to recreate in adulthood. For me, that's what happened with my grandmother's turkey gravy.

我在北卡罗来纳州长大,每年我们花Thanksgiving在我阿姨家里。天将黎明的广告ults nursing mugs of strong, black "cowboy" coffee as my grandfather, still in his nightgown, fussed over the turkey: a 20-odd-pound Butterball in a battered aluminum roasting pan. Hours later, my grandmother would set that pan, now holding glorious turkey drippings, over two electric eyes of the stove. She slowly stirred flour into the drippings with a wooden spoon to make a loose roux while my uncle雕刻火鸡to her left.

After adding warm broth and whole milk to the roux, my grandmother gathered shredded turkey from the cutting board (my uncle insisted on cutting with the grain with a dull knife, so there was always a pound or so of turkey left to work with) and stirred it into her gravy. She cooked it all down into a thick, silky concoction of sauce-enrobed meat that was almost a stew unto itself. And that was her gravy. It was legendary; asopping saucefor the Thanksgiving gods. It was always the most extra thing on the table. Writing about it makes me want to make a batch right now to smother a bowl of white rice.

I was a professional cook and food magazine test kitchen pro for years and tried to recreate that gravy. Lord, I tried. But I was never able to replicate it.

Nearly a decade ago, I finally stopped trying so hard after making the biggest rookie mistake of all time and inviting both sets of in-laws to my Thanksgiving table at the Birmingham apartment I shared with my former wife. Gravy, I learned, can smell fear at the stove. This batch was doomed from the start when the liaison of starch and fat failed to become a smooth paste while cooking in the saucepan. Once I added turkey stock the liquified fat began separating and rose to the surface. I tried to skim it off while awkwardly playing family peacemaker with a 10-month old under foot, but that "gravy" hit the table in a boat with an oil slick pooling on top.

And that was the last time I tried to make gravy the way my grandmother did.

Now I make really good gravy that captures the essence of my grandmother's without any of the last-minute pressure of making it right before sitting down to dinner. It's still the most extra thing on the table, but without the time pressure.


提前。This is the most important one. Don't wait for the drippings from the roasted bird and make gravy a la minute while your guests are lining up at the buffet with plates in hand. Make it at least one day ahead and then slowly reheat it in a saucepan over low heat just before serving.

做一个很好的自制土耳其股票第一的。Don't skimp on this crucial first step. This stock will power your gravy and give it deep roasted turkey flavor.

Reinforce the stock's flavor.土耳其的背部,脖子和翅膀都具有强大的风味和胶原蛋白,这使您的库存更多。在盛宴前的几周里,您会在超市中找到它们。通过将土耳其零件褐色的芳香蔬菜呈褐色,在重型有框的烤盘上褐色,将土耳其零件褐色呈褐色,将烤火鸡的味道呈褐色,锅低至足以有助于焦糖化,却足够高,可以捕获滴水并集中在底部的有价值的果汁。


慢火煮,小火煮。You want the turkey parts to begin to fall apart so they release all of their flavor.




仅热液体。Whether you're making gravy or bechamel,将冷液体添加到roux中会鼓励淀粉和脂肪分开。为了获得最佳实践,请在猛烈搅拌时将½杯左右的热量或jus装在roux上。一旦混合物看起来光滑且均匀,您就可以开始在其余热量或牛奶中搅拌。

