In uncertain times, pizza rustica brings joy to the table.
信用:布里奇特·哈利南(Bridget Hallinan)

As the world practices social distancing to prevent the spread of新冠病毒,假期看起来有些不同。人们主持了他们逾越节over Zoom, paring down their big feasts to feed three, two, or even one, and this Easter Sunday, my family will be in the same boat. We’re not all that religious, but复活节晚餐is a tradition we’ve always participated in, whether we’re hosting at ours or visiting in-laws. Piled around the table with relatives, my dad and I eat too many appetizers as my little cousins run around and play their secret games. Each time, we find new reasons to laugh.

It’s certainly going to be a lot quieter this year with our numbers down to just my mom, my dad, and me (four, if you count the dog). But I’m grateful that we have our health and can still prepare a celebratory meal. We’re swapping theclassic giant hamfor a much smaller pot roast using meat we have in the冰箱, and we'll skip our typical spread of appetizers and desserts. But even with the reduced menu, there’s one traditional Easter dish we knew we absolutely had to make—pizza rustica.

Not to be confused with pizza you'd get from a pizzeria, pizza rustica is actually a giant baked Italian pie with two layers of pastry dough, one on the bottom and another blanket of crust on top. In between is a mixture of eggs, cheese, and so. much. meat. There are plenty of variations out there; some just use salami, like this食谱we have on亚搏电竞食品和美酒亚搏电竞和其他人,像这样真正简单version, call for five (five!) different meats. In the dozen-plus years we’ve been making pizza rustica, we’ve always relied on the same vintage recipe from McCall’s Cooking School, which simply requires sweet Italian sausage and prosciutto.

该页面上有一些笔记,上面有一些笔记 - 我们使用橄榄油代替必要的沙拉油,将自制的糕点面团切换为预制,并添加萨拉米语,因为意大利肉派总是可以使用更多的是肉。(而且,是的,我们也跳过了装饰性的面团叶子。)即使有了捷径,从烤箱中出现的东西也是如此出色,一贯美味,我无法想象其他任何方法。


It’s quicker work, of course, if you’re able to divvy up the duties. One to cook the sausage, one to preside over the hard-boiled eggs, perhaps another to slice the prosciutto and salami. For the first few years, my mom made the pie on her own, and I remember watching her go through the motions before I, too, joined the assembly line. I’m so glad that I did—beyond wanting to help her out, it’s created a nice set of memories, and new ones to look forward to each year: the meditative chopping, the smell of the sausage cooking, the mini dance breaks. It’s a warm feeling, creating something together with someone you love.

信用:布里奇特·哈利南(Bridget Hallinan)

After the filling’s mixed together, all that’s left to do is assemble the pie and bake. A layer of pastry dough goes into the pie pan first, and then the meat and egg mixture. You’re probably wondering where those hard-boiled eggs come in—now’s the time. With a spoon, you create indentations into the filling and place a whole egg, shell removed, in each, forming a circle like the picture above. You’ll then swath them with a little more filling and the final layer of pastry dough, crimping the edges and sealing everything in kind of like a quiche sandwich. (At least, that’s how I think of it.) With a brush of egg yolk for color and a few slits cut for ventilation, the pie’s ready to bake.

35至40分钟后,出现了光荣的金披萨鲁斯蒂卡(Rustica)。一旦足够凉爽就可以切入它,有些食谱确实要求将其保暖,包括我们自己的食谱。但是我们喜欢在前一天准备它,然后吃冷的切片复活节早餐—something about letting the ingredients meld together in the fridge overnight really enhances the flavors. Savory sausage, prosciutto, and salami; brightness from the parsley; butteriness from the crust. One hearty slice will be definitely be enough to carry you well into the afternoon, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to have some leftovers as well. Those were often my favorite part—when I was younger, I’d take a wedge of pie and proudly tote it to school in Tupperware for lunch.

Middle school turned to high school, high school turned to college—my parents would graciously bring pre-made pie with them for Easter visits—and college turned to work, where yes, I’ve still packed leftover pie for lunch the past few years. It’s a tradition I look forward to as much asmaking cookies圣诞节和新鲜香蒜酱夏天。在这些不确定的时期,这是一个令人欣慰且熟悉的常规。当然,我不会打包剩菜去任何地方。但是我会和家人一起享受他们,为此,我非常感谢。