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This treat might remind you of a tarte Tatin, since it’s also topped with gorgeously caramelized apples. But the similarities end there. Instead of cake, the base is a buttery yeasted bread with a creamy almond-paste filling tucked inside. Even better, the apples sizzle in caramel before they’re arranged in a baking pan that’s been sprinkled with crystallized ginger, ensuring gently spiced flavor in every bite. Enjoy it for breakfast in the morning and dessert in the evening (and any time in between).


Read the full recipe after the video.

Recipe Summary

40 mins
2 hrs 20 mins




Prepare the dough
  • Stir together milk, yeast, and 1 teaspoon of the sugar in a small bowl. Let stand until foamy, about 5 minutes.

  • 将面粉,盐和剩余的3汤匙糖中的糖搅拌在一个台式搅拌机中,该搅拌机装有中低速的面团钩,直至混合,约30秒钟。加入牛奶混合物和鸡蛋;低速打击,直到几乎完全合并,大约3分钟。加黄油;打直到面团光滑和弹性,4至5分钟。刮擦碗的侧面。用手将面团塑造成整洁的球。用保鲜膜盖住碗。让室温站立,直到面团的大小加倍,约1小时。

  • 润滑9英寸的方形烤盘。在锅底撒上姜;搁置。在中高的12英寸煎锅中融化黄油。将糖和盐均匀地撒在黄油上;煮,偶尔搅拌,直到不剩下糖,大约1分钟。在煎锅中安排苹果,圆形的一面。将热量降低至中等;煮熟,偶尔旋转煎锅,直到焦糖浓烈起泡,变稠并变成深琥珀色,10至15分钟。您可能必须旋转煎锅或非常小心地搅拌,以确保焦糖均匀,并正确煮熟。 The apples should be browned in spots, but they don’t need to be completely cooked at this point. Remove from heat. Carefully arrange apples in prepared baking pan, rounded side down. Pour caramel over apples. Set aside until ready to use.

Prepare the filling
  • Beat almond paste, butter, brown sugar, and salt with an electric mixer on medium speed until smooth and creamy, about 1 minute. Set aside until ready to use.

  • Turn dough out onto a clean work surface; shape into a 16- x 9-inch rectangle, with the long edge parallel to work surface. Spread Filling evenly over right half of dough. Fold the left half over filling; pinch edges to seal. Place filled dough inside baking pan over Topping. Cover loosely with plastic wrap. Let stand at room temperature until dough almost doubles in size, about 30 minutes. Meanwhile, preheat oven to 375°F.

  • Uncover dough; place baking pan on a rimmed baking sheet lined with aluminum foil. Bake in preheated oven until bread is deep golden brown, puffed, and sounds hollow when you knock it in the center, about 25 minutes. Let cool on a wire rack 5 to 10 minutes. Carefully run a knife around edges of baking pan to loosen bread; invert bread onto a platter. Serve with crème fraîche or whipped cream and strong coffee.
