这种舒缓的,甜蜜的中国甜点米饭面粉面团球中塞满黑芝麻种子在冰糖甜肉汤中通常在综胎期间供应,因为圆形米饭球象征着和谐和团结。幸运的食物制片人Danielle Chang喜欢使其成为她农历新年庆祝活动的甜蜜款待。为了使面团润湿整个装配过程,用湿毛巾盖住。



信用:照片由Greg Dupree / Food Storei亚搏电竞ng由Torie Cox / Prite Claire Spollen造型


1hr 30 mins
1hr 30 mins




  • 使用砂浆和杵,研磨芝麻。加3汤匙熔化的椰子油,并捣碎,直至略微粗糙的糊状形式,5至7分钟。将混合物转移到一个小碗;搅拌砂糖并剩下2汤匙熔化的椰子油。露出,露出,直到芝麻混合物在轧制时保持其形状,约7分钟。将芝麻混合物卷成32个球(每个茶匙1级茶匙);安排在烤盘上。冷却至少10分钟或直到准备使用。

  • While sesame balls chill, lightly dust a baking sheet with white rice flour; set aside. Bring a large pot of water to a boil over high. While water comes to a boil, stir together glutinous rice flour and white rice flour in a large heatproof bowl. Stir in 1 cup water until flour mixture absorbs all water. Knead until a smooth ball forms, about 3 minutes. Divide dough in half.

  • 将1个面团部分放在工作表面上非常轻微地粉碎白米粉;用非常湿的纸巾盖住剩余的面团部分。在工作表面上轻轻卷起面团部分成16英寸长的绳索(约1英寸厚)。尘刀刀片用白米面粉,切片绳索横向成16(长)件(每件1/2盎司)。用非常湿的纸巾盖上面团件。将16个冷却的芝麻球转​​移到板上。一次使用1个面团片,用手滚动面团块成球。使用拇指,在球中进行深入的缩进。将1个芝麻球放入压痕;将面团均匀地涂抹在芝麻球周围。 Using your hands, gently roll into a smooth ball without any seams or cracks. Place rice ball on reserved floured baking sheet. Repeat process with remaining 15 dough pieces and remaining 15 sesame balls. If dough begins to crack when assembling, wet hands with water, shake off excess, and gently knead dough piece until pliable.

  • Add assembled rice balls to boiling water, and gently stir to prevent balls from sticking to one another and bottom of pot. Cook, gently stirring occasionally and adjusting heat as necessary to maintain a gentle boil, until rice balls expand slightly and rise to the surface and skin of rice balls appears almost translucent, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, repeat step 3 with remaining dough portion and remaining 16 chilled sesame balls.

  • Using a slotted spoon, remove cooked balls from water, and transfer to a large heatproof bowl; pour 1 1/2 cups boiling water from pot over balls to keep warm.

  • 使用剩余的组装米球重复步骤4和5。丢弃剩余的煮沸的水。将剩余的6杯水带到一个温柔的煮沸,在一个高高的锅中。加入甘油;煮,不断搅拌,直到糖溶解,约2分钟。

  • 勺4米球进入8个小餐碗中的每一个。填充甜汤均匀的汤。


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