The bestselling author of The Wedding Date series has an enthusiasm for baking desserts that may exceed her family's capacity for eating them, but that's not going to stop her—not even this year.
Jasmine Guillory玉米面包敷料

假期今年将是不同的。我们的系列,"The One Dish,"collects stories about what we're doing for Thanksgiving that will make us feel right at home.


她会订购我们,确保我们这样做的方式。大约10年前,在她80岁生日之后,我们开始做几乎所有事情,因为她只是无法忍受或砍掉这一点。她会坐在那里和批评。当我们烹饪时,她通常不会看一整个时间,但她会徘徊在厨房里。我的祖母是一个非常有序的人和一个非常有序的厨师,这不是我或我的妈妈。她会在混乱中看到我们 - 这是我们烹饪的方式 - 而且吓坏了,告诉我们我们做错了。我们就像,“好的,奶奶,”然后把她送回去看足球。她是一个大的40人粉丝,但她也喜欢某些球员,她也喜欢圣徒,因为她出生在新奥尔良。

She would always critique our cooking as we cooked, but by the time it got on the table, she never said anything bad about the food. She would say this at every Thanksgiving, "Thank goodness, we're all here together," and she would just eat whatever was on the table. I was much more self-critical of the food than she ever was.

There are certain times, especially as a kid, where you think, "Everybody has this on their plate, don't they?" It's only when you realize, "No, everybody doesn't have this," that you start appreciating a dish, thinking, "This dressing is special, I'm going to have a whole mountain of it." I have no idea where this cornbread dressing recipe came from. I should ask my mom if she knows. My grandmother had that perfect calligraphy kind of handwriting, and so the recipe we have is written out in her handwriting. I'm sure it was from an old magazine at some point, but she did also change stuff to it because the sausages that she always got for it—I just always assumed they were andouille sausage, but they weren't. They were sausages that she bought at this specific butcher, that she would always go to at Thanksgiving.


My grandmother would always have potato salad for all big holiday meals. One time, I think it was last Christmas, we were like, "We don't need the potato salad," and we didn't have it. Then we were like, "You know what we actually needed though, was potato salad." My mom makes a better version of it than my grandmother did, so I was glad when we did it again—but I still wanted my grandmother's because it has everything. At those big holiday meals, everything is kind of hot and mushy, and so the potato salad has that crunch and it's cooler and it's a little more acidic. It's a good contrast to everything. It's not a salad, don't get me wrong. I'm not加州,但我试过,它就坐下s there, and here's what I will say: I love salads. I eat salad most days of the week. I actively enjoy eating it. I would never make one for Thanksgiving. It just does not go well.

I think of the appetizers as what my mom and I want to be snacking on while we're doing the bulk of the cooking. Usually for Thanksgiving, our dinner is usually scheduled around four o'clock, but everyone's always late. So we usually end up eating around five, but I don't eat lunch on Thanksgiving. I'll have breakfast and then the rest of the day is cooking, so the appetizers are something to have in your stomach while you're doing all the cooking. There's a handful that we have been making for years. Sometimes it's just chips and dip or more often veggies and dip.




There are these rolls that I started making a few years ago that my uncle's wife now demands every holiday.亚瑟王烘焙has been the guru of the pandemic and I loved them even before, but I love them even more now. It's a recipe from them, it's called golden buttery buns or something like that [ed:金色拉链黄油包子]。他们很棒。他们有很多黄油,然后当你把它们带出烤箱时,你立即用融化的黄油刷它们。他们有闪亮,金色和美丽,他们有土豆面粉,这是一种让他们如此完美的东西之一。每次我做到时,我都会加倍食谱。

我喜欢制作馅饼,但我的家人实际上并不像我喜欢制作馅饼一样。如果这取决于我,我会为每个假期做六个馅饼,但这是另一件事:我们在11月有很多家庭生日,所以我们的桌子上总是一个生日蛋糕,所以当生日蛋糕和生日蛋糕时然后馅饼,你必须把它拉回一点点。所以我通常制作两三个馅饼,有时南瓜和甘薯,有时是其中一个,苹果,它变化。我的妈妈和她的兄弟们有两天的生日,它有点取决于那个年度选择谁。如果是我的叔叔,那是巧克力蛋糕,如果是我的妈妈,那是巧克力糖霜的黄色蛋糕。两者都有巧克力霜冻。我是个好厨师。我是一个可怕的蛋糕装饰者。它只是糖霜涂抹在蛋糕周围。 My pies are usually not very pretty. I follow too many pie people on Instagram now so I'm self-conscious about my pies.

我是一个剩菜人。我最关心的是敷料,在过去的几年里,我一直在做一个令人愉快的事情,这只是泛滥的敷料铸铁锅'til it gets all crispy. It's fritters except I don't even do anything to it. I just add oil to the pan and slap dressing on top and smush it and then flip it over and it's amazing. Sometimes I'll add a fried egg, and then sometimes it's just the dressing. The rolls also are key for leftovers. They make a very good turkey dressing, cranberry sauce sandwich.
