Served with pasta and creamy beurre blanc, lobster makes a glorious centerpiece.

When you’re entertaining for theholidays,你want a dish that’s impressive and pretty, but also able tofeed a crowd. Look no further than senior food editor Mary-Frances Heck’s pan-roasted lobster with chive beurre blanc, all served over a warm bed of pasta.

Thelobsteris roasted and then flambéed with bourbon; the beurre blanc is finished off with reserved lobster roe and chives for extra flavor. The end result? A decadent, celebratory meal that will probably end with everyone covered in butter — but that’s what makes it fun. Find out Mary-France’s key tips for making it below, and get the recipehere.

Save the roe, get rid of the liver

Mary-Frances takes the lobsters, which have been “totally dispatched,” and removes the dark green roe from the undersides so she can save them for the sauce. You’ll notice the light green tomalley, too, which is the liver — you don’t want to eat that, so discard it.

Prepare the lobsters


Make the beurre blanc

In a sauce pan, Mary-Frances melts a few tablespoons of butter and then adds shallots, making the classic beginning of abeurre blanc. She then adds Muscadet, a crispFrench white wine, and reduces it until the shallots are just beginning to poke out above the level of the liquid. At that point, she puts the pan over low heat and starts adding in cold cubed butter bit by bit, whisking until the sauce is smooth and creamy. Once it’s emulsified, she squeezes in fresh lemon juice and finishes it off with a teaspoon of salt.

Roast the lobsters…

Mary-Frances roasts the lobsters in a 450 degree oven for five minutes. Then, she removes them, flips them over, and returns to the oven for another 3-5 minutes. You want the lobster shells to be bright red and the meat to be opaque and plump.

…and then flambé them

When the lobsters are out of the oven, she finishes them off with a drizzle ofbourbon, and then lights them on fire with a lighter. While this would typically happen in a skillet if you were making one lobster, she explains, this adaptation allows you to do a few at once.

Finish off the sauce

龙虾被抛光后,玛丽·弗朗西斯(Mary-Frances)将它们放在煮熟的意大利面上,然后将滴落倒入锅中。然后,她也将预留的ROE添加到锅中,后者立即开始变成粉红色。她建议用勺子将它们移动,直到几乎完全煮熟为止,然后是时候添加Beurre Blanc并关闭热量了。玛丽·弗朗西斯(Mary-Frances)快速搅拌均匀,并添加了一些细香葱,然后酱汁准备就绪。

Plate and eat

Once the sauce is poured over the lobster and pasta, all that's left to do is enjoy—make sure everyone gets a tail and claw on their plates. (A lobster cracker would be handy for the knuckles.) As for the wine pairing? A racy, citrusy Albariño would go beautifully with the dish.