
随着假期流逝,现在是时候show off all the new skills you learned while binging theGreat British Bake-Off。糖饼干始终是赢家,但是借助糕点专业人士的这些简单提示,您将立即完善您的馅饼和帕夫洛瓦。最好的部分?一些最decade废的甜点很简单,可以提前烘烤,让您有更多时间在假期的晚会上进行社交活动。而且,如果您碰巧额外批量,您的糕点酱很容易成为礼物送给客人的礼物。

图片来源:克里斯托弗·托斯塔尼(Christopher Testani)


“在一道漂亮的玻璃盘中,小琐事是一种示威者。只需要一些商店购买的女士手指(或自制的手指)sponge cake),,,,whipped cream,还有一些不错的水果撒上糖和香草。” -Gabriel Kreuther,厨师的Gabriel Kreuther餐厅在纽约and culinary director ofBaccarat Hotel New York


“One of my favorite holiday cookies is a jammy thumbprint. This versatile and easy-to-make dough is great to have on hand throughout the holiday season. Use it to makeclassic thumbprints充满果酱,奶油或巧克力,或用糖粉卷成雪球。” -鲍比·劳埃德(Bobbie Lloyd),首席烘焙官木兰面包店


“My favorite holiday dessert for Hanukkah is sfenj. It's an incredibly delicious doughnut fried in oil and then dipped in sugar. At my restaurants, we are using our focaccia dough to make it. It's vegan and kosher, so everyone can enjoy it." —Eyal Shani,以色列厨师和Miznon餐厅连锁店的所有者

“For光明节,,,,it's sufganiyot(甜甜圈)一路!这些小果冻甜甜圈很容易制作,您可以使用已经制作的相同的油炸油和锅latkesin。您可以与他们一起玩乐,并自定义填充品味。关键是耐心 - 采取适当的面团,让面团足够升起,并让油达到适当的煎炸温度。” -雷切尔·金,,,,founder and chief development officer ofKaneh Co.


信用:约翰·克尼克(John Kernick)

“I'm not usually a sweets person, but brittle is it for me. What I love about brittle is that it's essentially five ingredients and requires very little to no cook and prep time. It's perfect for holiday gifts, and so versatile and easy to make with whatever you add. I do a toasted sesame and gochugaru brittle that's a little savory and spicy or a good, old-fashioned buttery peanut brittle that's equally as satisfying." —LaMara Davidson,,,,chef and founder ofCornbread & Kimchi



“Chocolate babka has to be one of my favorite holiday sweets by far. I make mine with lots of cinnamon and nutmeg in the layers, and it goes perfectly with a尖刺的热巧克力。It's warming, comforting, and perfect for leaving out on the table on Christmas Day for everyone to snack on." —Nathan Hood,,,,executive chef of邮政厅in Charleston



“整个pieis a thing of beauty—until you have to navigate transporting it or slicing and serving. My move is to flip the script and make individual手派。以克里斯科为基础,片状的外壳很快就会融合在一起,并包裹着您或您的sous厨师可能梦dream以求的任何出色的风味故事,并烘烤这些可爱的,单独的甜点作品。”-Christina Tosi,,,,two-time James Beard Award-winning chef and owner ofMilk Bar

“当你说假日甜点是馅饼时,我想到的第一件事是任何伟大馅饼的关键,我总是惊讶于人们的亲密感。我喜欢做一个简单的泡芙糕点- 启发的外壳,过程中最重要的部分是保持黄油冷。将黄油拔出,将其切成块,然后将其放入冰箱中冷却。只有在末端加入面团以混合,然后将其再次放回冰箱中。只要您不融化黄油,然后将其放入烤箱中,最终就会得到轻盈,通风,美味的馅饼皮,以陪伴任何甜食的欲望。。”-阿尔贝托·埃尔南德斯(Alberto Hernandez),糕点厨师的弗拉斯卡食品和亚搏电竞葡萄酒亚搏电竞在博尔德

F&W食谱:Caramel Pecan Hand Pies


“通风的pâtumchoux(choux糕点)被烘烤并充满糕点奶油,然后,焦糖用作砂浆,您的塔很快就会成形。所产生的奶油泡芙塔会令人愉悦,作为您的假日桌子令人着迷可口的核心。”-Michael Lomonaco,厨师兼所有者波特之家and哈德森院子烧烤在纽约

“每个人都喜欢奶油泡芙,所以这非常适合发表陈述 - 从塔上拔出泡泡!准备好一个带有冰浴的大碗,所以当您的焦糖达到所需的颜色时,您可以快速扣下底部锅中的锅以停止烹饪。这将确保所有泡泡上的焦糖都是相同的颜色。”-克拉丽丝·林(Clarice Lam),pastry chef ofKimika在纽约

图片来源:克里斯托弗·托斯塔尼(Christopher Testani)

