
啊,十月,一年中一切都在南瓜 -加香料,打扮是一个社会规范,吓childry是可以的。但是,如果您像我们一样 - 微型糖果棒是您万圣节迷恋的很大一部分(较小意味着我们可以吃更多的东西,对吧?) - 那么我们有一些重要的消息。如果您在万圣节前一天购买糖果,那么您就犯了一个严重的错误。


伊博塔’s data, which tracked 150,000 candy purchases the week before Halloween, found that Americans spent an average of $16.45 on Halloween candy a year, but that the price per unit of candy jumped up to its highest, at $2.75 per unit, the day before Halloween. Whereas four days before Halloween, the average unit price was $1.79 — coincidentally, also its lowest. Leave it to the candy-selling proverbial “they” to take advantage of our tendency to leave things like buying万圣节糖果直到最后一分钟。

因此,不要再为万圣节前一天的Duane Reade的糖果垃圾箱底部安顿下来,而是记住 - 不仅您的选择会更加有限,而且它们会更加昂贵。如果Candy无法帮助您在拖延时翻身新叶子,我们不知道会有什么。




So if you’re thinking of bringing kids trick-or-treating, you may want to follow Ibotta’s suggestion if you live in one of the stingier Halloween candy states: “Children in those states might need to double up on houses, or squeeze in one more neighborhood block to score a candy haul this Halloween.”