
以下是Wildsam的最新著作的摘录,WILDSAM Napa & Sonoma,which leadstravelers into the heart of California's wine country with guidance from trusted locals and wine experts. Check recommended venues for COVID-19 updates before visiting.


Vineyards in Napa Valley, Northern California
信用:tracerouda / getty图像



Before moving into open spaces toward the coast, start with exploring the cities' centers. To see real Napa at its most vivid, hop on two wheels or explore on foot through the Napa Valley Vine Trail. This section covers 12.5 miles through the city of Napa's working-class roots, into the tumble of verdant vineyards that line Highway 29 until reaching Yountville's luxe center. Rent rides from Napa Valley Bike Tours in downtown Napa, then cruise a couple blocks toLa Esperanza炸玉米饼用于特殊的手工街头食品。亚搏电竞只有一个街区,藤蔓小径就在St. Clair Brown Brewery and Winery, a handy early hydration stop and rare crossover: Elaine St. Clair stakes a claim as the nation's only woman working as both winemaker and brewmaster. Pedal alongside the tracks of industrial Napa, eyes peeled for murals.

这条小径在风景秀丽的橡树诺尔(Oak Knoll)部分中伸直,葡萄酒之乡的田园幻想迅速渗透到小镇现实中。亚搏电竞在您的右边,标志性的酿酒厂(亚搏电竞Ashes & DiamondsTrefethen)DOT高速公路29;在您的左边,一排葡萄树锯齿状地板。正如Ashes&Diamonds的创始人Kashy Khaledi所说:“酿酒厂是对纳帕谷的反应。这也是一亚搏电竞封情感信。”拉下Elyse Winery, a disarming setting for small-production zins and cabs from serious heritage vineyards. As the oak-shaded route bends into Yountville, pass the French Laundry Gardens, and wind up on Washington Street, Yountville's epicenter of the good life. Stop at Jean-Charles Boisset's rococoAtelier Fine Foods豪华奢侈品(鱼子酱,鹅肝)和Bouchon Bakery对于令人垂涎的马卡龙。

Put your name in atCICCIO, Yountville's Italian charmer. Its repurposed market building boasts vintage Italian movie posters and handwritten butcher paper menus for a festive, unpretentious evening. Drink a negroni while you wait on Neapolitan pizza and crispy-skinned whole branzino. Too late to bike back? No problem–for a $20 fee, return your bike to Napa Valley Bike Tours' Yountville outpost, then call for your chariot (which may just be an Uber but could well feel like a chariot by now).

Napa Valley illustrated map
学分:Liana Jegers的插图


雾气湾的微风创造了一种凉爽的气候,非常适合Pinot和Chardonnay,这是纳帕谷(Napa Valley)辣味的热量的欢迎休息。为了令人满意的弧线,请从索诺玛县一侧向西到东。在21号高速公路上,访问Cornerstone Sonoma,在精品店和品尝室中,日落杂志的测试花园种植。安吉洛的葡萄酒国熟亚搏电竞食(spot the rooftop cow) can supply a classic sandwich.

标题往东的Denma公路12rk Street, take increasingly bucolic turns to find a double-whammy of winery neighbors. TastemakingScribe Winery在其Sublime Hacienda上提供农场到餐桌的小吃和风土探索,这是一个19世纪的庄园,曾经毁了(和土耳其农业),现在是Petaluma Gap微风的田园诗。隔壁,Gundlach Bundschu酒亚搏电竞庄, the oldest continuously family-owned winery in California, provides a perfectly unfussy experience on lush, sprawling grounds. On Fremont Drive, sop it all up with a crucial second lunch atLou's Luncheonette, a gourmet Southern roadside diner, before jumping back on the 12.

越过纳帕县线以找到农业美洲哈德逊牧场和葡萄园:通过加上农田和葡萄酒野餐徒步旅行。亚搏电竞在附近,浏览DI Rosa当代艺术中心,该中心是现代北加州艺术家的系列和雕塑花园。

我们降落在Carneros Resort&Spa从预订山顶池畔小屋到户外凉亭的壁炉旁的一个简单的聚会场所,可以选择自己的选择,以便在户外凉亭上享用后公路鸡尾酒(您的电话)。现场音乐。Bocce。一切都很好。

Wildsam Napa&Sonoma指南封面

Day 3: Exploring Olivet Road

On Olivet Road, four wineries offer diverse entry points into the world-class Russian River Valley grape-growing region.

由消防员塞西尔·德洛赫(Cecil Deloach)于1975年创立Deloach葡萄园helped create the Russian River Valley American Viticultural Area, now one of the nation's brand-name wine territories. Pinots soar, as do dry riesling and beautiful gardens (and goats!).

AtHarvest Moon, winemaker Randy Pitts is known for zins, but also makes beautiful dessert wines from late-harvest gewürztraminer. The down-home estate hits hospitality high notes while remaining amiable–a family- friendly, drinks-by-the-pool feel. Yes, the name is a Neil Young callout.

Cecil Deloach Helms的孙子Hook & Ladder Winery,由庄园种植的水果生产。去霞多丽,留下来参加消防部门的纪念品。

Iron Horse Vineyards, located on Ross Station Road about twelve minutes from Olivet, began as a pinot house but is now renowned for sparkling wines, served at the White House for six administrations. (Reagan and Gorbachev toasted with Iron Horse.) CEO Joy Sterling is a political activist and industry force and the hilltop tasting room is not to be missed. Finish the day with handmade pasta atCanneti Roadhouse在森林维尔。

“亚搏电竞葡萄酒只是水果,”索诺玛县著名抄写员的葡萄酒商安德鲁·玛丽安尼(Andrew Mariani)说。“但是它可以给你这种奇怪,神秘的感觉。”当人们深入到纳帕和索诺玛的土地上,探索这些山谷成熟的历史时,这种感觉肯定会增长。它可能始于对葡萄酒的追求,但是对于每个人来说,旅程都可以不同。亚搏电竞

扎克·邓达斯(Zach Dundas)是《野人》(Wildsam)的编辑,在那里他领导了有关大峡谷,西雅图和 - 义务! - 纳帕(Napa)和索诺玛(Sonoma)的书籍。他位于波特兰,是西方历史播客《死亡》的共同创造者,也是两本书的作者。