The gazoz at Tel Aviv's Cafe Levinsky 41 is a beloved alcohol-free beverage infused with shrubs, fermented fruits, spices, herbs, and a variety of flowers.
学分:摘自Benny Briga和Adeena Sussman(工匠书籍)的Gazoz。Copyright © 2021. Photographs by Dan Perez. (2)

特拉维夫的Cafe Levinsky 41可能是地球上最小的生意,有史以来发行一本食谱书。由当地有远见的本尼·布里加(Benny Briga)经营的咖啡馆仅在城市的佛罗伦萨附近占地20平方英尺,是Gazoz: The Art of Making Magical, Seasonal Sparkling Drinks(Artisan), a new book dedicated to the bubbly, beautiful drink Briga has been making in the city for nine years. But while the café has a miniature, blink-and-you-miss-it storefront, there's a lot going on behind the scenes. The book, co-authored with Israeli-American culinary wizardAdeena Sussman, 的萨巴巴名望,解锁饮料的秘密和复杂性。

If you haven't heard of gazoz, you're not alone. Not to be confused with the bottled Turkish carbonated lemonade under the same name, Briga's gazoz is an alcohol-free cocktail of sorts. Based on sparkling water, infused with homemade shrubs and syrups, fermented fruits, spices, herbs, and a variety of flowers, it's as refreshing as it is visually stunning, thanks to a play of textures and colors.


"This idea was concocted by the universe," says Briga in a phone conversation from Tel Aviv, explaining the book's inception. A chance visit at the tiny café by a publisher led to a conversation about the book project. Sussman, who has been a friend for years, joined soon after. The pandemic had postponed production, but the timing didGazoza favor; it comes out on the heels of Julia Baingbridge's好饮料,at a time when interest in alcohol-free drinks that pamper and delight is at an all-time high.

作者本尼·布里加(Benny Briga
学分:摘自Benny Briga和Adeena Sussman(工匠书籍)的Gazoz。版权所有©2021。丹·佩雷斯(Dan Perez)的照片。


在特拉维夫之外,Gazoz正在慢慢振作起来。在迈阿密时尚的温伍德社区,新的健康食品餐厅亚搏电竞g.l.o.w正在用水果和草药苏打制成的Gazoz。在夏威夷的瓦胡岛喝瓜兹,,,,a catering and party service focused on the fizzy drink and owned by Israeli Daniel Shemesh, has recently collaborated with local Kona Brewing Co. to create a unique summer seltzer.

在纽约Shukette,这家著名的Soho机构Shuka背后的一家新餐厅,其菜单的整个部分都专门用于Gazoz - 在这里,它的酒精仅略有味道,从柑橘到花朵的四个版本都可以增强,并以咸味为特色黄瓜亲切,玫瑰花瓣或柠檬油灌木。

“我们的版本是一款低水平的喷雾风格的饮料,由各种苦艾酒和开胃菜制成,注入了季节性水果和草药,上面撒上起泡酒和苏打水,并配有精美的水果,香草和野生花朵,并击中了所有的野生花朵和野生花。亚搏电竞感官。”拥有两个机构的Bowery Group饮料总监Tim Harris说。哈里斯说,该小组的本节灵感来自特拉维维的手工苏打水文化。他补充说:“这些饮料在人们穿过饭厅时肯定会引起人们的注意。”“它们在视觉上令人惊叹,就像玻璃上的花园一样。”

同时,在以色列,布里加(Briga)努力工作倾向于超过400磅的峰值杏子和桃子,在他的发酵工作室中将其变成潮湿成分。他说:“我们正在2023年春季工作。”同时,打开纽约市相当于Cafe 41的梦想正在酿造。但是,即使没有如此严格的计划,布里加(Briga)也认为,在没有专业调酒师的帮助下,可以在家中取得惊人的醒目结果:“我认为读者会因为他们可以使自己成为美丽,酒精 -他说:“免费的精美饮料可以在需要时加峰。”