F&W tested 14 popular chef’s knives to find the very best.

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Best Chef Knives
图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

After researching popular models and consulting the author of an excellent new book on kitchen cutlery, we tested 14 highly-rated chef's knives by chopping, slicing, and dicing a variety of foods over the course of two weeks. In the end, we loved six knives: ARazor-Keen全能球员可以处理任何工作,两个经典的主持人对于艰巨的任务非常好,一个scalpel-sharp tool对于那些苛刻的手术精度的人来说,这是一个很棒的轻量级厨房刀,一个最佳价值选择


Read on to learn what makes a great chef's knife, and our detailed reviews of each knife.


A knife is probably the only kitchen tool you must use every single time you prepare food. Even a stove can be optional—you can do without it to make a salad, say, or tartare, but a good chef's knife is indispensable. Humans' reliance on knives goes way, way back—some scientists say that what really made us human was the moment when, about two and a half million years ago, some pre-human ancestors used a crude stone blade to cut up a carcass. The ability to cut up meat, share it, store it, and carry it, allowed us to consume more calories and to relate to each other differently. Our brains got bigger, our jaws got smaller, our tools got more sophisticated and our cooperation improved—the whole progression of human history sparked by the knife. And all of it leading to you, standing in Williams Sonoma, debating between a Wüsthof and a Global.


宽松地,两个属性是西方或混合风格的厨师刀的特征。首先,刀片的腹部或多或少是弯曲的,因此您可以使用摇摆的切碎运动(在刀尖上不会离开切菜板),这在西方厨房中很常见。其次,两侧的叶片边缘是倾斜的,形成了形状像“ V”的尖端,而不是仅在一侧倾斜,就像某些日本刀一样传统。



更硬的钢持续更长的时间,但是一旦变得钝化,更难磨刀会更加困难。而且,一个非常坚硬,非常锋利的边缘也比柔软的边缘更脆,更脆,从而使刀片有点危险。(但是,刀造制造者可以通过在混合物中添加另一个元素来减轻这种脆性:例如,钼通常被用来使非常硬的钢更灵活。从一开始就不太清晰,变得更快。但是,重新交叉可以更容易,并且更适合较重的工作,例如拆分骨头鸡胸肉,不用担心您会损坏刀片。一般来说,更坚硬的钢更尖锐,更精致,而较软的钢更坚硬。如果您要购买刀,可以询问它属于Rockwell Hardness量表的位置。低至50年代中期在较软,50年代中期至60年代很难。

厨师蒂姆·海沃德(Tim Hayward)说:“如果你明天去南极,只能带一把刀,拿一把德国八英寸厨师的刀。”刀:厨师刀的文化,工艺和崇拜。“对于其他所有人来说,我都无法知道您喜欢沉重还是轻便,喉咙更深,特殊的刀片,更大的东西。这是个人的个人。有点情感。有点体验。”

Hayward's advice? Bring a bag of overripe tomatoes with you to the knife store. "If they won't let you test the knives, walk right out," he says. "You won't really know which knife you like best until you use it to slice an overripe tomato."

The Tests

Best Chef Knives
图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

话虽这么说,很可能首先缩小场地,以帮助您确定最适合您的刀。在两周的时间里,我测试了14刀。我在日常烹饪的正常过程中使用它们,只是为了了解它们,然后我还测试了他们六个重要的任务:切丁anonion,将罗勒切成雪纺,切成薄片tomatoes, cubingbutternut squash,超级橙子, and cutting up a整只鸡(尽管我用厨房的剪切片切穿鸡排从背面分开,因为没有厨师的刀确实可以通过关节和软骨切开骨头。)这些任务告诉您几乎所有您需要了解的东西刀是敏捷,锋利,坚固和强大的,尤其是舒适,安全的。

The knives ranged from $38 to about $200, and I found that price isn't necessarily commensurate with quality and performance, though the very best knives are not cheap. They ranged in weight from 5.8 ounces to 9.95 ounces, and there were winners and losers on both ends of the weight spectrum.

关于保持刀具敏锐的注释:您可以购买最好的刀,但是最终您需要锐化它,否则它将是没有用的。(在陶瓷杆上磨刀刀与锐化不同;磨练将光滑并保持锋利之间的刀片。)家庭厨师可以将刀带到专业人士上,或者可以购买简单的塑料车轮磨床,这使磨砂廉价,便宜,廉价,快速,万无一失。((Like this one,它适用于大多数厨师的刀子,尽管建议使用Mac。)海沃德说,他喜欢在晚上喝一杯葡萄酒和一杯磨石和一块磨石和辛苦地磨削他的数百把刀。亚搏电竞但是,请接受他的建议:“如果您想要生命,您想要轮磨,”他说。“您将拥有最锋利的刀,并且仍然有时间和孩子一起玩。”


