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这与我曲目中最珍贵的食谱不完全相同,我母亲的赞美鸡肉,该鸡在我的第八本书中找到了家,厨房,但这很大。这是一道简单的单锅菜,带来舒适和喜悦,我很高兴与您分享这一点。这种烹饪并不是要完全特别的烹饪精神:例如,如果您要喂养小孩,您可能不想添加红辣椒粉。同样,您可能只想使用一个柠檬,而不是我喜欢的两个柠檬。您的鸡肉可能会或多或少:我得到的鸡肉往往约为3½磅。尽管我已经指定了我一直使用的荷兰烤箱,但您显然会使用您拥有的烤箱,这将改变一切烹饪的速度,将会有多少蒸发等等。不要让这些事情过度困扰您;这是一道非常宽容的菜。它不依赖精确的时机:鸡肉,韭菜和胡萝卜的本来是柔软的,当Orzo烹饪远远超出包装上指定的时机时,我甚至喜欢它。由于您的厨房里面的东西,它也可以进行变化。 I could go on, but there is no need to add complications: this is a simple recipe that brings deep contentment.


Credit: Jonathan Lovekin

Recipe Summary test





Instructions Checklist
  • Untruss the chicken, if it comes trussed, and remove all the string. If time allows, let it stand out on a board for 40 minutes or so to let the chill come off it. Heat the oven to 350ºF.

  • Peel the garlic cloves, and peel and cut the carrots into three lengths across, and then into sticks. Wash the leeks to remove any mud, if needed, and cut into 1-inch rounds.

  • Heat the oil in a large heavy-based Dutch oven with a tightly fitting lid; I use an enameled cast-iron oval Dutch oven 12 inches long, in which the chicken fits neatly, leaving just a small space all around it to fit the vegetables later. Place the chicken in the hot oil breast-side down to color the skin; I do this over high heat for 3–5 minutes, or until the skin is richly golden. Then turn the chicken the right way up.

  • Take the pan off the heat and, aiming for the space around the chicken, finely grate in the zest from the 2 lemons, then grate or mince in the garlic (obviously some can end up on the chicken itself), add the dried tarragon (or thyme) and give a quick stir into the oil as best you can.

  • Scatter the vegetables around the chicken, followed by the salt and red pepper flakes (if using), and squeeze in the juice from your zested lemons.

  • 倒入冷水 - 覆盖除乳房的顶部以外的所有东西,然后放回高火上,然后将锅煮沸。起泡后,夹紧盖子并小心地转移到烤箱中煮1¼小时,尽管检查以确保鸡肉几乎全部煮熟并柔软。

  • Take the pot out of the oven, and add the orzo all around the chicken, and push it under the liquid, giving something as approximating a stir as you can manage in the restricted space. Put the lid back on, and return the pot to the oven for another 15 minutes, by which time the orzo should be soft and swollen.

  • 上菜前,让荷兰烤箱从烤箱中露出15分钟。Orzo将继续吸收肉汤。

  • 当您等待时,切碎欧芹。搅拌¼杯,然后再撒上一点。您现在可以切碎鸡肉,但是它看起来很棒,我喜欢把它带到桌子上。

  • Place a dish by the Dutch oven, and then pull the chicken gently apart with a couple of forks, removing any bones and skin that come loose to the dish. (For me, these bits are a particular treat: I live for the cartilage.) I find it easiest to do this while the chicken’s still in the pot but, if you prefer, you can try and remove it to a cutting board; go carefully as it’s likely to fall to pieces a bit as you do so. Stir the chicken and orzo again and ladle into bowls, sprinkling with parsley as you go. You may also want to offer Parmesan to grate over: I prefer it without, but there is a strong pro-Parmesan contingent in my house.


尽管这不容易缩放,但鉴于整只鸡的角色具有主角,但我经常为舒缓的独奏晚餐制作一个版本。为此,您不需要烤箱,因为坦率地说,在炉子上全部烹饪都更容易。当然,您可以在炉子上煮熟的食谱,而不是在烤箱中煮熟,但是我发现这种方式会以这种方式蒸发。无论如何,拿出一个小锅,上面有一个紧密固定的盖子,加热1茶匙橄榄油,然后将大鸡肉大腿(骨头和皮肤)放在上面,皮肤侧面,让它炸成a good 10 minutes over medium heat until it’s golden brown. While that’s happening, peel and finely dice a smallish carrot, slice a small leek, or half a large one, and peel a fat clove of garlic.

鸡皮变成褐色后,将锅从热量上取下来,将鸡大腿皮肤侧面抬起,并在锅中磨碎一半的柠檬中的皮肤,然后将大蒜切碎或磨碎大蒜,然后再磨碎龙龙干或百里香。加入准备好的胡萝卜和韭菜,然后倒2杯轻鸡肉汤,尽管不必自制。(You don’t get enough flavor from one chicken thigh cooked for a relatively short time to be able to use water alone.) Add a pinch of red pepper flakes, and ½ teaspoon of flaky sea salt or kosher salt (or ¼ teaspoon of fine sea salt) unless the broth you’re using is salty enough, give a bit of a stir, and put back on the heat, this time at high, and bring to a boil.


Recipe from厨师,吃,重复:尼格拉·劳森(Nigella Lawson)的成分,食谱和故事. Copyright 2021 Nigella Lawson. Excerpted by permission of Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
