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This version of the classic French-Mediterranean red-wine stew leans on three different cuts of beef—chuck for firmness, shank for its silky texture and connective tissue, and short ribs for their fat and deep flavor. Traditionally daube is cooked in a bulbous clay pot called a daubière, but it can also be made in a tightly sealed Dutch oven. Lamb, boar, venison, and octopus are widely used alternatives. The structured, briary wines of Faugères are the perfect pairing for this flavorful stew—both to cook with, and to drink alongside.


学分:玛丽·乔·霍夫曼(Mary Jo Hoffman)的照片

Recipe Summary test

plus 12 hr marinating
5 hrs 55 mins


Ingredient Checklist


Instructions Checklist
  • Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-low. Add 1/2 cup onion slices, carrot, and celery. Cook, stirring occasionally, until softened, about 10 minutes. Add chopped herbs and garlic; cook, stirring often, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add wine, salt, juniper berries, and peppercorns. Bring to a boil over medium-high. Reduce heat to medium-low; simmer, stirring occasionally, until flavors meld and mixture reduces to 11/2 cups, 10 to 15 minutes. Remove from heat; let cool completely, about 1 hour.

  • 将牛肉小腿,短肋骨和牛肉混合在大玻璃或陶瓷碗中。加入冷却的葡萄酒混合物亚搏电竞,然后扔到外套上。盖住并冷却过夜,大约12小时,两次扔肉。

  • Preheat oven to 350°F with rack in lower third of oven. Transfer meat and marinade mixture to a large (6-quart) Dutch oven. Scatter salt pork, tomatoes, and remaining 5 1/2 cups onion slices over top. Using butcher's twine, tie together parsley sprigs, thyme sprigs, bay leaves, and orange peel to form a bouquet garni; add to Dutch oven.

  • 将面粉和3/4杯水一起搅拌,直至形成蓬松的面团。将面团倒入干净的工作表面上,直到面团聚在一起,然后光滑,大约1分钟,每次加入1茶匙,如果需要的话,将面团放在一起。将面团滚成36英寸长的绳子。将绳索沿荷兰烤箱盖的下侧衬,它将与锅的嘴唇接触,并在需要时修剪面团绳子。将盖子放在荷兰烤箱上,然后轻轻按下以创建密封。

  • Bake daube in lower third of preheated oven 1 hour. Reduce oven temperature to 250°F and, without opening oven door, bake daube 3 hours. Remove from oven, and carefully pry open Dutch oven lid using a fork. Remove and discard bones and bouquet garni.

  • 将荷兰烤箱放在炉子上。加入蘑菇和橄榄。煮,偶尔搅拌,将肉轻轻切成大块,直到蘑菇变软,约10分钟。脱身,丢弃表面形成的任何脂肪。调味盐调味。如果需要,将Daube放在鸡蛋面上的浅碗中。用草药叶子装饰。荷兰烤箱完全冷却后,取出并丢弃硬质面团。


Daube can be prepared through step 5, cooled to room temperature, and refrigerated overnight. Reheat over medium-low, covered, stirring occasionally, until hot, about 30 minutes. Reduce heat to low, and proceed with step 6.


丰富,复杂的Faugères红色:CLOS FANTINEFAUGèresCuvée传统
