Chef of Philadelphia’s K’Far turning out incredible baked goods and plates inspired by the Middle East.
最佳新厨师2020 |Camille Cogswell
信用:杰森·瓦尼(Jason Varney)

Ed note: Camille Cogswell no longer works at K’Far.

"I’m saddened to have been let go from my position in the CookNSolo company. I believe that it will take me awhile to process having to leave my incredible team of people that are so dear to me and the programs that I developed and dedicated myself to for the past four and a half years at both Zahav and K’Far. I still cherish the invaluable time that I spent working for Mike and Steve and this does not change the incredible relationships that I built, the countless things that I learned, and the immense hard work that I put in during that time. I’m grateful for the mentorship that I received and the opportunities that I was fortunate enough to have. I don’t know what CookNSolo’s plan is for the future of K’Far but I hope that it will be positive and serve the community with as much warmth and love as I tried to during my time as Executive Chef there. I wish them the best.

But it’s not my intention to have this news detract from the more important focus that everyone should have right now: fighting the injustice and oppression that Black Americans have faced in this country for centuries and continue to endure today. That needs to continue to be the biggest focus until we have significant and monumental progress in overturning the racist structures of our society and putting in place systems that support the BIPOC in every community." — Camille Cogswell

"Camille has been a big part of the CookNSolo family for almost 5 years. It has been an incredible run, and we’re proud of her and the work we did together at Zahav and at K’Far. We’re rooting for and know that she will continue to have much success." — Spokesperson for CookNSolo

K’FAR在希伯来语中转化为“村庄”,而Camille Cogswell厨师的版本是烹饪乌托邦。她的餐厅K'Far位于费城Rittenhouse社区的一个繁忙的角落,是一个在耶路撒冷百吉饼的热环,形状像Lithe Zeros的形状,在瑜伽课上伸展了,不断从烤箱中拉出。(这家餐厅每周生产约1,300件。)最好用黄油和大量的Za’atar涂抹,或者堆满了蓬松的黄色炒鸡蛋和鲜绿色Schug的笔触,这是一种火热的也许的辣酱。足以让您忘记曾经存在的奶油奶酪。

The ovens also turn out loaves of tender kubaneh, a labor-intensive bread that takes nearly 11 hours to make and involves “finger-painting” dough with butter. In Cogswell’s world, the loaves are sliced, toasted, and piled high with shockingly pink salt-roasted beets and labneh, or swooshes of brown-sugar ricotta. Though Cogswell runs the kitchen atK’Far,她很快强调菜单是团队的努力。她花了多年的时间担任糕点厨师,她说她经常将自我放在一边向厨师学习。

傍晚,灯光昏暗,村庄从一家熙熙cap的咖啡馆转变为同样繁华的晚餐地点。白色蒸粗麦粉的小红块谷物到达桌子上,悬挂在芬芳的藏红花和大蒜汤上。一个管道热的le creuset锅被颠倒过来,露出一个完美的伊拉克鸡肉和果酱砂锅的土墩。米饭 - 柔软,丰满,深厚的咸味 - 都搭配干燥和新鲜的Amba(一种发酵的腌制芒果调味品)调味。

这是Cogswell首次使用咸味厨房和糕点厨房。KFAR是与她的导师迈克·索洛莫诺夫(Mike Solomonov)更男性化的扎哈夫(Zahav)更女性化的对立面,在那里她仍然是执行糕点厨师。(是的,她从事两个工作。)房间柔软,涂有粉红色的平静色调。有一个全女性的领导团队,还有很多植物。因为她既不是以色列也不是犹太人,所以她求助于大量的食谱以寻求菜单灵感。KFAR可能是希伯来语的术语,但Cogswell强调菜单不是“宗教信仰的”。取而代之的是,她希望庆祝该地区的美食,使她的KFAR成为接受和美食的地方。亚搏电竞这是我们快乐地打电话回家的一个村庄。

Credit: Tara Donne