山姆·尼尔(Sam Neill)
信用:克里斯托弗·戴维·汤普森(Christopher David Thompson)

When Sam Neill isn't making blockbusters like侏罗纪世界:统治或迷人的澳大利亚电影Rams, he's at home in New Zealand tending to his farm animals and his winery,两个围场。他的许多生物是命名在他的演员朋友和尼尔发布可爱的videos和他们在一起。酒是有机亚搏电竞和生物动力的produced from his four vineyards in New Zealand's Central Otago wine region. While there are some questionable celebrity wines and spirits out there, Two Paddocks, which Neill founded in 1993 around the same timeJurassic Park出来,是一家备受推崇的酿酒厂。亚搏电竞它也是世界上最南端的酿酒厂 - 最有可能是第二个南部的亚搏电竞酿酒厂。尼尔(Neill)听说智利有一个被认为位于他的南部的人,但是谁在计数?

New Zealand wine has changed a lot over the years, and I wanted to get Neill's take on it and learn more about Central Otago and the别针ot Noirhe makes there. I also just wanted to meet him, see how he's doing, and talk about movies. We recently chatted over Zoom while he ate his breakfast.


山姆·尼尔(Sam Neill):First of all, there are only a few really special spots on the planet that can actually successfully grow Pinot Noir to a level of distinction, and Central Otago is one of them. There are two or three in New Zealand. There are two or three in Australia. In the States, it's Oregon, and then of course there's Burgundy. So it's with very few exceptions, that's almost it. We produce very bright, vivid Pinot Noirs.

If I was to talk to one of your readers I would say this: If you're looking at a Pinot Noir from the old world, you'll be paying three times more what you would pay for a similar quality from this part of the new world. How's that? That's not bad, is it?




Unlike Pinot Noir, which takes a great deal of labor and needs to be hand-picked, Sauvignon Blanc can be produced commercially—and the world loved it. And that drew the attention of the wine-drinking world to New Zealand. And as a result, it became more possible to concentrate on high-quality wines, which is really the only thing I've been interested in. I had never wanted to produce anything that was just plunk. I wanted to produce the最好的葡萄亚搏电竞酒in the world, basically. And I think I'm getting pretty close.


只有通过反复试验,您才能发现哪些克隆以及哪些在不同地方起作用Pinot。而且您永远无法正确预测这一点。特别是在这里的葡萄园中,在这里的拐角处,土壤每10米变化。因此,我们种植了我们并不完全满意的克隆,并用实际上是摇滚明星的克隆来代替它们。因此,这并不是说我会做任何不同的事情,因为我们知道我们会在继续学习的过程中学习。在这四个葡萄园中,我在裸露的土地上种植了三个。它与勃艮第不同。在同样的土地上有2,000或3,000年的葡萄种植了葡萄。他们已经弄清楚什么有效,什么无效。在这里,我们正在开拓。 But of course we're building on those 2,000 or 3,000 years, or 10,000 years, of agricultural knowledge.

What's the story with your vineyard almost being the southernmost in the world?

我的葡萄园之一被称为最后的机会,但詹西斯·罗宾逊(Jancis Robinson)说,智利向南几英里处。但是我选择不相信这一点。



I draw the line at thehorn at the full moon。那只是……角只是荒谬的。上帝保佑Steiner。He was pretty good at many things, but he wasn't actually a farmer. He was a philosopher, and he knew farmers, but he wasn't actually a farmer.

山姆·尼尔(Sam Neill)
信用:克里斯托弗·戴维·汤普森(Christopher David Thompson)

When you're not drinking your own wine, what have you been pouring this year?

我特别喜欢澳大利亚的设拉子。首选是Yalumba Signature Shiraz,或Penfolds bin389。这些都是可靠且令人惊讶的好葡萄酒,物有所值。亚搏电竞

What have you been cooking during the pandemic?




Which of your films had the best catering?

I did a film calledRide Like a Girl。餐饮是惊人的。就饮酒而言,我在拍摄时不喝酒。没有电话。我喜欢周末放松一下。亚搏电竞当我们做的时候Rams例如,我们在那里的一个非常好的葡萄酒区,其中一些非常好的赤霞珠和澳大利亚西南部亚搏电竞的赤霞珠。


您与很多动物演员一起工作Rams。Is that kind of a treat for you, because you're such a big animal lover?

They haven't necessarily been to drama school, nor have they seen a film crew before. You need patience. So it takes awhile for them to settle down. But we had some very nice sheep to work with on this. They reminded me of my own sheep, and the dog was good, too. I'm with my dog right now; she is asleep over there. Let me show you my dog.[Moves laptop to reveal a sleeping dog in the background.]



So you name your farm animals after actors. Is there an animal on your farm that's your favorite?

I've got three rams at the moment, but the star ram is Timothy Spall. He's a weird mixture of affection and aggression. He's fond of you when you're feeding him or scratching his head. But if you turn your back on him, he bucks you up the ass, which I don't take too kindly too. So I treat him with a certain amount of caution.

I feel like there should be a documentary about your farm and all the animals. Would you be open to that?

People ask that a lot, and not really.