最好的总体:Mac MTH-80专业系列8英寸厨师刀,带酒窝,144美元(最初为175美元)amazon.com

Mac 8英寸凹口厨师的刀
图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

海沃德称这把刀为“很棒的全能球”,我同意。它在日本制造,具有坚硬的超级刀片和简单的木制手柄,非常舒适,手握着安全。这是剃须刀,这是有原因的 - MAC的创始人在剃须刀上对公司的刀具建模。刀片倾斜至非常薄,非常敏感的角度,这使其异常锋利。高碳不锈钢使它变得很难,但也有一定剂量的钼,从而降低了脆性,使金属更柔软,芯片的可能性较小。它是轻巧的,感觉平衡,形状自然且易于控制。它可以干净地雪纺,根本不瘀伤叶子。它毫不费力地咬住番茄皮,轻松地咬洋葱。它迅速而精确地具有橙色。对我来说,类似剃须刀的刀片和熟悉,舒适的刀片形状和手柄的组合使它成为总体上最好的选择。 It is on the light side, but not the lightest of the light: It is less well suited to cutting up a whole chicken or butternut squash than the German knives, but it was the best Japanese knife for those tasks, with just enough heft to get the job done. If I could only have one knife, I would definitely choose this one. (Weight: 6.8 ounces.)>

Best Tough Workhorses:

Wüsthof经典8英寸厨师的刀, $140 atamazon.com

Classic Wusthof
图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

J.A. Henckels International Classic 8-inch Chef's Knife, $65 (originally $109) atamazon.comzwilling.com

JA Henckles International
图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

These are the indestructible German blades that Hayward would take to a desert island. Both are made of slightly softer steel than the best Japanese knives, and therefore they feel a little less sharp. They are heavy and powerful, less nimble than the lighter knives, but they are both excellent at cutting up a chicken (including cutting through the chicken breastbone to spit the breasts, which I was afraid to do with some of the sharper blades) and cubing butternut squash—far and away the best at those two tasks of all the knives I tested. If you cook big cuts of meat often, one of these is probably the best for you. And they are good all-around: There's nothing they can't do; it's just that I find them less easy to work with, and for some tasks, less than ideal. For instance, when you chiffonade basil with either model, the delicate leaves get ever-so-slightly bruised on the edges from the thicker blades. I find the Wusthof is the more comfortable of the two—very secure and well-balanced in the hand—and the wide-bellied blade makes it a breeze to chop with a rocking motion. But these two models have so many similarities in style, design, and performance, and such a difference in price, that it's hard to recommend the Wüsthof over the Henckels. So we'll call it a tie. (Weight: Wüsthof - 9.28 ounces, Henckels - 8.22 ounces.)

最好的话,如果您住在一个好磨刀器附近:misono ux10 gyutou(可在amazon.com)

Misono UX10 Gyutou
图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

When you chiffonade basil with this knife, it feels like the leaves are springing off the blade in perfect ribbons all by themselves. This knife is a joy. "Like butter," comes to mind over and over again. It feels almost alive in your hand, super light, and extremely agile. It bites through tomatoes with ease and supremes an orange into perfectly clean, neat segments in a few seconds. However, unlike the MAC, which has just enough sturdiness to deal with a chicken and butternut squash, this knife just doesn't have the oomph for hefty jobs. It has a scalpel-like delicacy and when I used it to tackle big, tough ingredients, it felt wrong, even a little dangerous, and I worried I would damage the blade. It also requires professional sharpening: One of the secrets to this knife's amazingness is the fact that it is honed to an asymmetrical edge—one side is 70 degrees and one is 30 degrees, so you have to buy a left-handed or a right-handed model. That's fine, but it will need to be sharpened by someone who knows what they are doing in order to stay that way. Hayward calls it "a living hell" to keep it sharpened correctly. (But he also thinks it's the best knife on this list if you have access to a pro sharpener.) If you run it through an at-home wheel sharpener, it will hone the blade to an even "v," which is standard, and you will lose the knife's distinct quality. So as much as I adore this knife, I can't recommend it as an all-purpose blade. (Weight: 5.82 ounces.)

最佳轻量级:Global G-2 Classic 8-inch Chef's Knife, $125 atamazon.com

图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

这是我的第一把刀 - 当我20多岁的时候,我为此保存了几个月,所以我对此有一个情绪。(与所有刀一样,我都用全新版本进行了测试,以保持所有变量一致。)如果您对非常轻巧的刀感到最舒服,并且想要一个易于照顾的刀,那么这就是您的刀。这是我测试的第二刀,仅比Misono重略重,但不需要特殊知识才能锐化。它仅由一块金属制成,包括空心且充满沙子的手柄,它提供了微妙的转移平衡,您在使用时并没有真正注意到。金属手柄有可以提供握力的酒窝,虽然有些厨师认为当用来切鸡肉,肉或任何多汁的东西时它会变得湿滑,但我并没有发现这种情况。对我来说,感觉很正确:抓地力,易于控制,非常灵活。它符合切西红柿,雪纺罗勒和折磨洋葱等任务:它非常尖锐,咬了一口。尽管缺乏德国模型的矮小鸡肉或胡桃南瓜不太适合切割鸡肉或胡桃壁球,但由于额外的谨慎,它肯定可以完成这些工作。(重量:5.89盎司。)

