And here are the best bottles for St. Patrick's Day.
We Are In the Midst of an Irish Whiskey Revival
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爱尔兰威士忌在卷上。在过去十年中,美国的销售额增长了409%。诚然,大部分增加属于詹姆森(Jameson),詹姆森(Jameson)占领了近80%的美国市场爱尔兰威士忌than one megabrand. ThisSt. Patrick's Day为什么不借此机会探索爱尔兰丰富的威士忌遗产?

它是爱尔兰威士忌, not Scotch, that was the world's first global spirit. In 1887, the big four distilleries, John Power, John Jameson, William Jameson and George Roe, produced 2.4 million gallons of whiskey a year. On the eve of the First World War there were more than 400 brands of Irish whiskey available in America. From this high, things started to go wrong. Prohibition in 1919, followed by independence from Britain in 1922, knocked out the two biggest markets. In the following decades, distilleries closed until in 1975 the remaining businesses amalgamated to form Irish Distillers (now owned by Pernod Ricard) and moved production to the massive New Midleton Distillery in Cork. Along with Bushmills in the north, there were now only two distilleries left in Ireland and none in Dublin, once the distillery capital of the world.

复兴始于1987年,当时约翰·特林(John Teeling)开设了库利酿酒厂,并复兴了一个伟大的老品牌泰尔康内尔(Tyrconnell)。Teeling于2012年卖给了Jim Beam,但在2015年,他的孩子们在都柏林建立了一个新的酿酒厂,自然而然地,Teeling。同年,苏格兰威士忌生产商William Grant&Sons为Offaly县的Tullamore Dew品牌开了一个新的酿酒厂。今年,新的米德尔顿(New Midleton)交付了三个巨大的新剧照(现在由何塞·库尔沃(Jose Cuervo)拥有)龙舌兰酒)正在计划扩展,Spirits Giant Diageo正在使用新的都柏林酿酒厂恢复Roe&Co品牌。现在有16个酿酒厂Ireland, from the gigantic to the boutique with more planned.

Most of these distilleries are so new that their spirit isn't old enough (at least three years, though normally longer) to be classed as whiskey—so they buy stock to sell. This can be confusing for the consumer. There are whiskeys with names such as "the Dubliner" but the contents of the bottle won't be from Dublin. Ian Buxton, author of101 Whiskies to Try Before you Die, told me: "the labeling is highly suspect. There is a danger of misleading people. There are something like 100 brands but only three distilleries of any size, Cooley, New Midleton and Bushmills."

这是可能的因为se the big three distillers produce an astonishing variety (and quantity) ofwhiskeys。戴夫·哈维林(Dave Havelin)液体爱尔兰人威士忌博客告诉我:“米德尔顿(Midleton)在现场成熟了一百万个木桶。在过去的几年中,他们一直在释放一些精彩的威士忌,这是有史以来最好的爱尔兰。”传统的爱尔兰风格是由麦芽和未造成的大麦蒸馏出来的大锅中蒸馏出来的混合物制成的,产生了浓郁的奶油般的精神。这种风格几乎消失了,但是爱尔兰酿酒厂用Redbreast威士忌恢复了它。爱尔兰也生产纯净麦芽威士忌双重和三端,光滑,甜美的谷物威士忌(由玉米,燕麦,黑麦或未盐的大麦制成),甚至是烟熏泥石石威士忌。

在所有不同的木桶中都可以使精神衰老,并且蒸馏器有一个巨大的调色板可供选择。较小的公司正在尝试使用创新的老化技术,例如使用Napa Valley wine桶。威士忌such as these are rare, and sold at higher alcohol levels and not chill-filtered (which removes flavor) to appeal to aficionados. Despite Buxton's reservations about labeling, he agrees that some of these releases are exceptionally good, but I cannot wait until those new distilleries start releasing their own whiskeys. Then the Irish whiskey renaissance will have really started.

Five Irish Whiskeys to Try for St. Patrick's Day

Redbreast 12岁(45美元,Mission Wines and Spirits

Tullamore Dew Trilogy 15岁($ 80,Marketview Liquor

Glendalough Limited 7 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey ($33,Cappy的仓库

Teeling Whiskey Company单谷物(40美元,城镇葡萄酒亚搏电竞和烈酒
