The author of the Simon Snow series,埃莉诺和公园, Marvel'sRunaways,比看陌生人的假期盛宴更爱什么更好,尤其是涉及砂锅的话。
Rainbow Rowell green bean casserole
学分:艾玛·达维克(Emma Darvick)的插图

今年的假期将有所不同。我们的系列"The One Dish,"collects stories about what we're doing for Thanksgiving that will make us feel right at home.


It varies even within a region. The people across the street from you are eating really different stuff and they think it's classic, iconic, Thanksgiving food. And then you'll ask, "What is oyster casserole?" And they'll say, "Everybody eats that on Thanksgiving." I'm like, "No, tell me more." They're so proud. I love learning about new things that people eat and why it's special to them. People have shared recipes with me. There's a really diverse, wild appetizer game happening.

我从来没有参加过大型家庭感恩节。我与丈夫家人的常规感恩节餐很小。我们甚至无法打一个馅饼,所以这个想法是,您有十几个面,然后还有十几个不同的开胃菜,人们似乎在用餐前的几个小时里吃了零食 - 许多奶酪球和小泡芙糕点都有馅料。他们,哦,我喜欢小珠宝车。通常有奶酪元素,然后它们将它们包裹在玉米饼中或知道什么并切成薄片。我认为那些超级有趣。我可能只是嫉妒,因为我没有那个。

It almost seems to be this thing I would see on television when I was younger, the huge groups of people coming together. It feels like a carnival where they're having all of these wonderful courses and they're eating for six hours. Everybody has a special thing they're bringing. I love listening to people talk about it. On Twitter, people tend to be kind of arch and cool over everything all the time. They're usually not that way about their Thanksgiving meal.

即使他们真的愤世嫉俗地谈论他们的成长地点或家人,当他们谈论与家人吃的东西时,这种犬儒主义消失了。通常,食物根本不是自命不亚搏电竞凡的,也不是凉爽的。它通常不是很上镜,而是一小堆斜坡。我总是问我是否不认识什么。很难,因为我会想,“那绿色的斑点是什么?”从某种意义上说,这是对社交媒体上发生的事情的反面,人们在完美的光线下策划和拍摄食物。亚搏电竞他们在父母的家中。照明不好。盘子不是美丽的,或者是纸板,因为大家庭不想做菜肴。我觉得这真是令人耳目一新。 it cuts through the crap. You have someone showing you something that means something to them. There's nothing cool or beautiful about it; it's just this thing they actually really love and have a lot to say about. I could do it for hours—just talk to people about what they're eating.

我的幻想是出现在度假餐中,有四个不同的饼干砂锅菜。还有四种不同的果冻沙拉。我在中西部长大,但是我妈妈不断提醒我们,我的妈妈来自东海岸。我在奥马哈,她也是。她低头看着用汤罐的任何食谱。她对此很卑鄙,我们从来没有绿豆砂锅 - 这是我最喜欢的感恩节食物。亚搏电竞我们只会在教堂的晚餐或potlucks上吃太多砂锅菜:土耳其Tetrazzini,以及Lipton洋葱汤或坎贝尔的蘑菇汤或芦笋奶油制成的很多东西。我从来没有在家有这些东西。我总是觉得这是一种享受。通常是俗气,奶油和热。 To me it's just another version of lasagna.

Green bean casserole was always such a delicacy for me. So exotic when I would go to someone's house and they would be making it. I think people think it's kind of gross if they've had it all the time. Everything is canned: canned green beans, canned soup, Durkee's onions on top. My mom was trying to raise us to look down on that stuff, instead it turned it into this rare delicacy. My first Thanksgiving with my husband, there was no casserole. And I was like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" He's making this really beautiful artisanal stuff and I'm like, "Can we please have green bean casserole?"


在感恩节,通常只是我的丈夫凯,我的孩子和我丈夫的父母。我们有很多古老的东西 - 塔布列特斯和菜肴。一切都是不匹配的。我是一个工作狂,我倾向于获得有趣的事物,但从不使用它们。因此,让我们拖出桌布,让我们把南瓜形的图伦拿出来。凯是一位艺术家,他使一切看起来都很漂亮,他无能为力。但这非常非常小。我们无法维持那么多菜。除了土耳其,馅料,土豆泥,然后通常是一种绿色蔬菜和绿豆砂锅,还足够了。这太多了。 If his mom brings more than a couple pies, we can't even eat half a pie sometimes.

我想我已经将绿豆砂锅塞进了我的两三本书中。里面有很多食物亚搏电竞Carry On并在Any Way the Wind Blows, the final book in the Simon Snow trilogy. All of my contemporary books take place over the winter—附件,埃莉诺和公园, 和固定电话is practically a Christmas book and I felt we should just put a Christmas cover on that one. I have holiday meals in all of those books. I imagined we would get to meet [粉丝levi的大家庭,会有太多的砂锅菜。他们可能来自福音派教会,因为我觉得他的姐姐是教堂。

My perfect plate would have turkey. It's so much my favorite meal that my husband makes it several times throughout the year—a couple of times since the pandemic started. There would be mashed potatoes, gravy. I really love Pepperidge farm stuffing. Kai makes fancier stuffing and it's very good, but I do like Pepperidge Farm in the bird—especially the crunchy part from the outside. I love creamy casserole. I love squash casserole. I love a cheeseball. My mom makes one that's so good with cream cheese, Worcestershire sauce, and a very specific dried corned beef you can hardly find any more. It comes in like the little plastic packages in the refrigerator section—Carl Buddig. What I haven't had for years and should maybe make this year is pretzels and cream cheese in cherry Jell-O—a pretzel salad. I am not into anything fruit. I don't want a fruit pie ever. I never eat dessert on Thanksgiving, but it's important to my kids that there is pumpkin pie for sure.

I have this almost爱丽丝漫游仙境餐桌的想法。您走进来,有10个兄弟姐妹和他们所有的配偶,以及他们所有的孩子,以及几只狗。我想有一个餐具柜。有一个奶酪板,一个熟食盘,拼盘和牙签上的小东西。我认为这就是为什么我喜欢在Twitter上看到它,因为我想:“哦,这就是我想要的:我想要五个不同的奶酪球和六个不同的馅饼。”这个Charlie And The Chocolate Factory感恩节的愿景。在我的下一本书中,我沉迷于所有的幻想,在一个场景中,它是一张桌子,上面堆满了您可以想到的一切 - 因为我不会在现实生活中实现这一目标。我不是那样的家庭,您必须有一大批人。您现在无法做到这一点。但是我可以想象。