Camarar Castles,Organic葡亚搏电竞萄酒和华丽的海鲜使这个法国南部地区是必要的。亚搏电竞
Domaine de la储备葡萄园d'o

There’s something at once exotic and approachable about Languedoc, the northern swath of the sister territories known as Languedoc-Roussillon, France’s largest wine-producing region. Its wines, culled from over 100 grape varieties that grow in Languedoc-Roussillon, are as varied as the jigsaw of its microclimates and terrains, which stretch along the Mediterranean between Provence and the Spanish border.

The Languedoc is beautiful, and despite its proximity to the eternally popular Mediterranean, there’s a remarkable (and welcome) lack of tourists. In fact, as you walk oak-lined roads to petite villages cobbled around a single central square, you get a constant sense of peeping through a keyhole into a panorama that’s so charming and undisturbed—and, well, French—that it’s hard to believe the place isn’t overrun. Take Puimisson, the tiny town between Montpellier and Béziers where I couldn’t find a cash machine but did encounter a group of septuagenarians playing their daily game of late-afternoonpétanque。在那里,我在天然葡萄酒师杰夫·哥特鲁(Mas Coutelo亚搏电竞u)停了下来,并抽出他的ClasseCuvée,一种生动,多汁,水果前锋芝麻粉,Grenache和Cinsaut或Mourvèdre,它们构成了Coutelou的无补充硫酸盐哲学。

Languedoc is France’s largest organic wine-growing region; the warm, dry climate discourages the growth of molds, mildew, and fungi, which makes synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides less necessary. A shining light of this movement is Gérard Bertrand, who, since 2002, has gradually converted his domains to biodynamic practices. Bertrand happily admits that already being one of the region’s largest organic producers has made his adoption of the labor-intensive methods easier, but many much smaller estates, such as the lovely, biodynamically farmed Domaine de la Réserve d’O, share the same disinclination toward using man-made chemicals in their vineyards.

历史意思在这里深处:古代通过Domitia--在纳布纳市连接意大利的罗马路。山顶在13世纪拥有古老的城堡,这是Cathar Perscholds的城堡。随着普罗旺斯,这是法国最古老的葡萄酒区 - 葡萄园自5世纪以来一直在这里。亚搏电竞所以预订飞往巴黎(或巴塞罗那)的航班,到蒙彼利埃(或佩皮尼昂)的火车票,然后跳上租车并开始探索。


Gérard Bertrand

“酿酒师的亚搏电竞角色是阅读陶土的音乐,”生物动力学实践中的声乐领导者GérardBertrand说。他的皇冠宝石,Clos d'Ora,一个基于Syrah的红色混合物,显示了Languedoc葡萄酒可以实现的高度。亚搏电竞


“There are only good years at Clos Marie,” says Christophe Peyrus, a second-generation winemaker in Pic Saint-Loup. His dark-berried blends, like Simon, deftly balance fruit, acidity, tannin, and structure. (Route de Cazeneuve, 34270 Lauret)

Mas De Daumas Gassac

Daumas Gassac创始人AiméGuibert是第一个证明该地区可以生产出优秀葡萄酒的人之一。亚搏电竞风景区拥有一家畅销的商店和品尝室,不需要预约。



What to Do

Manade Tournebelle.

你可以骑着灰色卡玛格一直horses-the古老的清汤d native to the region—along the Canal de la Robine, past marshes with seabirds and elds with black bulls. (

L’abbaye De Saint-Hilaire

另一个必要的必要访问是这个小Benedictine修道院,建在中世纪,具有丰富的历史:在1531年,被认为是第一个闪亮的葡萄酒(Blanquette de Limoux)在那里创造。亚搏电竞

Where to Stay

Tucked away off a narrow street in the hill town of Montréal, about 20 minutes from Carcassonne, lies the bohemian treasure that isCamellas-Lloret(从$ 170 /晚)。在这里,您将想拍摄您所看到的一切。享用Expat所有者Annie和Colin Moore早餐,然后开车探索一天。如果您喜欢更传统的酒店,渴望游泳池,Châteaul'hotioteet(从Narbonne外面的150美元/晚)提供舒适,极简的住宿和米其林公认的L'Art de Vivre Restaurant


La Cambuse Du Saunier

没有什么能突出LangueDoc的海滨区域,就像一顿士当地贝类鱼,俯瞰粉红色的粉红色盐矿石。尝试用新鲜的贻贝,牡蛎亚搏电竞,海蜗牛和虾的海鲜拼盘,或者尝试腌制的整个鱼。(路线De L'Ayrolle,11430 Gruissan)

Chez bebelle.

Les Halles de Narbonne提供了典型的法国市场体验。在Chez Bebelle市场上享用午餐,订单由扩音器指导,肉从屠夫的摊位上抛出。鞑靼人在这里是最好的卖家,也是烤牛排·哈奇。

Châteaude Flaugergue.

在蒙彼利埃城市限制的17世纪的Oasis内,在Folia Restaurant开始或结束您的旅行。不要错过旅游的房产:COLBERT家族分享其精致的花园,佛兰芒挂毯系列,当然,它的10个不同的CUVÉES。

Comte Roger

虽然它可能是您旅行中最传统的旅游部分,但不要穿过中世纪围墙的卡尔卡松闲逛。当你厌倦了走路时,在Comte Roger的Comete Roger上订购Cassoulet(以朗格多克发明)作为追求人群的奖励。