From Instagram pop-ups to nationally celebrated shops, these Philly pizza places are the best of the best.
学分:马克·威廉姆斯(Marc Williams)的照片 /梅雷迪思数字设计的照片处理

在1月下旬,进入全球大流行的十个月,我去了我一生中最奇怪的日期之一。我的丈夫埃里克(Eric)把我放在一个角落里南费城,我独自一人沿着狭窄的街道with stout red brick row houses, headed to an address that had been texted to me a few hours before. As I approached, a man in black sweatpants and sneakers swung open a storm door and handed me an unmarked brown box in exchange for my crisp twenty.

I took the box back to my husband, who was idling in our black minivan. Inside was a pizza, dappled with fresh mozzarella and torn basil, circled by a crust so perfectly charred that it looked like it came out of a 25,000 dollar pizza oven instead of someone's home kitchen. We ate it in the car without speaking, at 4:25 on a Thursday afternoon. The pizza, from an offbeat operation called帕尔玛(Parmajawn),,,,is transformative. It's so good, in fact, you'd stalk Instagram for a chance to claim a slot on a form they release a couple of times a week, and then stalk around a side street in South Philly looking for the right door.

It's part of the flood of excellent pies in the city that's making费城美国最好的披萨城市之一。

Though we've seen a boom in recent years, Philly has always been home to good pizza. Thanks to a long history of Italian immigration, dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries, we have the second largest Italian-American population in the U.S., according to census data. We claim the oldest Italian restaurant in America:Ralph's,于1900年开放。红肉汁贯穿我们的静脉。在切片接头和老鹰球衣的无处不在之前,有塔克内利的。Fans can still call a day before to reserve the dough at the fifth-generation shop, cranking out brick oven-baked pies since before World War II.Santucci's1959年,开始在著名的方形馅饼,顶部酱汁,近40年,拉罗莎仍然可以从Broad Street的一个谦虚的地方向其厚实的锅烘烤切片悬挂。

Pizzeria Beddia
Credit: Jason Varney

Around 2013, Philly started to see what local pizzaiolo Daniel Gutter calls the "new age of pizza."披萨脑厨师马克·维特里(Marc Vetri)于一年前在菲什敦(Fishtown)开业,在艺术博物馆附近开设了那不勒斯风格的馅饼,乔·贝迪亚(Joe Beddia)每天从菲什敦(Fishtown,并在城市的烹饪场景上留下不可磨灭的印记。(您现在可以订购他著名的馅饼 - 以及沙拉和天然葡萄酒 - 从新的化身中桌子上订购,亚搏电竞Pizzeria Beddia)。

Back then, Gutter was making pizzas at the Drexel Hill outpost of local chain Cocco's, where he spent nearly a decade learning and laying the groundwork for his pizza dreams. After working for some of the city's best pizza makers, and doing pop-ups, selling pizzas he made from the wood-fired oven in his parents' backyard, Gutter now runsCircles+Squareswith business partner Alex Carbonell, along with Pizza Plus, Bourbon and Branch, and The Commodore. Their collection of spots is just part of Philly's pizza explosion over the last few years. "Right now, we have a lot of people who are dedicated to using high-quality ingredients," says Joe Beddia. "In 2013, you couldn't put that many great pizzas on one hand."

Credit: Jose F. Moreno

Nowadays, you'd need way more hands to count Philly's outstanding pizzas. And it's not just one type of pizza, either. Even with dozens of new pizza shops (and restaurants, pop-ups, and questionably legal South Philly operations) converging to make Philly a truly great pizza town, no one I talked to thinks we're close to saturation. "There's so much room, there could be a pizza shop on every corner making delicious pies and they would all be busy," says Gutter. Beddia agrees. "It's a good time to eat pizza in Philadelphia."

Below, find just a small slice of Philly's best pies.


2019年,Danny Digiampietro搬迁了他受欢迎的Haddonfield Pizza和Sandwich Shop,安吉洛的,,,,to 9th Street in South Philly, where he churns out some of the most coveted pies in the city. Order the massive, pan-style Upside Down Jawn, and you and your entire family can happily feast for


Daniel Gutter's "正方形“脆frico-crusted侦破roit-style pies, which are having their own moment here, with the addition of NYC importEmmy Squaredin the fall of 2019, and, more recently, chef Kurt Evans'在北部。北费城商店埃文斯(Evans)与商业伙伴穆罕默德·阿卜杜勒·哈迪(Muhammed Abdul-Hadi)开业是由任务驱动的,雇用了以前被监禁的男女(在某些情况下支付公平的工资,在某些情况下提供住房),目的是减少黑人社区的累犯。同时,北披萨(North Pizzas),包括诸如Flip Side,烧烤培根,焦糖菠萝和Jalapeños之类的发明派,自从上个月正式打开门以来,每天都在售罄。;

Credit: Marc Williams


那不勒斯商店,用戏剧性的烤箱制作馅饼,简单,出色的成分激增。Gigi于2019年秋天在皇后村开放,披萨去年10月在Rittenhouse开业。戴维德·卢布拉诺(Davide Lubrano)在罗马披萨学院(Roman Pizza Academy)接受了训练,并从那不勒斯(Naples)冰雹,他的父亲经营比萨店(Pizzeria),Vinny Gallagher在2019年赢得了美国Caputo杯。梦想团队正在与Burrrata,Soppressata,Soppressata和其他经典的搭配。;

"The Philly pizza industry is so beautiful, because we all have a different product, and we all talk to each other," says Pizzata's Davide Lubrano. Philly pizza makers share info and learn from each other. "There's so many different ways that you can make your dough, or bake your dough, and there are so many things to learn. It's never-ending."

Earth to Pizza

Pete Merzbacher的同名面包面包店刚刚推出Earth to Pizza,贝迪亚·阿鲁姆·丹·布里特(Beddia-Alum Dan Britt)正在制作面包店式馅饼。协作在这里推动了创意界限,并使披萨变得更好。梅尔兹巴赫说:“我们将披萨用作与朋友一起玩的真正有趣的平台。”在这种情况下,Fun最近在菜单上定义为Raclette Pizza,使用新泽西州Cherry Grove Farm的Toma奶酪制作,或者与当地人建立了合作伙伴关系Mycopolitan Mushrooms。他说:“多年来,我们与人们建立了许多良好的关系,披萨只是培养这些关系的绝佳工具。”


以典型的费城方式,您可以在您可能不会想到的地方找到令人震惊的美味披萨。也就是说,南费城街房屋,宾夕法尼亚州面包店奶油布丁,地区意大利餐厅Fiore,但只有在他们令人愉悦的弹出披萨派对上(在那里时,请在贾斯汀·麦克尼尔(Justine Macneil)的杰出冰淇淋中订购一品脱)。列表还包括Stina这是一家以木燃木土耳其奇特和片状孔(Flaky Borek)而闻名的地中海餐厅,出售披萨,包括茄子馅饼,上面是桶装的羊乳酪,柠檬和Za'atar。,,,,fiore-fine亚搏电竞;


披萨斜视(not to be confused with ParmaJawn) just opened in Manayunk with three kinds of pizzas, including a sesame-crusted grandma/Sicilian


Following the thin-crust, New York/American-style pies from Beddia and Pizza Brain, and Vetri's Neapolitan, in 2018,Alice(pronounced ah-lee-chay) and里昂,,,,two Roman al taglio shops (i.e. by the cut) opened in Center City. Choose from among toppings like thinly sliced prosciutto or rosemary-scented potatoes, and they'll slice off exactly how much you;