旋转,啧啧有声,滑向noodle-fueledecstasy on a family pilgrimage to Tokyo.
学分:Hetty McKinnon

Any visit to Tokyo necessitates a huge appetite and an openness to eating noodles at every hour of the day. From the rise of the sun, you will find locals standing shoulder to shoulder slurping noodles, often soba, served either hot or cold, sometimes topped with tempura, grilled fish cakes, or onsen tamago (soft-cooked egg). Noodles are ubiquitous in Tokyo; the variations are staggering, with an infinite ability to satisfy cravings.

在Covid-19瘫痪的国际旅行瘫痪之前,我和我的家人只对这个标志性的城市有非常基本的知识,但在朋友的坚定建议下,我的家人到达了乌顿·辛(Udon Shin)。yabo电竞投注乘火车到达后来,到达世界上最繁忙的铁路枢纽之一的新库顿站,令人眼花dright乱的灯光和街机的模糊(一种现代和传统的强大组合)都可以覆盖。我们绊倒了记忆巷(Omoide Yokocho),这是一个狭窄的小巷,上面点缀着很小的店面和餐馆,这些店面和餐馆自1940年代后期以来几乎没有改变。我的孩子们脸颊溜进了街机,花了几分钟的游戏。徘徊,我们转到一条更安静的街道,人们聚集在一个紧凑,昏暗的店面外:乌冬恩·辛(Udon Shin)。

当我们等待时,我们将脸按在热气腾腾的窗户上,门门户进入了典型的微型东京厨房。通过滚滚蒸汽的部分面纱,我们被乌冬面工艺的节奏所吸引 - 面条大师将面团滚动,以测量的喧嚣和最高的精度揉捏和切割。随着订单的流入,面条被掉入大量的沸水桶中,然后在冰浴中迅速冷却以停止烹饪。在这里,每碗面条都可以订购。我们的魔法被服务器打破了,他们把菜单交给了我们 - 送货是在外面带走的,大概是为了在我们等待时准备食物。亚搏电竞这是我们对日本的热情效率和慷慨的热情款待。

The menu featured several zaru udon—cold noodles served with a dipping sauce—but I opted for the hot酱油udon配黄油,胡椒粉和煮鸡蛋,我鼓励我的食肉儿子订购带有胡椒粉,帕尔玛奶酪和一块培根天妇罗的签名的Carbonara启发的菜。Udon Shin的许多菜肴不是传统的,而是完美地封装了日本人通过自己的美味镜头从其他文化中重新诠释的熟练和创造性的方式。



I grew up devouring noodles, cooked lovingly at home by my mother, so this bowl of udon felt familiar yet intoxicatingly new. The wonder of travel and roaming is finding that sense of belonging wherever one is in the world, and in this diminutive restaurant in Shinjuku, I found home in a bowl of noodles. Now, whenever I am yearning to relive the magical, life-changing experience of Tokyo, I know what to do: prepare a bowl of soy-laced, peppery udon topped with a barely set egg, which instantly transports me there from the comfort of my own kitchen.

Get the Recipe: Life-Changing Udon with Soft-Boiled Egg, Hot Soy, and Black Pepper