Lamb Shank Tamales

圣诞节Time Is Tamal Time

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在墨西哥长大,我从未吃过玉米粉在圣诞节。他们总是全年的享受。在我的家乡瓦拉尔塔(Puerto Vallarta),位于墨西哥的太平洋海岸上,我们会用玉米粉蛋油饼的巴bar塞(Tamales Barbones) - 塔马莱斯(Tamales)充满了整个,正面的虾,晶须等。嫩的Masa加强了由虾贝壳和碎虾碎的组合制成的多余股票。由此产生的塔玛尔(Tamal)包装与咸海风一样多。

This was just one of many varieties we consumed alongside other popular street foods like esquites, made from plump corn kernels, and icy, refreshingpaletas。就像墨西哥有许多地区一样,它也具有大量的塔玛式风格,形状,填充和包装纸各不相同。从Michoacán中取出Corundas,它使用玉米茎的新鲜叶子,而不是干玉米壳,或者是该地区的Tamales Canarios,这是一种甜美的品种,将Masa换成米粉。您可以一生都在吃玉米粉蒸肉,并且仍然有更多的样式可以遇到。

使新鲜的自制的玛莎玉米饼或tamales, you must first prepare nixtamal—dried corn soaked in an alkaline solution. Though this process of nixtamalization may sound intimidating, it's quite simple and requires only two key ingredients: dried dent corn and pickling lime, or cal, both of which are available at Latin markets and online (scroll down for more info on sourcing). First-time masa makers should look for yellow dent corn, which has a high content of soft starch that will produce soft, pliable dough that is easy to work. (We like the Great River Organic Milling brand, available

获取食谱:家made Fresh Masa

学分:Dylan + Jeni
Masa Preparada for Tamales

Briseño González often uses duck fat for her masa preparada for tamales but switches to shortening for vegetarian guests. Whether you grind your own homemade fresh masa or you pick some up at a local Latin market, it's the secret to perfect tamales. A dough made from masa harina can be used if fresh masa is unavailable, but it will lack the sweet corn aroma and fluffy texture of fresh masa.

学分:Dylan + Jeni
Paola Briseño González
学分:Dylan + Jeni



学分:Dylan + Jeni

Over the years I've learned that there are two keys to making a great tamal, no matter what style you decide to whip up. To start, fresh masa, made with just corn and a trace of lime, is ideal for texture and flavor. At the grocery store, look for the bag of fresh "masa quebrada" or just straight-up standard "masa para tortillas." Second, you want full-flavored fillings—don't hold back!

Roasting oyster mushrooms concentrates their flavor for a hearty vegetarian tamal filling. Paired with velvety, intensely aromatic peanut mole, or mole encacahuatado, these tamales will satisfy everyone at your table.

每只两咬蛋形的玉米蛋白摇篮都用辣椒,大蒜和干虾调味。布里塞尼奥·冈萨雷斯(BriseñoGonzálezGuava Ponche with Sweet Vermouthand making main-course tamales with friends.

学分:Dylan + Jeni

其余的取决于你。如果您喜欢玉米粉蛋糕状的蛋糕状和蓬松,请将它们包裹在玉米壳中。如果您更喜欢玉米粉蛋油蛋奶蛋ust,又要浓密,请改用香蕉叶。如果您也想让自己的塔玛尔(Tamal)也吃包装纸,请拿起一些嫩的羽衣甘蓝或瑞士甜菜叶子包裹。为了吃肉类但素食的馅料,您需要牡蛎蘑菇和成分来制作咸味mole鼠,或花生痣。对于一个丰盛的选择,做一个lamb shank guisado烟熏莫里塔莎莎(Morita Salsa)包裹在香蕉叶中。而且,如果您有爱吃甜食,为什么不塞满玉米粉椰子米饭布丁呢?只需确保用足够的零食和饮料武装朋友 - 例如番石榴包装的庞施boozed up with vermouth and Fernet—along the way.

Soon, tamales may be a Christmastime tradition for you, too. Just let the masa guide you.

Lightly sweetened coconut rice pudding provides a custardy contrast to the tender masa in these dreamy dessert tamales. Drizzled with sweet and buttery goat's milk caramel, they also make a festive holiday breakfast.

学分:Dylan + Jeni

Ponche Navideño is a Christmastime spiced tropical fruit punch that's served warm with a shot of tequila in Mexico. Paola Briseño González's chilled riff on this holiday classic pays homage to her love of vermouth. Light and fragrant with perfectly balanced bitterness, it's refreshing and bright thanks to hibiscus, guava, apples, and mint.

学分:Dylan + Jeni


Yellow Dent Corn

对于首次MASA制造商,黄色凹痕玉米中的柔软淀粉的高含量将产生柔软的面团,无论是在莫利诺还是食物加工机中,都可以易于使用。亚搏电竞Dent Corn通常以每个内核的凹痕命名,通常是由英镑在拉丁市场上出售的,或者可以从Great River Organic Milling订购。(35美元,买来一袋25磅

Heirloom Maize

For cooks well-versed in making masa, try heirloom varieties of Mexican corn, which typically have a lower soft-starch content than dent corn and need to be ground in a stone molino.


Pickling lime, or "cal" as it is referred to in Spanish, creates an alkaline cooking solution for turning corn into nixtamal. Cal breaks down the outer hull of the corn and softens the starch within, making it more nutritious and easier to grind and form into a dough.(拉丁市场的$ 2)

Masa Harina

When fresh masa isn't an option, make a quick dough using masa harina. Try the one from Masienda(7美元,, made from single-origin heirloom corn sourced from Oaxaca, or Gold Mine's Organic Yellow Masa Harina(from $10,。They're convenient-yet-flavorful alternatives to fresh masa.

Shipping Tamales


Mail-Order Tamales

Would you just like to have tamales arrive at your door? Restaurant Editor Khushbu Shah likes to order from Tucson Tamale, where each tamal is rolled by hand and fillings include meat, vegetarian, and vegan options.(From $7,