这种双糖像romesco酱一样吃,被称为“西班牙番茄酱”。我喜欢花生,胡萝卜和来回蘸的想法。将其视为一个胡萝卜浸出的盘子 - 前方,带上黄瓜,苹果棒,萝卜和任何其他喜欢的蔬菜。您有两个蘸酱 - 前面,这是您的挑战派对。这个食谱是为了纪念来自底特律的Devita Davidson,那里的农民与城市有超级联系。东部市场是该国最古老的农贸市场之一。这道菜的灵感来自农场 - 城市的联系,本恩种子和花生将其带回非洲。


Credit: Sarah Crowder

Recipe Summary

45 mins
Makes about 4 1/2 cups dip


CARROT DIP (makes 3 cups)
GROUNDNUT ROMESCO (makes 1 1/2 cups)


我nstructions Checklist
  • 将烤箱预热至400°F。

Make the carrot dip
  • Scrub the carrots and rinse off any dirt. Trim the tops off and set aside to use in the romesco. Place the carrots in a large foil pouch, add the garlic and 1 tablespoon of the olive oil, and season with the salt. Place on a baking sheet and roast until the car¬rots are tender and a knife inserted goes right through, about 40 minutes.

  • 将箔袋的内容物转移到食物加工机中,然后脉冲切碎。亚搏电竞加入剩余的2汤匙橄榄油,鹰嘴豆,花生酱和柠檬汁,然后将混合物泥制成2至3分钟。根据需要味道并加入额外的盐。

Make the romesco
  • 在低火的小煎锅中,烤香菜和小茴香种子,直到芬芳,大约1分钟,经常摇动煎锅。从锅中取出并放在一旁。在同一锅中,轻轻烤贝纳种子,直到香和浅金黄色,大约1分钟,经常摇动煎锅。从锅中取出并放在一旁。在同一锅中烤花生,直到芬芳和浅金黄色,2至3分钟,经常摇动煎锅。从火上移开,一旦冷却到足以处理,大致切碎。

  • Using a mortar and pestle, crush the toasted cumin and coriander seeds. Add the roasted red peppers and garlic cloves and crush by using the pestle against the side of the mortar. Add the carrot tops and peanut oil and lightly crush with the pestle. Transfer the rough-chopped paste to a bowl and stir in the lemon juice, paprika, and salt. Add the benne seeds and chopped peanuts and toss to combine.

  • Place the carrot dip in a bowl, spoon the romesco over the center, and swirl lightly across the surface. Serve with your crudités of choice.


Excerpted fromThe Rise由Marcus Samuelsson和Osayi Endolyn。Yewande Komolafe和Tamie Cook的食谱。Marcus Samuelsson的版权(C)2020。Angie Mosier的照片。经voracious,小,棕色和公司的烙印的许可。纽约,纽约。版权所有。
