在这种味道包装的鸡肉中,墨西哥Playa del Carmen的Rosewood Mayakoba烹饪作战总监Juan Pablo Loza分享了他对Al Pastor烹饪风格的痴迷。这道菜从传统的米摩坎烤鸡肉烤的方式中汲取灵感,那里的整只鸡用柑橘腌制,并用厚厚的木制木桩刺入地面。鸡打开,鸡在煤的床上慢慢煮熟,导致多汁的肉和古铜色的皮肤。在这里,烹饪风格适应了一个水平烧烤篮,上面放在炉排上的两堆砖块上,将鸡肉放在热煤上。橡木或豆科灌木原木与A烧烤炉中央的煤一起凝固,使鸟散发出烟雾。煮熟后,将酥脆的皮肤和肉切成薄片,然后将其用烤番茄莎莎酱和腌制的洋葱倒入温暖的玉米饼中。柑橘腌制使这种鸡肉变软和湿润,使酥脆的皮肤具有深棕色的色调。提前准备腌制的洋葱,以便在鸡肉烧烤的同时从莎莎酱开始。

June 2021


学分:Chelsea Zimmer和John Somerall / A亚搏电竞udrey Davis的Chelsea Zimmer和John Somerall的摄影

Recipe Summary test



Pickled Onions
Charred Tomato Salsa


Make the chicken
  • Combine orange juice, lime juice, 1 1/2 tablespoons salt, oregano, black pepper, cumin, and garlic in a blender, and process on high speed until smooth, about 30 seconds. Place chicken in a gallon-size ziplock plastic bag, and pour marinade over chicken. Seal and refrigerate, turning occasionally, 8 to 12 hours.

Make the pickled onions
  • 将红洋葱切片和1杯热水混合在一个中等碗中;搅拌30秒。在带有冷水的过滤器中排干并冲洗洋葱。将洋葱返回碗,然后搅拌醋,1/2杯冷水,糖和盐,直至充分混合。搁置。

  • Heat one chimney of charcoal until flames subside and coals are lightly covered in ash. Arrange coals for two-zone cooking: Bank coals along half of bottom grate of charcoal grill. Add oak or mesquite log along edge of coals. Place oiled cooking grate over coals; open bottom and top vents of grill. Place 2 stacks of 3 bricks on grill grate straddling the coals. (Stack bricks so that top brick is 8 to 10 inches above grill grate.)

  • Spray grill basket with cooking spray. Remove chicken from marinade, and discard marinade. Place chicken, cavity side up, in grill basket. Lock basket, and place edges of basket on top of bricks, chicken cavity side down. Grill, flipping basket every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes. Coals will begin to shrink, and chicken will begin to brown. After 30 minutes, remove 1 brick from each stack, and place basket back on bricks. Grill, flipping basket every 5 minutes to expose both the skin side and cavity side to the coals, until chicken is deep brown and an instant-read thermometer inserted in thickest part of thigh registers 165°F, 50 to 55 minutes. Transfer chicken, skin side up, to a rimmed baking sheet, and let rest 10 minutes.

  • 将西红柿,洋葱,大蒜和辣椒放在上油的烤架上,直接在煤上。烧烤,偶尔转动,直到烧焦和嫩,大约10分钟。从大蒜丁香和洋葱的外层中取出并丢弃烧焦的果皮。将烧焦的洋葱,大蒜和智利转移到搅拌机中;脉冲直到切碎,大约10个脉冲。加入西红柿,香菜和盐,然后搅拌直至混合物的质地块状,3至5脉冲。

  • 雕刻鸡肉,或从骨头上拉出肉,然后在切菜板上粗切碎的肉和皮肤,保留在有框的烤盘上的任何果汁。将鸡肉转移到一个碗中;将保留的果汁倒在鸡上。淋上额外的橙汁,然后用剩余的1/2茶匙盐调味。与温暖的玉米饼,腌制的洋葱和烧焦的番茄莎莎一起食用。

Make Ahead


Suggested Pairing

Smoky, powerful Mexican red: Adobe Guadalupe Kerubiel
