Fighter jet rides, blind tasting in a cave, scuba diving for bottles: There’s a lot to do out there for adventurous wine lovers.
战斗机在Leclerc Briant香槟之家。
| Credit: Henri-Pierre Grolleau

亚搏电竞酿酒师很少回避风险。他们面临极端frosts,,瘟疫,甚至菲洛塞拉(Phylloxera) - 几个世纪以来,几乎摧毁了欧洲葡萄园的微观害虫。亚搏电竞虚拟品尝并在关闭订单后几乎立即导致复杂的运输问题。

As rules on gatherings continue to shift, many tasting rooms have moved outdoors, but it's not all wine patios and tasting igloos out there. From scuba diving for bottles in an undersea wine cellar to descending a rock face for a blind tasting in a cave, some are much more thrilling. Here are the world's most extreme wine tastings.

Full Contact Tastings at Battle Creek Cellars
When winemaker Sarah Cabot isn't crafting terroir-driven别针ot Noir, she's suiting up as running back for theOregon Ravens足球队。她将激情与足球比赛融合在一起,并通过品酒品尝,其中8-10的小组前往葡萄园或当地公园进行60分钟的现场品尝。亚搏电竞卡博特(Cabot亚搏电竞Battle Creek Cellars,就像与黑皮诺(Pinot)一起跑步的比赛,并与霞多丽(Chardonnay)传球一样。

Leclerc Briant的战斗机乘坐飞机
Where:法国蒙塔格·德·雷姆斯(Montagne de Reims)
个人香槟礼宾皇家香槟酒酒店和水疗arranges all the details for this extreme wine experience, where a guest takes off in an Aero L-39 Albatros fighter jet for a 30-minute discovery ride over the香槟酒区亚搏电竞。A professional pilot performs aerobatic maneuvers like loops, rolls, tight turns before letting you take the controls. The experience ends with a private tasting atLeclerc Briant

Where: Soca Valley, Slovenia
约翰内斯·伯格福特(Johannes Bergfors)的创始人Meeting Mountains在斯洛文尼亚,对盲目品尝的意义有不同的想法。他与之合作kabaj酿亚搏电竞酒厂to lead guests deep into the Srnica Cave for a tour and tasting of three wines in complete darkness. Wise tasters won't swallow though, since the experience ends by abseiling down a 40-meter rock face to exit the cave and enter back into the light of day.

Kayaking at Chatham Vineyards
| Credit: Virginia Tourism Corporation

Kayaking at Chatham Vineyards

Fat Bike at 45 North Vineyards
Where: Leelanau Peninsula, Michigan
The three-mile loop surrounding 45 North Vineyards inMichigan'sLeelanau Peninsula is deceptively steep. The constant uphill climb is tricky on snowshoes, but even more challenging on the groomed fat bike and cross-country skiing trails during winter. By summer their IMBA-certified mountain biking trails open up for a heart-pounding trek followed by a flight of five wines at the tasting patio. Rent gear from nearby萨顿湾自行车

Hiking with the Winemaker at TOR Winery
Where: Napa Valley, California
这种仅约会的品尝是在纳帕谷最偏远,最独特的邮政编码之一的步道上进行的。在酿酒师戴维·亚搏电竞格雷加(David Grega)的带领下,徒步旅行者使垂直爬上普里查德山(Pritchard Hill)的岩石,火山土壤,以欣赏山谷的山顶(1,500英尺高度),然后回到梅兰森葡萄园(Melanson Vineyard),品尝了品尝Tor Wines' Chardonnays and vintage Cabernets.

惹恼ter Harvesting by Kayak at Center of Effort Wines
Where: San Luis Obispo, California
惹恼ters and wine are a classic pairing, but the new pairing experience fromCenter of Effort Wines(COE) is far from traditional. Guests head out in kayaks into Morro Bay to paddle overGrassy Bay Oyster Co.的牡蛎床了解Coe的Edna Valley葡萄园和Morro湾的水域中的可持续农业实践。他们会在“棚棚”中收获,摇晃并配对新鲜的牡蛎和coe葡萄酒亚搏电竞酒店SLOand heading to the vineyard for cooked oysters and wine at the winery's hospitality center.

Diving for Wine at Maslina
亚得里亚海的没有光和一致的温度为在葡萄酒中储存和老化的理想条件亚搏电竞马斯利娜度假村。从2021年夏季开始,客人可以花半天的时间学习潜水,然后一位经过认证的教练将他们的表面以下20英尺带入两个水下石灰岩酒窖之一,以选择他们的葡萄酒作为晚餐,所有这些都包括在亚搏电竞Dive & Wine package

Chêne Bleu
| Credit: Courtesy of Chêne Bleu

WSET Boot Camp at Chêne Bleu Winery
如果葡萄酒亚搏电竞训练营听起来并不极端,请考虑您将成为2级WSET(Wine and Spirits Education Trust) certified in less than one week after graduating from this全弹药训练营atChêne Bleu Winery。您将花六天的时间品尝来自世界各地的100多种基准葡萄酒,同时参加演讲,参观值得注意的制作人,并在LaVerr亚搏电竞ière葡萄园获得动手体验。

Owen Roe酒庄的Pinzgauer游览亚搏电竞
亚搏电竞酿酒师戴维·奥莱利(David O'Reilly)首先购买了他的老式捷克·佩扎格(Czech Pinzagauer)Yakima Valley vineyards。Now he offers guests the chance to strap-in for a wild, 90-minute rumble through the vines onboard this high-mobility all-terrain military vehicle before returning for a tasting overlooking the Wapoto Valley.

Harvest is an extreme sport all itself atLa Scala fenicia,工人在16英尺高的凉棚中驾驶以手工收获葡萄。到了晚上,这是客人在野猪时进行导航cianciole cetaresi船尾一盏灯点燃的船只点燃,与当地渔民一起铸网并抓住凤尾鱼。The Italian Plannersorganize this wine tasting on the boats, paired with fresh anchovies under a blanket of stars.

Where:北卡罗来纳州Yadkin Valley
ThisYadkin Valley wineryis pairing the fruits of their soil with the animals that tred upon it with their weekly美洲驼跋涉。客人与该农场的一位友好的美洲驼合作,在起伏的山丘上进行了两英里的徒步旅行,然后喃喃自语的小溪,然后返回露台上的品尝飞机。跋涉发生在周末,直到秋季,冬季和春天;需要预订。

Seaplane Wine Flight at Obsidian Wine Co
所有者Obsidian Wine Co.喜欢在户外享用葡萄酒,他们的新亚搏电竞Outdoor Adventure Seriestakes guests far from the tasting room.5月22日与酿酒师一起远足火山亚搏电竞或播放一个空中extreme tasting on a seaplaneanytime of the year. The seaplane takes off from Sausalito, where guests can sip along as the tour continues over the obsidian-littered vineyards of the North Coast.