Best Value:Mercer烹饪复兴8英寸锻造厨师的刀,48美元amazon.com

图片来源:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking亚搏电竞) /亚搏电竞食品和葡萄酒

这是价格的出色刀。它是由一家在美国的一家家族公司制作的强大,强大的德国风格。它可以很好地处理您扔掉的任何东西,尽管它的手有点笨拙,并且在诸如Basil之类的细腻成分上散发出的不足,它会留下微妙的瘀伤。它是砍伐鸡肉的所有刀具中最好的之一 - 为了赚钱而奔跑 - 但令人惊讶地擅长切西红柿,甲壳虫和洋葱。它具有一个简单,舒适的木柄,没有铃铛和哨子。(重量:8.32盎司。)

Also Tested

经典的Ikon 8英寸厨师的刀(可在amazon.com)

我非常喜欢这把刀,就像我喜欢经典的Wüsthof一样,但是两者之间的主要区别是Ikon的轮廓手柄,我发现这有点尴尬。它也价格昂贵20美元。因此,尽管这把刀非常英俊,但我还是出于价格和舒适的原因选择经典。但是,每只手都不一样,因此,如果您有机会尝试一下,请查看是否发现它比经典赛还要舒适 - 如果您这样做,那将是值得额外的20美元。(重量:9.7盎司。)

Shun Sora 8英寸厨师的刀(可在amazon.com)

This is a scalpel-sharp knife with a very thin, nimble, extremely hard blade (about 61 on the Rockwell Hardness Scale) with a long, tapered tip. Like the other light, sharp Japanese knives, it did a fantastic job on everything but the chicken and the butternut squash, which, to be fair, it's not really designed for. It's also a fantastic value. I just couldn't get over how the light, plastic handle felt—it's not that it was uncomfortable, it's more that it made my grip feel less confident. Again, especially when it comes to handles, your mileage may vary, so this knife might be worth a try. (Weight: 6.6 ounces.)

Miyabi Kaizen (available atsurlatable.com)

Another extremely sharp, hard blade, and one that I really liked. It had an effortless, precise way with onions, basil, and oranges. I often found myself reaching for it when I wasn't working—it rivaled (but didn't surpass) the MAC and Misono for razor sharpness and spring. Although the blade's performance was almost (but not quite!) comparable to the Misono, I didn't find the handle comfortable or secure. It's a long, thin grip that's completely smooth, without any contour at all, and though it looks beautiful, it felt slippery and small in my hand. (Weight: 7.02 ounces.)

Zwilling Pro 8-inch Traditional Chef's Knife (available atsurlatable.com)

就像伊康(Wüsthof)的《经典》(Wüsthof)一样,这是J.A.的设计更高,昂贵的兄弟姐妹亨克斯国际。这是一把非常漂亮的刀,经典的,坚固的德国刀片,带有深腹,使摇摆的切碎非常舒适。在轻松和性能方面,我发现它可与J.A.相提并论。Henckels International是由同一家公司制造的,但价格便宜得多。如果您在市场上买了一把重型德国刀,那么尝试两者都可能是有意义的。(重量:8.92盎司)

Miyabi Evolution 8英寸(可在zwilling.com)

这是一把非常好的刀,一种日本 - 德国的混合动力车,带有扁平的木制手柄,非常锋利,非常坚硬,腹部相对较宽。在测试中,它根本没有超过其他可比的刀具,尤其是在快速,轻松地折痕洋葱和切西红柿时。感觉不如Mac和其他人那么尖锐和精确。(重量:8盎司。)

Bob Kramer Essential Collection 8-Inch Chef's Knives by Zwilling J.A. Henckels (available atamazon.com)

Bob Kramer is one of the most important knife-makers in the United States—his handmade knives cost thousands and thousands of dollars and have long waitlists. Kramer licensed Zwilling J.A. Henckels to make knives for him in Japan—though it is a German company—and thus this line was born, a Bob Kramer knife that's accessible for almost anyone. I loved the grippy, comfortable handle, and the feeling of power that came from this heavy, wide blade. But oddly, it didn't seem as sharp as the others, as it was a bit of a struggle to make a clean tomato slice. Dicing an onion, it felt balky and a little dull, almost hard to control. I wanted to like it because, of all the heavy knives, it was the most comfortable and balanced to hold, but it didn't perform as well as I hoped. (Weight: 9.2 ounces.)

Victorinox 8-Inch Fibrox Pro Chef's Knife (available atamazon.com)

This knife tops many lists as a great value, but I found it to be the worst of the two worlds: light but not very sharp, cumbersome, and large. It was reasonably sharp coming out of the box (though still on the dull side compared to most others on this list) but after a couple of weeks of use, it was a struggle to slice a tomato or an onion. You shouldn't need to sharpen a knife every two weeks. I also didn't love the feel of the textured plastic grip. (Weight: 6.46 ounces.)

Messermeister Meridian Elite Chef's Knife, 8-Inch (available atwalmart.com)


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