


Spiralizing很简单。你可以使用蔬菜削皮器、锋利的刀或螺旋器(一种鞋盒大小的小工具,可以像手摇曼陀林一样将农产品推过一组刀片)将新鲜的水果和蔬菜变成螺旋、鞋带、丝带或面条。这一趋势在家庭烹饪中流行起来是有原因的。螺旋式蔬菜使我们的西葫芦沙拉与帕尔马干酪和开心果有趣的质地。卷曲的生胡萝卜、红辣椒或卷心菜是亚洲和南方沙拉的最佳选择。这也可以节省时间;螺旋根类蔬菜,如甜菜或冬南瓜,在烤箱中煮不到15分钟。你的冰箱里是否有一块单独的农产品?你在找一个简单的晚餐吗?拔出螺旋器;它把一种蔬菜旋转成一堆面条。 Those noodles are what put spiralizing on the map and, while we would never give up real pasta, it’s fun to experiment with lighter vegetable noodles. Zucchini spirals into a particularly toothsome yet pliant noodle (or “zoodle”). Try pairing them with bold sauces like Grace Parisi’s velvety butter, lemon thyme, tarragon and Parmesan sauce or our chunky summer tomato marinara. Our spiralizer recipes aren’t just about sneaking more nutrients into your meal. We spiralize potatoes into long strands for our extra crispy latkes and grill skewers of summer squash ribbons with prosciutto. Scroll through the slideshow for a collection of easy, flavorful recipes that will put your Spiralizer to work, and totally justify the lost counter space.—Carrie Mullins