利用定制的对象和类伴侣rials, this may be one of the most dramatic, idiosyncratic tasting-rooms I’ve ever visited in Napa.
Chained and Locked Front Entry to The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge Prior to Official Opening in November 2018 - Credit Matt Morris for TPWC.jpg
Credit: The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge officially opened in November. photo: Matt Morris for TPWC

熟练的A5的气味在拐角处振动的石墨骨架时充满了空气,在人体大小的薄膜薄膜上留下了百万分。在我身后是阿曼达·赖特(Amanda Wright)的精选陶器,其中许多是受到朋克摇滚衣服的启发,链条,带扣和拉链在家庭用品上都包裹着。在我盘子的前面是decade废的红色,白色和起泡的眼镜,有些在全国各地可用,而另一些则只在这个空间中倒入。

囚犯葡萄酒公司的外部品尝休息室和售货店 - tp亚搏电竞wc.jpg的信用马特·莫里斯(Matt Morris)
Credit: The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge officially opened in November. photo: Matt Morris for TPWC

欢迎来到刚开放的售货店和品尝休息室The Prisoner Wine Company, right off of Highway 29 in theNapa Valley

该囚犯的广泛新项目是两年计划和开发的产物,占据了曾经容纳方济各会庄园的空间。但是,在转型之前有机会停下来的游客可能不再认识到它:建筑师马特·霍利斯(Matt Hollis)和室内设计师理查德·冯·萨尔(Richard von Saal)将40,000平方英尺转变为受囚犯唱片公司标志性美学启发的完全沉浸式体验。例如,使用定制的物品和重新利用的材料 - 例如,来自俄亥俄州门诺派社区的200年历史的谷仓木材,以及以前是核海底一部分的钢板,以及空间的戏剧性开放,带有巨大的天灯and custom art and furniture throughout, this may be one of the most dramatic, idiosyncratic tasting-rooms I’ve ever visited in Napa.

Custom Cage Seating for One-on-One Tasting and Pairing Experiences in The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge - Credit Matt Morris for TPWC.jpg
Credit: The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge officially opened in November. photo: Matt Morris for TPWC

葡萄酒的直接采样(与囚犯主题保持一致的“阵容品尝”)是40美元,通亚搏电竞过约会或步入式入门,包括葡萄酒,一点点食物以及游览烹饪花园,葡萄园和葡萄园和亚搏电竞这家售货员刚好超出品尝酒吧……当然,这些葡萄酒被储存在“束缚中”,他们的sha绳状持有者被悬挂在链条上。亚搏电竞“ Makery Journey”,只有65美元,仅通过预约,为客人提供了从居住地购买某些物品的机会。和“ Makery Experience”(星期四至周日95美元)包括五道菜的小盘子配对。由厨师布雷特·杨(Brett Young)创建的开头菜单包括那个令人惊叹的和牛(在尖叫的热岩石上烤牛肉本身的脂肪,并伴随着腌制的石灰gomashio和剃光的葱),精致而又精致带大溪地南瓜,香菜和熏制的蛋黄)等等。亚搏电竞葡萄酒制作的克里斯西·维特曼(Chrissy Wittmann)导演(包括“综合症”)是一款出色的桃红葡萄酒(Rosé),总部位于Charbono的“ Headlock”等导演,为新空间构思的葡萄酒是由葡萄酒制作导演制作的。

囚犯葡萄酒公司财产的售货店 - tpwc.jpg的信亚搏电竞用马特·莫里斯(Matt Morris)
Credit: The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge officially opened in November. photo: Matt Morris for TPWC

那个小板的配对发生在一个巨大的长房间中,那里有四个单独的摊位到侧屋,旋转的当地艺术家和手工艺人 - 制造商,就像它一样。他们目前包括烹饪袋公司Aplat;塔萨尔特(Tsalt)调味料利用囚犯的葡萄酒以及其他成分来增添粉红色的蒙古盐。亚搏电竞还有更多 - 这就是为什么我在振动,抖动的石墨骨架的情况下享用午餐的原因。

访客座位(2)在囚犯葡萄酒公司品尝休息室 - 信用马特·莫里斯(Matt亚搏电竞 Morris)for tpwc.jpg
Credit: The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge officially opened in November. photo: Matt Morris for TPWC

It was the brainchild of artist Agelio Batle, whose works in that material explore the connection between the ancient life that ultimately turned into carbon, and the art that can be made today from it. The skeleton was set on a flat vibrating table lined with a massive sheet of mylar film, and with each jolt and shudder of the fabricated bones, it left a mark. After days or weeks or months, depending on when Batle believes it’s complete, the paper is removed, framed, and displayed for purchase. It is, he explained, a chance to create new life—his art—from a material that’s composed of the ancient remains of plant and animal life that passed hundreds of millions of years ago.

Visitor Seating in The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge - Credit Matt Morris for TPWC.jpg
Credit: The Prisoner Wine Company Tasting Lounge officially opened in November. photo: Matt Morris for TPWC

Conceptual, to be sure, but the finished product is magnificent. And with a few glasses of The Prisoner’s wines in your system, it all starts to make perfect sense. The overlapping of the worlds of art, architecture, wine, and food here is fascinating, and an excellent addition to the Napa Valley.