在宾夕法尼亚州购买1,804瓶旧RIP van Winkle Whiskeys的权利将通过彩票系统分发。
Pappy van Winkle彩票

波旁球迷知道,一瓶Pappy van Winkle Bourbon - 或者从旧的RIP Van Winkle烟雾中的任何威士忌,在零售店上的零售店架子可能几乎不可能。同时,通过其他方式尝试品味可能贵得离谱。品牌在令人垂涎的灵魂背后容易承认这些事实。“请注意,供应非常有限,瓶子在商店,酒吧和餐馆难以找到”酿酒厂写道在今年的发布公告中。然而,如果你住在宾夕法尼亚州,并且运气好的话,买到一瓶派比酒可能会很困难,但相对来说不会很痛苦:宾夕法尼亚州酒类控制委员会(Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board)将再次举办一场特别的派比·凡·温克尔限量发行彩票。

According to the Board, this year, the state’s stash includes 1,804 bottles of the five different Old Rip Van Winkle varieties that have been released for 2017. Of that collection, 134 bottles are being bundled into 40 multi-bottle packages, with the remaining 1,670 bottles being sold individually. As a result, the rights to buy these bourbons will be determined via a drawing that will see 1,710 winners in all – though the lottery includes some important provisions. First, half of the bundles and about a quarter of the individual bottles are being earmarked for licensees (meaning bars, restaurants and retailers). That immediately cuts the number of individual customers with a chance to get picked in the lottery down to just 1,275. But on the positive side, the PLCB promises that winners are limited to only one per household, and all entries will be “vetted for duplicative names, addresses, and other information,” as well as verifiable Pennsylvania addresses, to make sure the lottery pool is as fair as possible.

但是,请记住,一旦选择,客户只会给予购买这些瓶子的“机会”。“赢家”仍然必须脱掉现金 - 而PLCB价格略高于酿酒厂的建议价格。例如,宾夕法尼亚州为旧的RIP Van Winkle 10年收取79.99美元,其中蒸馏器占59.99美元。与此同时,在该范围的顶部,酿酒厂建议帕帕维克的家庭预留23年可以达到269.99美元,而PLCB则要求399.99美元。

