
Credit: Alex Aristei

Even to柯蒂斯·斯通,他读过的那个男人似乎是一个名望的,空头的混蛋。

“以他的新演出为主持人顶级厨师大师,厨师柯蒂斯·斯通(Curtis Stone)越来越接近成为美国真人秀马戏团的表演者,” 2011年网站Slashfood上的个人资料。亚搏电竞“去年春天,他到达了唐纳德·特朗普的第10周Celebrity Apprentice,今年秋天,他一直定期出现The Biggest Loser.

这个故事继续描述了斯通与头发金属歌手布雷特·迈克尔斯(Bret Michaels)和基本钟表的主食沙龙·奥斯本(Sharon Osborne)的友谊。文章下面是读者评论:“ Stone是TC大师的绝妙补充。全眼糖果。”

没有提及他的烹饪证书,诸如Savoy Park Plaza等酒店厨房的学徒制Melbourne, Australia,也没有16小时的日子在马可·皮埃尔·怀特(Marco Pierre White)的屡获殊荣的餐厅工作London.


闪烁到2017年,斯通(Stone洛杉矶over the past three years. He’s done this while maintaining a full schedule of TV work, with regular appearances on everything from the今天展示到家庭购物网络,并与澳大利亚超市连锁店一起咨询工作;授权两本食谱;并与妻子女演员林赛·普莱斯(Lindsay Price)一起生了第二个孩子Beverly Hills, 90210Lipstick Jungle)。

But that day in the park, he was only worried that Hudson would grow up cosseted in Hollywood, believing the perception of Stone as a shallow TV personality. “I started thinking about my mom,” Stone says, the bend of his Melbourne accent adding emphasis to certain vowels, “and what an被挖掘出来她是榜样以及如何hahhhd她工作了。那就是我获得职业道德的地方。我想,我要向我的孩子们展示一个男人应该做的事情:照顾自己的事,过着诚实的生活,为您所获得的东西努力工作 - 不仅要开始生活。因为我肯定没有狗屎。”

Stone's parents divorced when he was two, and his mother, Lorraine Coles, went to work at a florist’s shop to support her two sons, growing vegetables in the yard to feed them. “She sewed all of our clothes, tracksuit pants, underwear,” Stone says.


在伦敦22岁时,他遇到了一位厨师,他告诉他马可·皮埃尔·怀特(Marco Pierre White)正在招聘。到2002年,斯通担任怀特米其林星级Quo Vadis的主厨,为Sean Connery,Kate Moss和Madonna等名人做饭。

That Slashfood commenter wasn’t wrong: Stone is so good-looking—a 6-foot-2 hunk with sincere blue eyes, waves of Bondi Beach–blond hair and surfboard-thick hands—that it’s easy to assume he’s a made-for-TV confection. In 2002, when he was 27, he’d already begun appearing in kitchen segments on British morning TV. In one, with fellow Australian chef Ben O’Donoghue, they demonstratedhangover curesfrom Down Under (Stone’s:荷包蛋烤面包上有野生蘑菇)。英国广播公司的制片人,震惊了一个或两个小伙子可能是下一个杰米·奥利弗(Jamie Oliver)yabo电竞投注Surfing the Menu.

到2006年,斯通大部分时间都在餐厅厨房中。他的美国突破是带回家厨师on TLC, a goofy series in which he picked up actresses and models at a Los Angeles supermarket, followed them home and went to work in their kitchens. And within a half-decade, it was like all that dues-paying in hot kitchens in his teens and twenties had been forgotten.

