“我之所以选择美国奶酪,是因为它不是真正的奶酪 - 融化时它更像是一种调味料,因此您最终会得到一个装满美味的奶酪酱的汉堡。透明
Processed Cheese
Credit: Juanmonino/Getty Images

Ever wonder what makes certain cheeseburgers so satisfying? Well, it’s the cheese. And not just any cheese; we’re talking liquefied, processed, gooey “cheese” that triggers memories of your youth. Sure, American cheese pitted against Roquefort or Manchego may never win the Complexity of Flavor Olympics, but many chefs vouch for processed cheese when it comes to crafting the perfect burger.

换句话说,帕蒂上的切达干酪或蓝纹奶酪很可能会味道好的,,,,but there’s only one option when it comes to melting power and flavor. Hint: A square single that melts like no other.


哈斯克·纳什维尔,,,,Sean Brock: It's basically cheese sauce

“我之所以选择美国奶酪,是因为它不是真正的奶酪 - 融化时它更像是一种调味料,因此您最终会覆盖着汉堡,里面有美味的奶酪酱透明厨师肖恩·布鲁克说,他广受欢迎的汉堡at果壳在纳什维尔。

干草商人,,,,克里斯·谢泼德(Chris Shepherd):它的熔融性无与伦比

厨师克里斯·谢泼德(Chris Shepherd干草商人in Houston. “American cheese is my childhood,” he says. “Every weekend, my family fired up the grill for burgers, and in my opinion, American cheese is只有汉堡奶酪。对我来说是感性的。它具有真正的熔融性和质地,当汉堡开始融化时,它会融入汉堡本身。我的汉堡(Burgers)上还有其他奶酪 - 蓝色,洞穴老式的切达干酪(Cheddar),瑞士(Swiss),但没有像美国人那样撞到现场。它的味道不会压倒汉堡。当我们为汉堡创建腹部and Hay Merchant, there wasn’t a question in my mind.”

Credit: Hilary Duke

White Gold Butchers,Erika Nakamura: Everybody loves it

White Gold Butchers在纽约市的上西区,切碎的奶酪是一个主要原因,这是一个融化的奶酪,毫不费力地沉入肉中。"For us, 'processed' sounds so negative,” says butcher Erika Nakamura. “How about we all just call it ‘emulsified’? Truly though, with just a few tweaks you can change many cheeses from one that separates and gets stringy when melted into a smooth, velvety, melty version of itself. I always want the velvety version on my burger (or Chopped Cheese!), so we assume our guests would want the same. Sometimes, it's the right choice not to mess with the way people like things."

Brasserie by Niche,,,,Gerard Craft:在汉堡没什么好吃的

“在Brasserie,,,,we stick to traditional French brasserie fare, but we make one exception: our cheeseburger,” says chef Gerard Craft. “It used to be topped with Fourme d'Ambert cheese, pickled red onions and arugula. It was very French and a great burger, but not a proper cheeseburger. It was missing that key ingredient, American cheese. The flavor and texture are so nostalgic and perfect for a cheeseburger. And only Kraft will do. The creaminess of American cheese melted on top of the burger patties with Dijonnaise (we have to still be a little French!), sweet onions and dill pickles? Now that’s a perfect cheeseburger to me.”

Piedmont,,,,约翰·梅: You can class it up a little, too

“在Piedmont, we take a high-quality local cheddar and process it into an American cheese, which gives it a creamy, more melty quality,” says chef John May, of his mouthwatering burger served at Durham’sPiedmont早午餐时间“当您内部处理奶酪时,您的产品质量要比在商店中购买的产品高得多。”

甜美的脸颊肉,,,,尼克·菲利普斯: Its mild flavor compliments good beef

杰克逊·霍尔(Jackson Hole)最喜欢的屠夫商店甜美的脸颊肉,提供皇家机智的奶酪 - 一种咸味的早餐汉堡,配加工奶酪。老板尼克·菲利普斯(Nick Phillips)说:“这是一个油腻的餐馆汉堡的胶水。”“它不会像Bleu奶酪或切达干酪一样打断体验,而是通过其独特的熔化和温和的风味来增加它。如果您使用优质的牛肉,您希望这种味道发光,加工奶酪是完美的补充。”

Credit: © Jess Lander / flickr.com/photos/93525156@N00/

模仿鸟,,,,Brian Riggenbach:感觉很好

模仿鸟,纳什维尔最新的餐馆之一,提供全球启发的餐食食品,提供了一个惊人的双重芝士汉堡,上面放着美国奶酪,烧焦的洋葱和“花哨”的酱汁。亚搏电竞厨师布莱恩·里根巴赫(Brian Riggenbach)补充说:“美国奶酪在当前的烹饪行业中出现不良说唱,当时大多数厨房都希望在当地提供超级菜,并进行全面的有机且专注于健康饮食,我们也可以在大多数菜单上做到这一点。但是,有一个时间和一个有罪的放纵之地,而美国奶酪是我们最喜欢的享乐之一,但感觉很正确!鲜艳的黏糊糊的纹理纹理奶酪回到了童年的回忆和美国的怀旧之情,大多数人都可以生动地回忆起。”

证明 +储藏室,,,,尼克快点: It's the only option for burgers

在达拉斯,证明 +储藏室’s chef Nick Hurry admits that he doesn’t really like American cheese, “except on a burger,” he adds. “I think it’s more of a nostalgia thing. American cheese is classic and something that’s familiar for everyone. I’ve made burgers with every other type of cheese, and while still delicious, none of them feel right.” Chef’s Pantry Burger, crafted with a housemade patty, Dijon and capers, is topped off with an infamous square of Kraft.