
Cranberries are for more than the Thanksgiving side dish that nobody really likes—make these sour berries an exciting ingredient by adding them to seasonal sangria, fruity vinaigrette and homemade biscotti. Because they're so bitter, the majority of cranberries grown are processed to make juice and sauce. Step away from the canned food aisle at the grocery store and tackle a recipe with fresh cranberries, like this tangy take onFrench toastor this sweet andspicy pork chop dinner. Dried cranberries are also a great way to add color and sweetness to salads, cookies and veggie side dishes like sautéed spinach and Brussels sprouts. F&W's guide to cranberries has dozens of recipes for every meal.

Most Recent

Roasted Cranberry-Grape Sauce
Rating: Unrated 1
In this clever and tasty riff on traditional cranberry sauce,Food & Wine’s Laura Rege tosses cranberries with juicy red grapes before roasting in the oven.Slideshow: More Cranberry Recipes
Cranberry Relish
Rating: Unrated 6
This super-simple, uncooked cranberry-orange relish is a perfect for making ahead. Serve it alongside your favoriteThanksgiving turkeyandstuffingfor a classic Thanksgiving spread.Related:Ultimate Thanksgiving Guide
Molded Cranberry Sauce
Star chef Tyler Florence makes his not-too-sweet molded cranberry sauce with chunks of pineapple.Slideshow: Thanksgiving Turkey Recipes
Sweet and Savory Cranberry Conserva
Rating: Unrated 1
This simple cranberry sauce is sweet-tart and completely addictive, thanks to the tangy rice vinegar and brown sugar.Slideshow: More Cranberry Recipes
28 Sweet-Tart Cranberry Recipes
From roasted cranberry-grape sauce to biscotti to scones, a collection of cranberry recipes that are perfect for the holidays.

More Cranberry

Turkey Sandwiches with Cranberry-Apricot Relish
This tangy, sweet cranberry sauce can accompany roast pork, chicken or turkey served on their own or as sandwiches.Slideshow: More Sandwich Recipes Plus: Ultimate Thanksgiving Guide