大厨杰弗里·扎卡里安(Geoffrey Zakarian)曾说过,如果他在职业生涯的这一点上只需要选择一项餐馆或电视的追击,他就会拿电视。但是扎卡里安(Zakarian)以他的餐馆闻名,以其严格但可爱的电视角色为名。相反,斯通“逆转了名人的职业”顶级厨师大师。“他成为名人厨师,然后开设了热门餐厅。”在Stone推出第一个之前,Maude于2014年以他的父亲祖母的名字命名,他与妻子进行了交谈,警告她要让餐厅成功所需的长时间。辛勤工作得到了回报:la Weekly评论家贝莎·罗德尔(Besha Rodell)在2014年的评论中写道,莫德(Maude)是一个24个座位的珠宝盒,每月变化的固定价格菜单,它提供了“我在洛杉矶吃过的一些最巧妙的餐点。”

Gwen, named after his maternal grandmother, opened in the summer of 2016 on Sunset Boulevard. For it, Curtis and his brother, Lucas Stone, mortgaged their homes, investing $3 million. To break even, Stone tells me, standing in the back of the dining room a few hours before service, sipping his second flat white of the day, “revenue from the restaurant needs to be $110,000 a week. We’ve been doing between $90k and $120k, averaging a little less than $110k.”

He leads me upstairs, where there’s a business office along with a test kitchen split into two halves. On one side of the high-ceilinged room, the team in charge of recipe development for his cookbook, TV and magazine commitments is preparing hamburgers. On the other side, Justin Hilbert, the chef de cuisine at Maude, is leading a staff tasting of dishes for the March menu, focused on beets. As the scent of the root vegetable roasted in kelp and barley rises, Stone points first to the hamburger side of the room. “One side makes the money,” he says. “The other side spends it.”

迈克尔·沃尔塔吉奥(Michael Voltaggio), A顶级厨师赢家已经设法将电视和美食节的露面与受到备受赞誉的餐厅的需求保持平衡,这是那些注意到亚搏电竞斯通努力在热门厨房中重新证明自己的努力的人之一。“对于柯蒂斯,” Voltaggio在一封电子邮件中说:“'名人厨师'中的'厨师'实际上是定义他的。”Voltaggio并不是唯一的一员:詹姆斯·罗伯逊(James Robertson)共同拥有怀特(White)的两家伦敦餐厅并与斯通(Stone)合作,他现在对他的努力感到惊讶。“每次我见到他时,他都在厨师的白人中,在晚上11点擦拭炉子。与他的员工一起,”罗伯逊告诉我。

斯通的妻子似乎对餐厅工作对他们的家庭生活意味着什么感到惊讶。一个早晨,我坐在早餐table with the family. Price, who met Stone on a blind date seven years ago, is to audition for a role in a TV pilot that morning. As she cuts small pieces of smoked salmon for their two children, I ask about her husband’s work habits.

“Emotionally it seems harder on him than on us, because he’s the one missing bedtime, bath time,” she says.


I turn to Price. “You never dated a chef.”



On arrival at Maude, he has the first of the day’s flat whites. Within the next few hours, as the energy rises toward the first seating, Stone’s tasks flip between duties as simple as sharpening a knife and as complex as deciding what切尔西处理程序will make during a taping the next day.




那天晚上在格温,我留下晚餐。下午5:25夏普(Sharp)将第三个白色的白色交给了斯通(Stone),后者在餐厅中最明显的景点之一,距离咆哮的木烧烤烤架约四个步骤,这为装饰艺术品装饰空间增加了舒适。厨师的柜台在他面前。在他的左边是通行证,一名加速器分类并大喊命令。我们整天都在积累的能量的爆炸是我们的:屠夫刀的刺痛,快速步伐的服务员的鞋底尖叫,餐厅里的无家衣柜的瓶子,烤眼镜的ping klings,rot绕的对话。不久,加速器站在一辆艳丽的冰岛蓝色西装外套和粉红色衬衫上,大喊:“您有两个猪肉,两个矮小的猪肉,两个矮小和80杆!”这意味着两个顾客选择烤猪(釉面脸颊,烤架,烟熏肚),两个选择的短肋骨(炖和烤),另一个以175美元的80天干时45盎司的45盎司牛排挥霍,所以开除他们,伴侣!


Hours later, long after I’ve scooped up the last of my yuzu Pavlova, there stands Stone, sweating, taking thicksteaks从烤箱里出来,让它们休息,将其切成薄片,然后将它们送入餐厅的漩涡中。“我们走吧!我们走吧!我们走吧!”他曾经大喊,将手放在柜台上,以举起已经很高的肾上腺素。



艾伦·萨尔金(Allen Salkin)是From Scratch: The Uncensored History of the Food Network.