信用:艾比·霍克(Abby Hocking)

也许你长大了切碎的鸡肝,或者你发现了它所有的restaurants turning it into a trend. Either way, it's time to add this traditional dish to your repertoire. And whether you're looking to learn how to make chopped chicken liver for the first time or looking for a new take, who better to ask than亚搏电竞食物和美酒亚搏电竞特别项目总监盖尔·西蒙斯(Gail Simmons)? The '顶级chef' judge features her mom's classic recipe inher cookbook, which came out October, and it's as timeless as it is accessible—perfect for Passover一周或一年中的任何时间。

摘录带回家:盖尔·西蒙斯(Gail Simmons)冒险饮食的最喜欢的食谱版权所有©2017经Grand Central Life&Style的许可转载。版权所有。

我不记得童年时代的一次凯利 - 绿色陶瓷菜,里面装满了妈妈切碎的肝脏,没有在我们的冰箱里占据常规地点。我和我的兄弟们只是将其作为我们生活中的不变,即使我们很少从中饮食。尽管要花几年的时间才能对标志性的犹太菜肴产生味道,但我妈妈准备好时从厨房发出的甜美,丰富的香气让我感到安慰马德拉或雪利酒。多年后,作为纽约的一条厨师,我很高兴看到随意的小酒馆菜单上的这道菜,有时与少许黄油或奶油(或两者都融合在一起),并打扮成慕斯(比典型的法国准备更多犹太人,尽管同样诱人)。当我给妈妈打电话给她的食谱时,她毫不犹豫地从头顶上嘎嘎作响。我添加了一点芥末和额外的新鲜草药,但否则将其保持原样。如此完美,几乎没有理由大惊小怪。

Renée’s Chopped Liver

  • 1个大鸡蛋
  • 1/2磅的葱
  • 1汤匙无盐黄油
  • Kosher salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 2汤匙schmaltz或1汤匙低芥酸菜籽油加1汤匙黄油
  • 2个大蒜丁香,切碎
  • 1 pound chicken livers, trimmed and rinsed
  • 1/2 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup sherry,port,白兰地或干红酒亚搏电竞
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
  • 1汤匙切碎的新鲜欧芹
  • 1/3杯切成薄片的Cornichon泡菜
  • Crusty bread, water crackers, ormatzo服务




4. Meanwhile, add the sherry to the skillet and simmer over medium heat, scraping up any brown bits, until reduced to about 1 tablespoon, 1 to 2 minutes. transfer to the food processor, scraping to get all the bits from the pan. add the hard-boiled egg, mustard, parsley, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Pulse until the mixture is mostly smooth, but still textured. Season to taste with salt and pepper then transfer to a bowl. Cover the surface of the liver with plastic wrap and refrigerate until chilled, at least 1 hour or up to 1 day.
