Whether your Le Creuset obsession is longstanding or just getting started, a vintage find is such a thrill—but there's a trick to making sure you're getting the right pieces.
Le Creuset
Credit: Steppenwolf / Alamy Stock Photo

When my husband and I married almost 10 years ago, we had a lot of integrating to do. When two middle-aged people merge lives and households, there is the need to take stock and edit. And while the kitchen posed unique challenges for two passionate home cooks (how many eight-inch chef’s knives does one home need?) one area that needed no editing was theLe Creusetcollection. Both of us had beencollectors我们的整个烹饪生活,我们的综合积累远超过20件。您可能会认为这足够了,但是在我们的十年中,我们从战略上添加了数组,通常古董表我们在古董店和跳蚤市场上发现。

Vintage Le Creuset is a particular pleasure. The enamel slightly matte and smooth as a river rock with years of use, the edges a bit soft and rounded. You can finddiscontinued colors或者styles,在新的情况下在财务上超出您无法触及的源项目,但完全可以管理,而它们的年龄却很小。每一个findfeels like a win. Whether you are in search of a具体作品to fill out yourcollection, aspecial gift对于烹饪朋友,或者只是想购买第一件作品以了解所有大惊小怪的事情,当涉及到这些终生投资的作品时,智能复古购物可能是天赐之物。

Le Creuset之所以如此崇拜Cooks的最爱,首先是质量。当得到适当的照顾时,这些作品是一次性烹饪的一次性投资,持续数十年,当时许多锅碗瓢盆几乎感觉可使。该公司一直在制造premium enameled cast ironand stoneware cooking products since 1925, and a shocking number of older pieces are still in active use all over the world. I have a pot from the 1950s that is still going strong despite being nearly 20 years older than I am.


When it comes to seeking vintage Le Creuset, the most important thing to assess is the interior enamel. It is essential that this is not chipped away on the areas which will touch food. Exterior enamel missing isn’t an issue, as long as you remember to properly wash and dry the piece to prevent rusting where the iron is exposed. Ditto little chips around the upper edge of the pot where the lid has struck over the years. But if the interior enamel lining has been breached on the bottom or sides up to about an inch from the top, then it limits what you can do with the pot.

Le Creuset
Credit: Keith Morris / Alamy Stock Photo

If you are making sourdough or no-knead breads, these damaged pots can be had for a song, and will work perfectly fine as baking vessels for your loaves. But if you want to be able to use them for soups, stews, and braises, stick to the ones that have an intact interior lining. Wash by hand and dry thoroughly before storing and you will have these pieces for your whole cooking life, and likely to hand down to a next generation as well.

For me, some of the unique pleasures involve finding pieces that aren’t made anymore. I once购买了一个小型铸铁豆锅at a flea market in Paris and schlepped it home in my carry-on, because the company only makes it in stoneware now. Its bottom-heavy pear shape, little ear side-handles and lid with pinch-style handle are utterly charming.

寻找由Raymond Loewy在1950年代后期设计的花盆,除了有用的炊具外,还具有华丽物体的光滑空间时代的形状和样式。带有原始风格的集成环手柄而不是更现代的旋钮的锅特别可爱,脂肪处理或黑色处理的花盆也是如此,许多较老的锅的盖子将盖子翻了一番,这是您的底漆,这对您来说更加巨大。Vintage也是最大的花盆的方式,购买新的锅的价格高达675美元。但是,椭圆形15.5夸脱的鹅锅是一件令人震惊的有用的东西,尤其是如果您喜欢娱乐或养活一个大家庭,或者养活一个大家庭。

一旦您开始探索老式的Le Creuset的神奇世界,就很容易掉下一个痴迷的兔子洞。因此,从最适合您烹饪方式的尺寸,形状和功能开始,以及让您的眼睛或适合您的风格的颜色。对我来说,虽然滚动浏览eBay和Etsy等网站很有趣,但我最喜欢的购买总是是我在漫步市场或在一家尘土飞扬的商店中有机地遇到的购买,这是我遇到的东西罂粟橙色或法国蓝色从一堆旧杂志后面窥视,或卡在旧展示箱的角落。这些作品感觉更像是他们找到我,而不是相反,是我发现我最常使用的作品。

That little Paris bean pot? Turns out it isn’t just ideal for a small pot of beans to serve myself and my husband, but also for a lunchtime reheat of soup for one, and a perfect portion of rice pudding for four. And anything that is served from its belly is somehow even more enjoyable for its history, both the life that preceded my discovery, and the new purpose I have given it in my kitchen.