Family meal isn’t dead; long live family meal!
信用:jacek kadaj / getty图像

The restaurant business has never been more challenging. For ourF&W ProGuide to Reopening Restaurants,我们一直在收集酒店业领导者的智慧和最佳实践,以帮助您浏览这个前所未有的时期。

作为全国各地的餐馆欢迎客人回来几个月后进入他们的露台,后院和饭厅COVID-19相关封闭, it’s clear that chefs are taking hygiene precautions seriously. While gloves, masks, and temperature checks are absolutely critical for safely reopening dining rooms, we asked hospitality pros to share some of the measures they’ve taken to care for their staff’s emotional and mental health.


自从在拉斯维加斯重新开放蜂蜜盐以来,厨师伊丽莎白·布劳(Elizabeth Blau)通过用泰迪熊(Teddy Bears)填充空座位来帮助保持社交疏远(一种使精神高涨和微笑的方法)保持着士气的士气,同时也为员工提供了增强的灵活性,并离开了病人,请离开病人,离开病人,离开病人。政策。


Dance parties abound

While the restaurant was closed, chef Kelly Fields of Willa Jean changed the entire point-of-service system. Previously in the kitchen, they worked on verbal tickets. Now the tickets are distributed through the POS system. Since the team doesn’t necessarily need to reply to verbal orders, they have been able to play music in the kitchen during their reopening, leading to many dance parties.


旧金山ROOH的行政总厨Sujan Sarkar和Rooh Palo Alto说,他的团队仍在做家庭用餐,略有不同。其中一位厨师负责烹饪饭菜,并将其分成各个工作人员。他们没有坐在一起,而是在吃饭时坐了至少六英尺。不在任何给定夜晚工作的工作人员也可以自己收拾食物。亚搏电竞


At Easy Bistro & Bar and Main Street Meets in Chattanooga, Tennessee, chef Erik Niel says: “The best thing I’ve come up with is to empower my employees to take care of themselves, even if it runs contrary to our basic principles of hospitality. We’ve had a few instances of people coming into the restaurant (customers, an electrician, etc.) that are obviously sick—coughing, sputtering, and struggling through being there. I’ve talked with and empowered our managers to take notice and ask that these guests leave quickly. It’s so counter to how we have operated in the past, but our team gets it. They are happy to have the ability to protect themselves, and the team, by asking sick people to please leave.”


在丹佛,Frasca酒店集团进行的a staff survey about diversity & inclusion efforts. As a result, FHG is in the process of creating an Employee Resource Council that will allow for a space for knowledgeable and passionate individuals to have a say in decision making, and the ability to help create a better employee environment. This is about opening up decisions (donation, community outreach, volunteer activities etc.) to a larger group of people and being able to leverage the brand toward movements and causes that are important to their employees.

就隔离前后的员工健康而言,FHG在#TOOFIT2Quit活动中的不同时间鼓励团队成员,包括举办Zoom Yoga课程,在公园内社交遥远的跑步,推高挑战等等。最后,比萨店Locale Boulder在轮班结束时为所有团队成员提供半比萨饼和沙拉。


田纳西州沃兰德市Blackberry Farm&Mountain的团队委托了一家当地的东田纳西州西装制造商,为所有员工制作面具,这些员工免费为员工提供。