Pumpkin Cheesecake

南瓜起司蛋糕是一个非常完美的假期甜点。它将两种传统甜点(南瓜派和芝士蛋糕)结合在一起,成为一道令人难以置信的菜。我的诀窍是使用纯佛蒙特州枫糖浆和杏仁粉,而不是普通面粉来富集风味。”-Maria Simic,糕点厨师的Cibo e Vino在纽约

F&W食谱:Pumpkin Cheesecake with Pecan Praline Topping


“It is the dessert expected at a French table on Christmas Eve. I have the best memory of making our very own with my father and sister one year. We went scavenging around Paris to find professional tools to make fancy details and decorations for a cake we devoured in a tenth of the time it took us to make! Over the past few decades, there have been much more elaborate versions of bûche de Noël at patisseries during the holidays, but the original is surprisingly simple. It consists of a sheet of sponge cake slathered in cream and rolled to look like a wooden log. It can be covered in extra cream and dressed up with sparkles and mushroom-shaped meringues fitting for the festive occasion." —Apollonia Poilâne,首席执行官Poilâne Bakeryand author ofPoilâne:举世闻名的面包面包店的秘密

F&W食谱:Cherry-and-Chocolate Bûche de Noël

Rice Pudding

“我一直迷恋米饭自从我第一次在巴黎的L'Ami Jean创建版本以来,从那以后,我就对该主题进行了差异。慢煮的奶油米饭,Dulce de Leche将其送入的碗排队,如果有的话,可以在圆点或新鲜的季节性水果中以及您最喜欢的蜜饯钻孔。我们将卡罗来纳州的金米和蜜饯山核桃用于我们的山核桃,因为佐治亚州和低名散装。” -罗伯特·牛顿,,,,executive chef ofFleetingin Savannah

F&W食谱:Almond Rice Pudding with Sweet Cherry Sauce and Caramel Cream

信用:Ditte Isager

Sticky Toffee Pudding

“For me,sticky toffee pudding是一年中的这个时候的主食。完美的人需要轻盈蓬松,同时也富有和decade废。我们在中间用杏子和姜汁果酱为我们的食物提供服务,当然,还有一个小太妃糖酱的帮助,以及一勺clementine冰淇淋,将所有东西融合在一起。”Niamh Larkin,执行糕点厨师的45公园巷在伦敦

“Sticky toffee pudding is one of my favorite desserts to make (and eat) around the holidays. It is comforting, rich, indulgent, and a true showstopper on the table at any holiday gathering. My biggest tip: Use Billington's muscovado light and dark sugar for a super luxurious toffee sauce and toffee pudding." —卡拉·亨里克斯(Carla Henriques),执行糕点厨师的Hawksmoor在纽约

F&W食谱:Sticky Toffee Pudding

Chocolate Pecan Pie

“In our family, we do chocolate pecan pie. It's a combo of chocolate andpecan pie,我们只吃一年的这个时候。只要您使用真正好的巧克力,并在山核桃上加一点盐和很多黄油,就可以使用商店购买的馅饼外壳-Josh Elliott,,,,executive chef ofOrno在迈阿密论文酒店

“一旦您掌握了基本饼面团,开始玩味道。我完全支持adding sharp cheddar cheese for an apple or pear pie or ground toasted nuts for pecan pie. Let's go one step further with a pinch of cayenne in the crust of a chocolate cream pie, lemon zest for a wild blueberry pie, or a sprinkling of thyme for a peach pie. Why should the pie filling have all the fun flavors?" —Zac Young,,,,pastry chef and founder ofSprinkletown

F&W食谱:Chocolate Pecan Pie with Bourbon

Torró (Nougat)

我的根源是加泰罗尼亚人,所以我最喜欢的甜点是托罗 - 在每个加泰罗尼亚的圣诞节中都必须一个!Torró在这里被称为Nougat,在Catalunya被带到一个新的水平。显然有一些非常传统的牛轧糖,这近在咫尺。但是它之所以成为我的最爱是因为质地和风味的多样性,从蛋黄到基于巧克力的范围。Ursula XVII,巧克力和创始人Disset Chocolate


Hot Chocolate

“没有什么比一杯更令人安慰的了hot chocolate假期。对我们来说,这一切都是从富人开始的巧克力ganachethat creates a silky, smooth cup of cocoa. You can then customize the hot chocolate to make it yours. Here at the bakery, we serve our Blossoming Hot Chocolate, which comes with a marshmallow flower that blooms when it's placed into the cup. At home, try adding a dash of vanilla or infusing the milk with spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, or topping with a flavored whipped cream like brown sugar or lavender Chantilly." —Dominique Ansel,,,,James Beard Award-winning pastry chef and owner of多米尼克·安塞尔面包店和研讨会在纽约and soon-to-debut Dominique Ansel Las Vegas at Caesars Palace

F&W食谱:Double-Chocolate Hot Chocolate

信用:©Ditte Isager


“有了面包布丁,您可以用餐,如水果,坚果和香料,然后将其添加到甜点中。我最喜欢的口味组合是巧克力片和香蕉,我将其与焦糖冰淇淋一起食用。”-Claudia Martinez,糕点厨师在米勒联盟in Atlanta



