How the Japanese rice sprinkle took over the world.
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“我的第一个烹饪课正在制作芙蓉,”日本美洲烹饪老师和作者Sonoko Sakai说Japanese Home Cooking: Simple Meals, Authentic FlavorsHer grandmother, she recalls, asked her to coarsely grind toasted sesame seeds in a mortar and pestle. It was magical, she says. A sprinkle of just one ingredient could transform their onigiri, soba, or plain rice.


The Japanese seasoning furikake, as most of us know it, is a supermarket condiment-an instant flavor booster, no culinary lessons required. It's a shake from the shelf. Most iconically, the Japanese company, JFC, sells an array of持续八个令人摇摇晃晃的瓶子with pictures of each seasoning coating a ball of rice atop chopsticks on the label. Different colors in a wave atop the label denote each flavor: orange for noritamago (seaweed and egg); pink for katsuofumi (shaved bonito, sesame seeds, and seaweed); green for wasabi fumi (wasami, bonito, mustard plant); and so on. But it wasn't always so.

Furikake实际上是作为营养补充剂。在熊本亚搏电竞的药剂师苏梅基希·吉玛鲁苏凯基·吉玛鲁(Suekichi Yoshimaru)首先想到了Taisho期间(1912-1926)作为药用添加剂的富疙瘩的想法。“在日本,我们对白米饭的缺乏问题缺乏问题,”Sakai说。“精致的白色食物,尤其是米饭,亚搏电竞碾碎的一切 - 麸皮,种植营养营养营养。”为了解决这些缺陷,鱼骨,芝麻和罂粟种子的Yoshimaru地面混合物和海藻,他被称为Gohan No Tomo,或“米的朋友”,并销往食品公司,以便在小烧瓶中商业销售。亚搏电竞含钙,锌和氨基酸的矿物质和营养素,Yoshimaru的“稻米的一位朋友”是一种真正的食品营养补充剂(维生素丸也在同一时期开发)尽管味道多。亚搏电竞

During World War I, the packable nutritional sprinkle was rationed along with rice to soldiers. In 1948, the great Taiwanese-Japanese inventor, Momofuku Ando became deeply concerned about malnourishment, according toThe Untold History of Ramen: How Political Crisis in Japan Spawned a Global Food Craze乔治苏尔特。启动乌克凯克的大规模生产,安多斯开设了一家厂家制造的乌克克拉从干鱼片,由剩下的鱼零系制成,作为尼斯公司的蛋白质和钙的源泉。(十年后,他着名地发动了即时拉面杯面,推出了整个食物类别。)到1955年,Furikake在美国出现,首先在Furikake Nori的广告中亚搏电竞Hawaii Tribune-Herald,而且,早在1961年的内地也不久,百年食品进口广告Nori Furikake和Noritama(海藻和干蛋)furikake亚搏电竞Austin American-Statesman.In Japan, furikake grew to a 51 billion yen industry by 2013. Beyond rice bowls, onigiri, and noodles, furikake has made its way into Hawaiian poke and popcorn, and onto restaurant menus.

Somewhat ironically-or inevitably-furikake, which started out as a nutritive corrective to rice processed to remove its nutritional ingredients, fell victim to industrialization itself. "It has evolved from a food into a chemical," says Sakai. "There's very few that are pure ingredients. Even the sesame seeds, gomasio, are seasoned with MSG. It bothers me. Why can't you just take salt and sesame seeds, and leave them alone?" Sakai likes to make her own: those coarsely ground sesame seeds, crumbles of yukari (dried red shiso), or big pinches of the refreshing jade-hued aonori on okonomiyaki or noodles. "If you make dashi, you end up with spent kombu and bonito flakes and shiitake mushrooms," says Sakai. "You can dehydrate them, chop them up, and season with some soy sauce, and you have a repurposed furikake."

Some small companies are starting to produce furikake themselves. Trader Joe's launched its own store-brand furikake (with just dried nori seaweed, black sesame seeds, white sesame seeds, salt, and kelp powder) in 2020. The organic brand Eden Foods makes aGomasio只是芝麻,海藻和盐。而阿拉斯加品牌藤壶食品使其自己的Furikake突出显示阿拉斯亚搏电竞加海带,以及像鲣鱼片和生糖等其他调味品。Greg Arnold,日式滑板厨师在洛杉矶调味品公司黑马有机,长大的饮食购买JFC品牌Furikake作为一个孩子,但用他自己的素食版返回Furikake的药根,加州健康扭曲。“松树花粉对于能源和焦点来说是惊人的,蜂花粉是一个惊人的适应性,”阿诺德说。“种子的疯狂和诺里的海洋风味,它就像一个交响乐的工作一样:有点甜蜜,有点酸,有点泥土。”

“Furikake主要适用于干嘎吱嘎吱的浇头,但它可能会略有潮湿,”Sakai说,注意到她最近抽样的咖喱大豆Furikake。实际上有很多富峰,因为有成分组合在日本,一年一度的乌克凯克大奖赛,来自14个县的数十名进入者,评估一年一度的最佳米饭调味料,如Furikake King的Ika Kombu(Squid和Kelp)和Ume Chirimen(梅子和干年轻的沙丁鱼)等赢家。甚至脆脆的培根比特说,Sakai说,忘记了她对工业成分的厌恶一分钟,可能是Furikake。

"Furikake just means sprinkle," says Sakai. "You can use it as a noun or a verb. Anything can become a furikake."