Chefs are putting the spotlight on breakfast at morning hits like ’Aina in San Francisco. Now bartenders are waking up to the idea of mixing drinks with iconic morning ingredients.
Breakfast Ingredient Cocktails
Credit: © AJ Trela


AtCindy’sin Chicago, Nandini Khaund swaps in La Colombe cold brew for rum in theRoman Holiday, her reinvention of the tiki cocktail known as the Jungle Bird. She shakes it with Campari, pineapple juice and a pinch of Maldon salt.


Why bite into a breakfast sandwich when you can sip Mike Randolph’s bacon, egg & cheese cocktailatHalf & Halfin St. Louis? It’s a frothy whip of smoked bourbon, creamy mascarpone, a whole egg and a drizzle of maple syrup.


AtWildhawkin San Francisco, Jacques Bezuidenhout is so crazy for Cocoa Puffs, he soaks them in Gran Lusso vermouth, then stirs them with gin and chocolate bitters for hisbreakfast negroni(topped with adorable animal-shape orange peel punch-outs).

Orange Juice

Drink a balanced breakfast atMilktoothin Indianapolis, where thedreamsicle mimosa—a mix of OJ, bergamot-infused vodka and vanilla-cream simple syrup topped with bubbles—is a sophisticated pairing for the restaurant’s morning feast.

Check out F&W's favorite DIY brunch drinkshere.