“这sugar cookieis so versatile and arguably one of the easiest holiday cookies to make. Mixing the dough is pretty simple, but finding the right thickness and not using too much flour on your countertop is a little more challenging. Keeping your dough chilled before rolling out always goes a long way—and so does flouring your cutter. I enjoy a bit of chew to my cookie, so I always recommend baking until a little brown shows on the edge, which gives enough structure so the cookie will stay together but still have both crispy and chewy bites. They can be topped with colored蛋白糖霜(我个人的最爱),奶油甚至糖果!” -Justin Gaspar,负责人Hommage Bakehouse在圣地亚哥

“When you're making cookies for the holidays, keep these three tips in mind: Once the ingredients come together in the dough, stop mixing the dough and put in it in the fridge until it's cold. The dough should be cold throughout the entire process of rolling out and cutting. Lightly flour the surface you'll be rolling the dough on to prevent it from sticking to the surface, but don't add too much flour or it will make the dough dry. After you cut the dough into festive shapes, place it back in the fridge for an extra 15 minutes before baking. The cold temperature will keep the cookies in perfect shape while baking." —劳拉·沃伦(Laura Warren),执行糕点厨师的Puffer Malarkey集体((Animae,,,,草药和木材,,,,andHerb & Sea

F&W食谱:Roll-and-Cut Sugar Cookies

Crème Brûlée

“One of my favorite desserts to master for any holiday is a crème brûlée. It's so simple to make and can be prepped ahead, and nothing beats the crispy, sugary crust on top. I love the enhancement a little bit of Great Jones Bourbon adds to the dish. One thing I always try to remember is that it's best to let the custard set overnight."-亚当·拉克辛(Adam Raksin),厨师的网格在纽约

F&W食谱:Chestnut Crème Brûlée

Credit: Greg DuPree


“Pavlova is perfect for the holidays as it can be made and stored ahead of time. The dessert is extremely versatile and can easily be adapted to fit every season, with fresh berries in summer, macerated figs in fall, and preserves in the winter." —约翰·弗雷泽(John Fraser),厨师的热情at The West Hollywood EDITION

“虽然其他假期甜点可能很重且茂密,但帕夫洛娃(Pavlova)独自一人站起来,是一种更轻,更明亮的替代品,同时仍然是decade废的。和柑橘的凝乳,为节日餐的结尾增添了亮度,而鲜奶油会与凝乳形成鲜明对比。但是真正的恒星是Pavlova的酥皮base, with its crisp, crunchy shell and soft, marshmallow cloud-like center. The meringue shell can be made a day or two in advance, allowing for an easier time entertaining. This dessert is also gluten-free, and can be made dairy-free, too." —本·尤斯科(Ben Yusko),糕点厨师的黑莓农场的谷仓在TN

F&W食谱:Cranberry and Orange Pavlovas

Apple Crumble

“当我被邀请吃晚饭时,我喜欢在假期中娱乐时带来崩溃,因为我可以通过轻松使其不含麸质(带有滚动燕麦和无麸质,无麸质,全能 -目的面粉)和素食主义者(通过将椰子油放入草食黄油中。在我烤碎之前的填充物。它可以与甜味与一些香料保持平衡,并让每个人都要求您的秘密成分!”-萨布丽娜·鲁丁,创始人春咖啡厅阿斯彭在纽约



“Apple tarte tatin is a great twist on a classic apple pie—just make sure you get yourself a nice pint of vanilla ice cream to go with it. Pro tip: Make sure you get good quality apples. The texture of the apples is key, so make sure you don't overcook or undercook them. Use a nonstick pan and slowly work your apples into the pan to make sure that as they cook, there is no space between them. Once they reach the texture and color you want, place the pan in an ice bath to prevent them from overcooking and to settle them in place. Once cool, you can cover with puff pastry and finish baking in the oven." —阿多尼·塔夫尔(Adonay Tafur),厨师的Osaka Miami

F&W食谱:Tarte Tatin配香草冰淇淋

Walnut Snowball Cookies

“我们喜欢在假期期间制作雪球饼干。它们不仅很美味,而且饼干也有美丽,冬天的外观,因为它们以其慷慨的糖粉涂料而恰当地命名和pecorino和山核桃的咸味版本。我们版本中的咸,浓郁的pecorino奶酪为与坚果,甜的山核桃完美搭配的饼干增添了丰富性。我们建议我们在烘烤之前将饼干面团放在冰箱中,然后再冷却饼干面团“在烤箱中过度扩张。这也使假期准备变得更加容易,因为您可以提前几天准备面团,然后在以后的时间烘烤。”-安吉·里托,厨师和米其林星的所有者Don Angie在纽约市和合着者Italian American

F&W食谱:Walnut Snowball Cookies